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Accuracy, crit, and surge stats for annihilation?


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285 accuracy with legacy buff should get you to right under 100% assuming you aren't taking the accuracy talent in Carnage (most don't). That's 5 spots you need to get accuracy from, either ear/implants or enhancement.


What you aren't putting in accuracy, dump into surge.


Crit rating between 123-328. The number here doesn't matter honestly, as the DPS difference between the high end and low end is minimal. If you want to do the least amount of remodding, you'll end up on the higher end with your crit rating because Marauder gear is absolutely stacked with it.



These numbers are all based on 61 gear

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for Anni you want alot of crit and surge because of the bleed crit heal that should be a good enough answer that you can figure out the actual numbers






Talents and Berserk largely take care of your crit needs for bleeds (generally parse 60-70% crit rate on bleeds even with only 30% crit chance fully buffed).


Bleed damage, Annihilate, and Ravage all scale well with Power, so more Crit is not automatically better.


The poster above you has it right for Annihilation... in full level 61 gear, 285 Accuracy rating, 285 Surge rating, 123-329 (with slight advantage on the low end) Crit Rating, and as much power (preferably over 1000 unstimmed) as possible. At lower gear levels, 150 Surge, then as close to 100% Accuracy (thus about 285 rating), 123-329 Crit, then as much Surge and Power as possible.


The majority of Annihilation HPS comes from Berserk in any case, the self-healing benefit to dumping Power for Crit is negligible.

Edited by Omophorus
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Talents and Berserk largely take care of your crit needs for bleeds (generally parse 60-70% crit rate on bleeds even with only 30% crit chance fully buffed).


Bleed damage, Annihilate, and Ravage all scale well with Power, so more Crit is not automatically better.


The poster above you has it right for Annihilation... in full level 61 gear, 285 Accuracy rating, 285 Surge rating, 123-329 (with slight advantage on the low end) Crit Rating, and as much power (preferably over 1000 unstimmed) as possible. At lower gear levels, 150 Surge, then as close to 100% Accuracy (thus about 285 rating), 123-329 Crit, then as much Surge and Power as possible.


The majority of Annihilation HPS comes from Berserk in any case, the self-healing benefit to dumping Power for Crit is negligible.


Hold your horses here. From what ive gathered from another thread. Power scales TERRIBLY its just HORRID how power scales for dps. so your argument is not valid because if Pwr scales bad then you should stack crit to its dim returns then stack surge to dim returns THEN pwr as much as you can.

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Hold your horses here. From what ive gathered from another thread. Power scales TERRIBLY its just HORRID how power scales for dps. so your argument is not valid because if Pwr scales bad then you should stack crit to its dim returns then stack surge to dim returns THEN pwr as much as you can.


Which thread is this?


Power scales linearly. One point adds .23 bonus damage (before class buffs).


Each skill has a coefficient associated with it, which is a multiplier on bonus damage, and the product of bonus damage x coefficient is added to the base damage of each attack to determine its final damage.


The damage coefficients for nearly all of our direct damage skills are well over 1 (so 1 bonus damage adds more than 1 damage to the attack). Annihilate's is massive (2.85!). The bleeds are lower, but that's by design to keep the scaling of DOT damage sane.


So yes, Power adds a relatively modest gain specific to DOT ticks, however DOTs really only make up 35-40% of your overall damage at most, and everything else scales exceptionally well with Power.


Bleeds do still scale well with Power, just not as well as everything else.


The primary reason Power is listed as a "low priority" stat is that the initial scaling of other stats is better. The first ~100 points in Crit Rating adds a full 5% to your overall Crit chance, which is far too good to pass up. After that point, Crit and Power are basically equivalent point-for-point until about 300ish Crit rating, at which point the DR curve on Crit rating becomes steeper, and the per-point value decreases to a point that it's less beneficial than Power outright.


Make no mistake, Crit Rating over ~300 is not optimal.


Justifying the 300 end of the spectrum (which has the greatest benefit to DOT ticks at the expense of everything else) on the grounds of bleed heals is a non-starter due to the low percentage of overall HPS that come from bleed crits outside of Berserk.


Justifying the 300 end based on gear availability holds more water, or a conscious decision that the rip&replace cost isn't justified for a sub-1% increase. I personally don't care for the mindset of consciously settling for "good enough", but nothing in this game now is challenging enough that "good enough" is insufficient.

