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Sawbones gear/stats optimized.


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Hi there.


I'm interested in other (experienced) scoundrel healers and their gear-related opinions.

I used to go around with (TECH, not ranged) 39.75% crit, 78.38% surge, 605 bonus healing which was comprised of 715 power and around 1700 cunning.

I've now however started changing enhancements/relic to a 38% crit, 75% surge, 680bonus healing with 932 power and 1792 cunning. I'm nearly done (almost have the relic, and need 1 more enhancement after that) and have yet to see the big effect, but I do feel like my heals have gone up a bit.


Oh I forgot to mention Alacrity. I pushed it up to about 260 alacrity


For those of you that have experimented with gear, what's your suggestion of the best set of stats to aim for? ( this is a question for the fully geared players ).

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The stat choicess are really fool proof, this was proved a few months back by someone who ran the numbers for swapping all power out for critical and vice versa. The difference between having all power, or all critical was like 2% to total healing done, with the most healing done literally a spilt down the middle. BW really made it pretty foolproof.


That said, most people pick up cunning over power where they have the choice, critical generally around 37% without the talent tree buff (alot of good scoundrels run without it to get the extra movement speed), around 75% (200-250) surge and around 200 - 300 alacrity, bringing UWM done to 1.70 - 1.75 sec cast time.


All of which you seem to have. So my opinion is without logging in right this second and checking my own fully aug WH numbers, is your pretty much spot on the mark.

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The difference between power and main stat is minimal. So minimal in fact, that you would barely notice a complete swap from 1 to the other to the total healing done value.


Run all of 1, or half/hlaf, the end net result is the same. But have some fun playing around and learning for yourself :)

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Although you will be using less Underworld Medicine in PvP (generally speaking and even with the changes to diagnostic scan) with higher than 200 alacrity you will dip into your energy regen thus get less HPS. With higher than 200 alacrity your UW cast will be < 1.8s cast. However, with ~1.85s cast UW (~165 alacrity) + ~1.5 gcd EMP combo your energy regeneration stays above 4/s and is efficient. This is older data but is what I've found to work well for PvE. That said, you will be using more HoTs and less UW in PvP, but it is a good thing to go by. I still get 900k+ healing games using this ideal. Edited by Classicks
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... with higher than 200 alacrity you will dip into your energy regen thus get less HPS ...


This is statement is completely false.


At the end of the day the only thing that affects energy regen and less hps is YOU the player. Put your own pauses in if need be, but the player manages his energy, not the other way around.


While i'm sure the poster is a very competant player who can acheive alot on his scoundrel, his way of thinking about alacrity is flawed and not based in fact.


My personal opinion on alacrity is take as much as you can get without sacrificing your surge numbers below what i believe is the 'sweet spot' at around 250 points.

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If it is all wrong, blame my guild master and his officer...I am just the healer not the engineer. SRS first MMO and I got them to help me because I really didn't have a clue. I went with power first because I could make those on a alt, but they told me to switch to cunning augments. Haven't really noticed a differences, but the bonus healing went up a little. However, in game I have not seen the difference. Also I only PVE. I will say I love this build and I am really happy with my abilities with this set up. I haven't gotten past the 2nd boss in TfB, but that isn't because this set up isn't capable of healing it. I have finished HM EC with everyone at or near 100% health (one dps was at like 98%). This set up seems to be more than capable of pulling over 2200 HPS with very little effort (I have on more than one occasion on some inadvertent pulls and when the other healer got disconnected).

Edited by mikebevo
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Hi there.


I'm interested in other (experienced) scoundrel healers and their gear-related opinions.

I used to go around with (TECH, not ranged) 39.75% crit, 78.38% surge, 605 bonus healing which was comprised of 715 power and around 1700 cunning.

I've now however started changing enhancements/relic to a 38% crit, 75% surge, 680bonus healing with 932 power and 1792 cunning. I'm nearly done (almost have the relic, and need 1 more enhancement after that) and have yet to see the big effect, but I do feel like my heals have gone up a bit.


