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List Your Desired Easy-Fix Features!


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Easy-Fix features make happy subscribers.



Duel Spec: It would take time to program this feature.

Easy-Fix: Bioware Removed the cost of respecing. Easy Fix! (Patch 1.5)


What Easy-Fix features can you think of?

All coms account wide.They had it in the Beta.Funny thing in PTS they had coms 1-1000.I hope they will implement it again.Also account wide storage for mats.

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All coms account wide.They had it in the Beta.Funny thing in PTS they had coms 1-1000.I hope they will implement it again.Also account wide storage for mats.


Even better was you could trade those coms on the next planet at a 3:1 ratio.

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Why o why was that ever removed. :(


Because thats what EA has done with this game. They have removed everything that was good about it to conform to ezmode standards. Remember when all gear was modable? Why remove it? Because people complained it too hard. What? Modding gear was too hard? They had the perfect system then ruined it. They then spent all that time to make it better. They spent more time to make it better. They spent more time to make it what it is now. All that wasted time when they should have just left it alone.


They removed the choice you had to kill your companions. Awesome thing they had going there. The one true thing in game that lived up to "choices matter". Why? Because people are dumb and they killed their companions thinking it was funny... then they couldnt live with the consequences. Duh "choices matter" = consequences. If it was so bad then put quests in to get more companions instead of just removing a good feature.

Edited by Soluss
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1: Legacy storage

2: Legacy credits

3: Legacy AH (char slots * 50 AH slots, we already have them anyway, stop relogging hell)

4: Legacy mail

5: General quick AH improvements: post xx items at certain price, preset price to list currently self-listed price

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Because thats what EA has done with this game. They have removed everything that was good about it to conform to ezmode standards. Remember when all gear was modable? Why remove it? Because people complained it too hard. What? Modding gear was too hard? They had the perfect system then ruined it. They then spent all that time to make it better. They spent more time to make it better. They spent more time to make it what it is now. All that wasted time when they should have just left it alone.


They removed the choice you had to kill your companions. Awesome thing they had going there. The one true thing in game that lived up to "choices matter". Why? Because people are dumb and they killed their companions thinking it was funny... then they couldnt live with the consequences. Duh "choices matter" = consequences. If it was so bad then put quests in to get more companions instead of just removing a good feature.


For the companion feature, they can have it that we kill the companion but go to a FP just for companions to get their clones from DNA samples. And the science can be that the clone remembers everything (such as abilities for lvl 50 or what ever lvl) from the time of the dna was taken without the affection bonus. So a person has to give the companions gifts all over again, and do the story line again but without exp.


They could have done something like that... because just being able to kill them and not get more companions is not something that is doable for MMOs. If it was a single player game, you save, then choose kill option, then can load back if you want.

Edited by VegaPhone
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Not sure how easy this would be but how about sending someone to fashion school. A lot of the armor designs I see in game are just horrible.


Those big tubes on BH armor look like handle bars. What kind of warrior would wear that?


The shoulder pads on several Trooper chest pieces look like handle bars. Again, what kind of warrior would wear that?


Lots of the Sith gear reminds me of the cardboard and kitchen utensil space suits made by six year old boys.

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1. Hire asian and russian video game developers/programmers.


2. Have people who are MMO veterans working on swtor and put those ideas to use.


3. Have people who want to make swtor great and not drive it to the ground. (where are the mini games?)

Edited by VegaPhone
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