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Anyway to upgrade my armor using 61s?


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This is my current gear, I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on upgrading my gear in terms of quality 61 (26) gear only.


Things I've heard:

1. Switch to all Power Augments

2. Drop crit until you're 23% w/ smuggler buff

3. Drop all accuracy except what's on your implant and 1 piece of gear.


Although I would like some math, sims, parses, etc for any suggestions, any are welcome :)

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I wouldn't really change your gear.

You need accuracy for merciless slash, you need crit for dots and power vs str augments doesn't really matter.


But I would change your spec a bit, I would drop jedi crusader and steadfast and pick insight instead.

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Let me preface this with: "It's your character build it how you want, but these are my suggestions."


I wouldn't really change your gear.

You need accuracy for merciless slash, you need crit for dots and power vs str augments doesn't really matter.


But I would change your spec a bit, I would drop jedi crusader and steadfast and pick insight instead.


Phoeniixx is right about your spec, jedi crusader does nothing for you in PvE (which judging by no points in Inflammation or Recompense I'm assuming you are). I would actually suggest putting the points in Master Focus versus Insight.




This is my current gear, I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on upgrading my gear in terms of quality 61 (26) gear only.


Things I've heard:

1. Switch to all Power Augments

2. Drop crit until you're 23% w/ smuggler buff

3. Drop all accuracy except what's on your implant and 1 piece of gear.


Although I would like some math, sims, parses, etc for any suggestions, any are welcome :)


I have some rough numbers to for 1 and 3, and as far as 2 goes, not sure what that's all about so I'm going to basically ignore it.


We'll start with 3 since that is easier. A large number of the attacks in your normal priority are melee damage and thus are not subjected to the 10% accuracy bonus that force attacks get (attacks and type listed below). Personally I run with 97% which is 1 piece of gear other than implants with accuracy rating. I don't have any justification for that though.


As for your point 1, there is something critical to consider in watchman spec: zen gives you auto crits. While zen is active, your crit rating is not benefiting you, so power is better in that situation. Now think about how long you spend in zen. Giving a rough estimate, I can stay in zen about 20% - 30% of the time. The reason strength has traditionally been considered stronger than power is because the mean damage from strength is higher. This includes calculating in the damage from the extra crit chance you get from strength. So while you are in zen, lose that benefit from the crit chance. So here are some numbers:


Pre Force Valor:

Bonus damage to Strength Ratio: ~.20

Bonus damage to Power Ratio: ~.23

Critical Chance bouns to Strength Ratio: ~.008 (from here)


Post Force Valor:

.20 * 1.05 = .21

.008 * 1.05 = .0084

Bonus damage to Strength Ratio: .21

Bonus damage to Power Ratio: .23



Damage bonus from Strength:

(.21) + ((.21) * (.0084) * (surge%) * (.7)) + ((.21) * (.3) * (surge%))

Damage bonus from Power:

(.23) + ((.23) * (.3) * (surge%))


Using 75% surge let me do those numbers for you all quick-like.

.21 + (.21 * .0084 * .75 * .7) + (.21 * .3 * .75) = 0.2581761

.23 + (.23 * .3 * .75) = 0.28175


Note: Force Might is neglected because it increases bonus damage and thus affects both, therefore can be ignored.


Those are rough numbers, but unless I missed something power is slightly better than strength. But I did take quite a few simplifications into account so be warned this is not 100% accurate.


Attack - Type

Merciless Strike - Melee

Force Leap - Melee

Overload Saber - Force

Slash - Melee

Force Sweep - Force

Master Strike - Melee

Blade Store - Force

Zealous Strike - Melee

Cauterize (dot) - Melee (force)

Cyclone Strike - Melee

Dispatch - Force


I'm currently in the same boat, I'm thinking of switching to power augments but haven't decided. Anyway, hope some of this was helpful. Again I must note that these are all rough numbers and it's your character build it how you want.

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As for your point 1, there is something critical to consider in watchman spec: zen gives you auto crits. While zen is active, your crit rating is not benefiting you, so power is better in that situation. Now think about how long you spend in zen. Giving a rough estimate, I can stay in zen about 20% - 30% of the time. The reason strength has traditionally been considered stronger than power is because the mean damage from strength is higher. This includes calculating in the damage from the extra crit chance you get from strength. So while you are in zen, lose that benefit from the crit chance.


Those are rough numbers, but unless I missed something power is slightly better than strength. But I did take quite a few simplifications into account so be warned this is not 100% accurate.


I can't say anything about your math, but your logic there isn't flawed. However, I personally prefer to augment for Strength and get all my power from gear, dropping crit where available. The reason being is that as far as I understand crit and power are roughly 1:1 in terms of DPS gains for both Watchmen and Combat spec. With Juyo giving 15% crit chance (talented) and if you pick up Insight that's 21% "Free" crit chance for your Burns (at that gear level fully buffed and stimmed you should have around 14% crit chance from Strength, putting you at ~45% force crit chance before you even hit Critical Rating). Couple that with maintaining Zen at a 20%-30% uptime like you said you can all but forgo enhancements and mods with Critical Rating and replace them with Power/Surge and Power/ Accuracy. I wouldn't advise it, but you can (I personally prefer to sit around 30% unbuffed crit as Watchmen spec).