Oh I forgot to mention Alacrity. I pushed it up to about 260 alacrity


For those of you that have experimented with gear, what's your suggestion of the best set of stats to aim for? ( this is a question for the fully geared players ).


My stats as follows using only class buffs (tech not ranged)


(2153 Cunning, 452 Power) 853 bonus damage 613 bonus healing

(308 Crit Rating) 38.41% crit chance

(270 Surge) 75.32% crit multiplier

(255 Alacrity) 12.09% activation speed or a 1.76 second Underworld Medicine cast time


Im in Rakata shells with a mixture of Rakata and Black Hole modifications. I'm finding alot of gear with way too much surge and crit i just pick up whatever BH piece has the desired mod then butcher it. My Cunning is probably on the high side because i use all Cunning augments and no power and i think the diminishing returns doesn't rear its ugly head too much with cunning as much as it does with power. But to be honest like others have said the difference between cunning and power is quite small.

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My personal opinion on alacrity is take as much as you can get without sacrificing your surge numbers below what i believe is the 'sweet spot' at around 250 points.




Anything beyond 240 Surge is pretty much a waste since the massive diminishing returns nerf to it in patch 1.2. Conversely, alacrity has very little diminishing returns. Once you hit the higher tiers of gear, this means you're going to have about 240 surge and 400+ alacrity.

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Although you will be using less Underworld Medicine in PvP (generally speaking and even with the changes to diagnostic scan) with higher than 200 alacrity you will dip into your energy regen thus get less HPS. With higher than 200 alacrity your UW cast will be < 1.8s cast. However, with ~1.85s cast UW (~165 alacrity) + ~1.5 gcd EMP combo your energy regeneration stays above 4/s and is efficient. This is older data but is what I've found to work well for PvE. That said, you will be using more HoTs and less UW in PvP, but it is a good thing to go by. I still get 900k+ healing games using this ideal.


From what I have learned from a guildie that avg 2100 hps on Hm TFB what this guy said is pretty much spot on.


Also why stack Alacrity when you mainly only have 1 heal that is channeled. I'd much rather hit diminishing returns on surge and push it into 77-80% range and push that 6.5k heal to over 7k, than waste stat points in alacrity and as one poster said "make your own pauses". It really makes no sense what so ever to stack alacrity then to have to sit and wait to use an ability.


As far as the power/main stat goes to... if you stack main stat you can remove 1 mod or enhancement in your gear that has crit and replace it with a power one which will in turn put you pretty close to where your crit rating was previously. Might be like .5% lower but jumps your overall heals up with the added power from the mod. Slightly.. you really need to look at your logs to notice the difference.

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This is statement is completely false.


At the end of the day the only thing that affects energy regen and less hps is YOU the player. Put your own pauses in if need be, but the player manages his energy, not the other way around.


While i'm sure the poster is a very competant player who can acheive alot on his scoundrel, his way of thinking about alacrity is flawed and not based in fact.


My personal opinion on alacrity is take as much as you can get without sacrificing your surge numbers below what i believe is the 'sweet spot' at around 250 points.


I have done a multitude of research on this and I am not in fact wrong. What I am saying is you will be more efficient in your healing if you aren't dipping into your energy by using shorter cast times. The combination (with your SRMP hots rolling) is Underworld Medicine + Emergency Medpac. Remember, your Underworld costs 25 energy and a Scoundrel's energy regeneration is 5/second. If you'd like to see some logs I can provide.

Edited by Classicks
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I have done a multitude of research on this and I am not in fact wrong. What I am saying is you will be more efficient in your healing if you aren't dipping into your energy by using shorter cast times. The combination (with your SRMP hots rolling) is Underworld Medicine + Emergency Medpac. Remember, your Underworld costs 25 energy and a Scoundrel's energy regeneration is 5/second. If you'd like to see some logs I can provide.


I'm sorry, but the point you're trying to make is totally irrelevant.


