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A weird take on the Anakin/Padme "love story"


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This might sound off subject at first but hang in there...


My daughter has turned 13 had her first boyfriend and the relationship seemed innocent. I figured she's a teenager, she's growing up, as long as they keep it safe and her mother and I stay careful and observant about everything that it's okay.. Until I heard her say "I love you" to him on the phone.. We put an end to that relationship (Not just because of that, but other reasons as well) and she started throwing a fit, and started all of this really cheesy, stupid things about how she loved him and since I'm a crappy parent and probably like Star Wars a little too much I thought "This is really f-ing stupid, she has no idea what she's talking about and she doesn't even realize how corny she sounds, she sounds like... Anakin and Padme from the prequels..."


Now, I'm not commending the prequel's love story, I still hate it, but I think it makes it slightly better if you don't compare it to Han and Leia's relationship, and compare them more to naive idiotic teenagers(which they are). Because that's what it sounds like. Problem is I don't think Lucas intended it to be like that.


Again, I'm not making ewxcuses for the prequels, I still pretty much hate them, the dialogue between Padme and Anakin makes me feel comfortable - But, they do sound believable as naive children rushing into things just because they can.

Edited by AbelMorvant
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You cannot compare Han and Leia's love story to Anakin and Padme, totally different characters. I don't think Han&Leia is really good either(a bit too quickly), it just wasn't that important in the whole saga like Anakin&Padme love, didn't take too long to take away the time of battles. Edited by Slowpokeking
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Except Padme and Anakin weren't your average teenagers. One had been a Queen already, deciding the fate of not only her people, but the Gungan people as well, then moved on to become a Senator for years before she finally "fell in love" with Anakin.


The other had been trained for over half his life to resist exactly these temptations, and trained to be focused and rational in all things, not to mention swearing a sacred vow to a quasi-religious order.


Unless those descriptions aptly fit your daughter and her boyfriend, I can't say I see much similarity between the two situations. Your daughter "sees no reason" why shes shouldn't be with the boy in question, and that lack of understanding drives her to rebel. Padme and Anakin understood the reasons, admitted them, accepted them... then went for it anyway.



Edited by Macheath
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Except Padme and Anakin weren't your average teenagers. One had been a Queen already, deciding the fate of not only her people, but the Gungan people as well, then moved on to become a Senator for years before she finally "fell in love" with Anakin.


The other had been trained for over half his life to resist exactly these temptations, and trained to be focused and rational in all things, not to mention swearing a sacred vow to a quasi-religious order.


Unless those descriptions aptly fit your daughter and her boyfriend, I can't say I see much similarity between the two situations. Your daughter "sees no reason" why shes shouldn't be with the boy in question, and that lack of understanding drives her to rebel. Padme and Anakin understood the reasons, admitted them, accepted them... then went for it anyway.




Good point, I think I might have viewed them as average teenagers because the acting is so crappy that I can't take them seriously as a queen and trained Jedi. They seem to have the naivete of typical teenagers, but they shouldn't which is probably one of the things that makes Episode II so terrible, to me at least. The problem is I'm not sure if that's because of Lucas' lack of directing actors or lack of character development in his writing.

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Good point, I think I might have viewed them as average teenagers because the acting is so crappy that I can't take them seriously as a queen and trained Jedi. They seem to have the naivete of typical teenagers, but they shouldn't which is probably one of the things that makes Episode II so terrible, to me at least. The problem is I'm not sure if that's because of Lucas' lack of directing actors or lack of character development in his writing.


It was the lack of time. It could have been at least 2 and a half (or even more) hour film but it's not and that was the problem. You can't show on movies a lot of emotions and other thinks because there are others to show.

Edited by pbajnokl
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I think the immature love story makes perfect sense. Anakin had a crush on Padme from the moment he laid eyes on her. After being torn from his mother at a tender age, he was detached from all those touchy-feely emotions for several years. Upon seeing her again, all his repressed emotions come flooding out and he can't help himself.


As for Padme, she was consumed with her government life since she was was a child and was left with little time or necessity for love. She considered him one of her only friends, and couldn't help herself when Anakin confessed his feelings for her.


Their love seems immature because it is, neither of them had any experience with relationships.

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