Edited by Omophorus
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I actually wonder about one thing, if getting marauder's accuracy to 105% is worth it.


Basically, I read most ops boss and mobs have 5% defense, as well as many class for pvp. Maybe I misread, and it was just someone talking about pvp.


However, at a certain point, wouldnt the diminishing return on surge make it more worth it damage wise to reduce the miss chance to 0 on the mainhand, and still increasing the offhand?


Or does the diminishing return to get accuracy to 105% is actually just as harsh as surge over 75%?


For now I've got the classic 35/75 with accuracy at 99,27 (should be fixed shortly tough)

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I actually wonder about one thing, if getting marauder's accuracy to 105% is worth it.


Basically, I read most ops boss and mobs have 5% defense, as well as many class for pvp. Maybe I misread, and it was just someone talking about pvp.


However, at a certain point, wouldnt the diminishing return on surge make it more worth it damage wise to reduce the miss chance to 0 on the mainhand, and still increasing the offhand?


Or does the diminishing return to get accuracy to 105% is actually just as harsh as surge over 75%?


For now I've got the classic 35/75 with accuracy at 99,27 (should be fixed shortly tough)


The offhand accuracy is so low that increasing accuracy over 100% is going to net you an insignificant DPS gain. While Surge is subject to drastic DR, it still adds something while accuracy over 100% literally adds nothing for all intents and purposes.

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Which thread is this?


Power scales linearly. One point adds .23 bonus damage (before class buffs).


Each skill has a coefficient associated with it, which is a multiplier on bonus damage, and the product of bonus damage x coefficient is added to the base damage of each attack to determine its final damage.


The damage coefficients for nearly all of our direct damage skills are well over 1 (so 1 bonus damage adds more than 1 damage to the attack). Annihilate's is massive (2.85!). The bleeds are lower, but that's by design to keep the scaling of DOT damage sane.


So yes, Power adds a relatively modest gain specific to DOT ticks, however DOTs really only make up 35-40% of your overall damage at most, and everything else scales exceptionally well with Power.


Bleeds do still scale well with Power, just not as well as everything else.


The primary reason Power is listed as a "low priority" stat is that the initial scaling of other stats is better. The first ~100 points in Crit Rating adds a full 5% to your overall Crit chance, which is far too good to pass up. After that point, Crit and Power are basically equivalent point-for-point until about 300ish Crit rating, at which point the DR curve on Crit rating becomes steeper, and the per-point value decreases to a point that it's less beneficial than Power outright.


Make no mistake, Crit Rating over ~300 is not optimal.


Justifying the 300 end of the spectrum (which has the greatest benefit to DOT ticks at the expense of everything else) on the grounds of bleed heals is a non-starter due to the low percentage of overall HPS that come from bleed crits outside of Berserk.


Justifying the 300 end based on gear availability holds more water, or a conscious decision that the rip&replace cost isn't justified for a sub-1% increase. I personally don't care for the mindset of consciously settling for "good enough", but nothing in this game now is challenging enough that "good enough" is insufficient.



This is spot on, but the only thing I'd say is up for debate is the crit rating portion. While the DR definitely becomes steeper around 300, my actual parsing data in Annihilation showed a 1.3%ish DPS increase in a build with 328 crit over one with 164 crit. For Carnage the difference was literally 2 DPS. Seeing how Marauder gear is overflowing with crit rating, the optimal path is probably to drop it to right about that 287-328 area.

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This is spot on, but the only thing I'd say is up for debate is the crit rating portion. While the DR definitely becomes steeper around 300, my actual parsing data in Annihilation showed a 1.3%ish DPS increase in a build with 328 crit over one with 164 crit. For Carnage the difference was literally 2 DPS. Seeing how Marauder gear is overflowing with crit rating, the optimal path is probably to drop it to right about that 287-328 area.


Can't rely on parsing data for that 1.3% unless you have established that parsing data over a specific period of time that makes your data accurate to withing +/- 0.1%.


I have 0 crit build, but that's just my opinion.

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Can't rely on parsing data for that 1.3% unless you have established that parsing data over a specific period of time that makes your data accurate to withing +/- 0.1%.


I have 0 crit build, but that's just my opinion.


Agreed, and while my parsing data was light, it was more than what anyone else has posted doing without using simcraft of some sort.

I simply did 10 parses of 6 minutes each with 164 crit rating, and 10 more at 328 crit rating. I then did the same thing in Carnage.

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