Your argument is that Alacrity can cause you to go out of energy more quickly if you just stand in one place chain casting underworld medicine nonstop. While that's true, that's not at all how healing works. There's no encounter in the game like that. In practice, if you're healing through a massive damage spike, you might chaincast maybe 2 Underworld Medicines. You're not going to blow through your energy at a significantly faster rate because of your alacrity rating.


You totally missed the point that GHoppa was making. He's saying that Alacrity doesn't force you to cast heals more often, or blow through energy faster. It just gives you the option to elect to do so. You don't have to cast spells any faster. The power of alacrity is that your spells land faster when you do cast them, which can often mean the difference between a wipe and a win.


Once in a while you end up in a "Ocrap! I need maximum healing, energy be damned!" situation. When that happens, you'll be darn glad that Alacrity gives you the option to blow through energy faster. Then you pop cool head, and hope it doesn't happen for another 2 minutes :)

Edited by Azaranth
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I'm sorry, but the point you're trying to make is totally irrelevant.


Your argument is that Alacrity can cause you to go out of energy more quickly if you just stand in one place chain casting underworld medicine nonstop. While that's true, that's not at all how healing works. There's no encounter in the game like that. In practice, if you're healing through a massive damage spike, you might chaincast maybe 2 Underworld Medicines. You're not going to blow through your energy at a significantly faster rate because of your alacrity rating.


You totally missed the point that GHoppa was making. He's saying that Alacrity doesn't force you to cast heals more often, or blow through energy faster. It just gives you the option to elect to do so. You don't have to cast spells any faster. The power of alacrity is that your spells land faster when you do cast them, which can often mean the difference between a wipe and a win.


Once in a while you end up in a "Ocrap! I need maximum healing, energy be damned!" situation. When that happens, you'll be darn glad that Alacrity gives you the option to blow through energy faster. Then you pop cool head, and hope it doesn't happen for another 2 minutes :)


Thing is, at the end of the day there is some other stat you are electing to forgo in favor of that additional alacrity, and power, surge, and crit will all have an impact on every heal you have, not just underworld medicine and kolto pack.


Milking an extra benefit on those instants when so many fights require you to heal on the go precludes jumping beyond the 220-240 alac range to me

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Thing is, at the end of the day there is some other stat you are electing to forgo in favor of that additional alacrity, and power, surge, and crit will all have an impact on every heal you have, not just underworld medicine and kolto pack.


Sigh. For the 1000'th time, no. You cannot trade Alacrity for power or crit.

The only choice you have is trading Alacrity for Surge.


Go look at the surge Diminishing Returns graph real quick. Beyond 240 surge, the stat is very very close to worthless. (Alacrity on the other hand, scales pretty well). Thus, once you have 240 surge, you might as well spend all your points on Alacrity.

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Reposting this from the "Sawbones and Alacrity" thread, because it's obvious that many posters here haven't read it.


There's a lot of misinformation in this thread. I recommend disregarding at lot of responses here. I'll try and present you with some actual facts to back up my recommendation.


Fact #1: Enhancements give you a choice between Surge and Alacrity.

So when some guy says "Drop alacrity, get more crit", he doesn't really know what he's talking about. For all practical purposes, we're directly comparing these two stats.


Fact #2: Surge gets hit by extremely harsh diminishing returns.

Following the 1.2 Surge nerf, the big breaking point in the surge DR graph happens between 200 and 250 surge. Beyond that, the next 100 points of surge gets you about 2% larger crits, which is an extremely low return.


Fact #3: Alacrity, while mediocre, is the least affected by diminishing returns.

Yes, it's not a perfect stat because it only affects 2 spells that we normally use. However, it continues to see reasonable gains per point long after surge has been rendered obsolete by diminishing returns.


Understanding those three facts will help you make an educated decision about your itemization. Higher tiers of gear have more stats, but the DR caps aren't adjusted. To put it simply, you want around 240 Surge in Columi, and you want around 240 Surge in Dread Guard. All the extra point budget might as well be spent on Alacrity.


