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Does Lucas still have power in G-Canon?


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I'd like to think so. Hate on him as much as people do, he (and Chee) kept the continuity orderly. I think he should have some power over what happens. It is his story and he should have some creative control.

Agreed, I mean what is Disney announced the Mickey Mouse was a Jedi and make that D-Canon? Lucas needs to have some power, after all it is his story and despite what many people think he knows the best way to handle it.

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Agreed, I mean what is Disney announced the Mickey Mouse was a Jedi and make that D-Canon? Lucas needs to have some power, after all it is his story and despite what many people think he knows the best way to handle it.


Well, technically George said that his story was from Episodes I - VI. Episode VII isn't really going to be his story, unless he changed his mind again. Hey, he tends to change his mind more often than some people I know change underwear. lol


But seriously, I doubt that Disney would do anything as stupid as making Mickey Mouse a Jedi. That made me chuckle. :D

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Well, technically George said that his story was from Episodes I - VI. Episode VII isn't really going to be his story, unless he changed his mind again. Hey, he tends to change his mind more often than some people I know change underwear. lol


But seriously, I doubt that Disney would do anything as stupid as making Mickey Mouse a Jedi. That made me chuckle. :D

Extreme example I know, but what I mean is what if Disney does something that Lucas doesn't like and make it canon? And who's going to be the go to source for if so-and-so is the most powerful so-and-so ever?

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Extreme example I know, but what I mean is what if Disney does something that Lucas doesn't like and make it canon? And who's going to be the go to source for if so-and-so is the most powerful so-and-so ever?


I have a feeling that George, being the astute businessman that he is, put a clause in the contract that gives him either limited input, oversight with a veto power, or something else to keep with the integrity of the franchise. I can't see him giving up complete control, tbh.

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I have a feeling that George, being the astute businessman that he is, put a clause in the contract that gives him either limited input, oversight with a veto power, or something else to keep with the integrity of the franchise. I can't see him giving up complete control, tbh.

There is probably a hidden clause in their that gives him power over Disney and Lucasfilm equivalent to the power of Emperor Palpatine over the Galactic Empire - and they probably ignored it because those men in the suits no jack all about Star Wars, such is their downfall!

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There is probably a hidden clause in their that gives him power over Disney and Lucasfilm equivalent to the power of Emperor Palpatine over the Galactic Empire - and they probably ignored it because those men in the suits no jack all about Star Wars, such is their downfall!


That.... That woudn't surprise me one little bit. :eek:

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There is probably a hidden clause in their that gives him power over Disney and Lucasfilm equivalent to the power of Emperor Palpatine over the Galactic Empire - and they probably ignored it because those men in the suits no jack all about Star Wars, such is their downfall!


you seem to be under the impresion that Lucas actually cares about Star Wars.


If anything his actions over the past 30+ years have shown that he doesn't. He has even said Star Wars "is just some silly sci fi movie I made"

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There is probably a hidden clause in their that gives him power over Disney and Lucasfilm equivalent to the power of Emperor Palpatine over the Galactic Empire - and they probably ignored it because those men in the suits no jack all about Star Wars, such is their downfall!


That's what I would do if I were him. If I created something that has grown to be a world-wide phenomenon, I would want to have some control over it so it doesn't step off the path that I had laid out for it.


If 7, 8 and 9 are based off of his vision, then I suspect he will want to make sure Disney keeps the movies (and future movies) on the path of his vision.

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That's what I would do if I were him. If I created something that has grown to be a world-wide phenomenon, I would want to have some control over it so it doesn't step off the path that I had laid out for it.


If 7, 8 and 9 are based off of his vision, then I suspect he will want to make sure Disney keeps the movies (and future movies) on the path of his vision.


Preferraby with better dialogue and directing. :D

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you seem to be under the impresion that Lucas actually cares about Star Wars.


If anything his actions over the past 30+ years have shown that he doesn't. He has even said Star Wars "is just some silly sci fi movie I made"


If you honestly think he was serious over that comment....

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No. Disney owns it all and can do with it whatever they want.


Mr. Lucas? George??? Is that you???? Maybe you can comment on WHY you gave up full control of your franchise to Disney. Please comment, Mr. Lucas!


Seriously, unless you're George Lucas, you have NO CLUE what went into the contract. You need to stop speaking for him. Who are you to say what he did and didn't put in there? Right now, it's very possible that he is going to have at least some say in any future productions of Star Wars by Disney.... at least until he dies.

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If he doesn't have power than that would be completely wrong, he is the best creator of any type of movie in the world. Disney sucks they have only about 1-2 r rated movies that ive heard of out of 1000's. George Lucas better have some control over it, or i will be more angry than somebody wanting revenge at a person who killed somebody close to them. :)
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No, you may as well throw out all previous canon definitions.


But people don't work that way, now there will be a D-canon and they will argue endlessly about if D-canon is greater or less than G-canon.


That said, Lucas is a creative consultant. Directors will come to him for questions as to what he thinks and he gets a payroll and something to do. Overall it's Disney's and their chosen Director's tale now.

Edited by maxetius
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No. Disney owns it all and can do with it whatever they want.

I wouldn't be so sure, I don't know the ins and outs of this deal, but I get the idea that Disney can't just do whatever they hell the want to the point of giving mickey a cameo appearance. If, and this is unlikely, lets say Lucasfilm get sick to death of Disney, can't they just cut ties and leave? Or can Disney hold them against their will (lol I making it sound like Lucasfilm has become Disney's prisoner, there gonna lock up the team in that big castle of theirs - I'm sure it has dungeons, thats where they're holding the marvel team.)

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Disney purchased the rights for profit. They paid 4.5 BILLION dollars, they do in fact own the rights. That said, they're not going to do something that's going to wreck the profitability of the franchise. Look at Marvel after the acquisition, they opened their own movie production studio, and have published some of the best stories in years imo. I have full faith that they're not going to wreck the series, the main worry I personally have is how badly they're going to mess with EU continuity with these new movies.
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, the main worry I personally have is how badly they're going to mess with EU continuity with these new movies.


Considering that the Marvel movie storylines were ripped right out the comic books, i'd say it's more likely to see EU books made into movies.

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