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Let me preface this with: "It's your character build it how you want, but these are my suggestions."




Bonus damage to Power Ratio: .23



Damage bonus from Strength:

(.21) + ((.21) * (.0084) * (surge%) * (.7)) + ((.21) * (.3) * (surge%))

Damage bonus from Power:

(.23) + ((.23) * (.3) * (surge%))


Using 75% surge let me do those numbers for you all quick-like.

.21 + (.21 * .0084 * .75 * .7) + (.21 * .3 * .75) = 0.2581761

.23 + (.23 * .3 * .75) = 0.28175


Note: Force Might is neglected because it increases bonus damage and thus affects both, therefore can be ignored.


Those are rough numbers, but unless I missed something power is slightly better than strength. But I did take quite a few simplifications into account so be warned this is not 100% accurate.


Attack - Type

Merciless Strike - Melee

Force Leap - Melee

Overload Saber - Force

Slash - Melee

Force Sweep - Force

Master Strike - Melee

Blade Store - Force

Zealous Strike - Melee

Cauterize (dot) - Melee (force)

Cyclone Strike - Melee

Dispatch - Force


I'm currently in the same boat, I'm thinking of switching to power augments but haven't decided. Anyway, hope some of this was helpful. Again I must note that these are all rough numbers and it's your character build it how you want.

Sorry, that isn't my skill tree, that's just a result of me playing around in the calculator. lol.


Anyway, yeah, I knew about the reasoning you posted for 1 & 3, I was curious if anyone had any hard data about just how much possible changes would alter effective dps.


I was actually the most curious about number 2 since I've heard it from quite a few people.

Edited by DarkDisturbed
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This is my current gear, I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on upgrading my gear in terms of quality 61 (26) gear only.


Things I've heard:

1. Switch to all Power Augments

2. Drop crit until you're 23% w/ smuggler buff

3. Drop all accuracy except what's on your implant and 1 piece of gear.


Although I would like some math, sims, parses, etc for any suggestions, any are welcome :)


1. Point Total Crap ---> You will do less DMG then with Strength Augments


2. Point, I know these people I bet the hell out of them in DPS Races

---> My Idea if you are not good at watching your Buff/Debuff CDs etc.:

- Stack Crit buffed to 30% or 35%(if you don´t take the 6% extra from the focustree)

- You get another extra 15% Crit on your Dots when the Swordform is up so you are good with every Second Tick to crit

- After that you can Stack AP, its more viable since you easily get to 1800DPS t4 full with stim and buffs on the puppet


3.Point ....***!

--> You are a DD you need 100% Acuracy on Melee, have less you do less DMG, have more you won´t do more DMG aka 100% Accuracy on Melee and all is good

--> the argument that you force Accuracy is already 100% doesn´t win, cause guess what Bosses got 10% Defense Rating aka 110% Acurracy on Force and your hard hitters ignore the Bosses Defense



You can ignore those people, those I saw on my server don´t get over 1700 DPS even T4 equipped and trained with their Spec.


If you can play the Wachman ---> Stack Crit to 600 aka 50% Crit on Force , you will do lots of DPS and get lots of Selfheal, but you are not allowed to fail, because then you do no DPS

If you want it the easy way --> Stack Crit (Melee) buffed to 30%, get your Accuraxy(Melee) on 100% and you are got to roll DPS, you will be more squishy than a good crit stacked Wachman, but you will do the same DPS more easily

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I would say that it is not worth the effort to tune your gear with 61s it is pretty nice tuned. :)


I assume you tried 31/3/7 build? You can only probably improve via perfecting your 'rotation' anything else is probably related to latency, ability stuttering, ghost cooldowns, etc.


If you want very rough comparison you could try that (assuming you have always Accuracy > 100%):

* DB1 - your current Damage Bonus, CS1 - your current (1+ Crit chance*Surge) value (e.g. 1+0,3*0,75)

* Play with AMR and calculate same for your new values (DB2, CS2) then calculate DB2*CS2 / DB1*CS1


@Xiij: we are now 500-700 STR beyond Crit to Strength ratio you used (until 1550).

Edited by BogyOne
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@Xiij: we are now 500-700 STR beyond Crit to Strength ratio you used (until 1550).


Do you have any record of this? I was under the impression that all bonuses from Strength were linear. Either way, thanks for the info.

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Do you have any record of this? I was under the impression that all bonuses from Strength were linear. Either way, thanks for the info.


The Damage bonus from Strength is linear, the Crit bonus has a DR. A very slight DR with a "cap" that we can't even hope to achieve with the current gear budget.


Also, don't take anything Atlanis says seriously.

Edited by BlznSmri
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