Hope that helps.

Edited by Azaranth
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I have done a multitude of research on this and I am not in fact wrong. What I am saying is you will be more efficient in your healing if you aren't dipping into your energy by using shorter cast times. The combination (with your SRMP hots rolling) is Underworld Medicine + Emergency Medpac. Remember, your Underworld costs 25 energy and a Scoundrel's energy regeneration is 5/second. If you'd like to see some logs I can provide.


There is nothing i can say in my reply that Azaranth has not already said directly below you, he hit the nail on the head.


Thing is, at the end of the day there is some other stat you are electing to forgo in favor of that additional alacrity, and power, surge, and crit will all have an impact on every heal you have, not just underworld medicine and kolto pack.


The idea that you can get power or crit in place of alacrity is wrong, and all these itemization issues have been answered in a number of threads including this one. Although i appluad you for mentioning kolto pack. It often gets overlooked as a heal, when it is actually the highest HPS heal we have.


Milking an extra benefit on those instants when so many fights require you to heal on the go precludes jumping beyond the 220-240 alac range to me


While i don't agree with your reasoning, i understand the point of few your coming from and respect that is what works for you. What i have a problem with is all the misinformation out there about alacrity and people saying it is a bad/worthless stat and destroys energy regen and you can take crit or power in it's place, which is completely false.

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This is getting waaaay off-topic so I'll mention (OP) that I was talking about PVP.


Funnily enough, alacrity is something I would probably use abit more of in pvp. The ability to drop those heals almost as quick as the damage comes in would be a godsend. I wouldbt use a heap though.

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Funnily enough, alacrity is something I would probably use abit more of in pvp. The ability to drop those heals almost as quick as the damage comes in would be a godsend. I wouldbt use a heap though.


I can already burstheal like a ***** though. I usually keep up hots and aoe heal for exactly these reasons to help me keep up in bursty situations if needed.

My alacrity is 262 atm, and it takes 1.75sec for a UWM to be used.

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I am curious how many of these posts are coming from reputable sources? Do we have any logs of your Effective HPS to back up the claims? Not trying to be hostile, but you have to think about the heals over a span of time. However, like the op said, this is getting off topic. I would, alternatively, offer alacrity as a more viable solution for pvp than pve. You will be putting up more heals on the run in pvp and your underworld can be annoyingly interrupted.

In any regard, I can link you some top ranked parses for HM TFB 16 or screens of 1 mil+ healing games in rwz.

Your stats look good, just wanted to help out with what I know to be true.

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I am curious how many of these posts are coming from reputable sources? Do we have any logs of your Effective HPS to back up the claims? Not trying to be hostile, but you have to think about the heals over a span of time. However, like the op said, this is getting off topic. I would, alternatively, offer alacrity as a more viable solution for pvp than pve. You will be putting up more heals on the run in pvp and your underworld can be annoyingly interrupted.

In any regard, I can link you some top ranked parses for HM TFB 16 or screens of 1 mil+ healing games in rwz.

Your stats look good, just wanted to help out with what I know to be true.


Thx, I highlighted something you said btw in whhich i think you made a mistake?


I just got a 1mill heals in rwz voidstar and a 1192hps in a novare coast just now myself. I think my gear is set now though tbh :p

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I am curious how many of these posts are coming from reputable sources? Do we have any logs of your Effective HPS to back up the claims? Not trying to be hostile, but you have to think about the heals over a span of time. However, like the op said, this is getting off topic. I would, alternatively, offer alacrity as a more viable solution for pvp than pve. You will be putting up more heals on the run in pvp and your underworld can be annoyingly interrupted.

In any regard, I can link you some top ranked parses for HM TFB 16 or screens of 1 mil+ healing games in rwz.

Your stats look good, just wanted to help out with what I know to be true.


Your questions are getting a little off-topic in this thread. If you have questions about the math behind Alacrity, they might be addressed in the Sawbones Alacrity Guide:




Feel free to post more questions there, and I can provide whatever data you'd like.

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