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Helpfull ideas to Dev's to improve your gameplay


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Ok I for one I think these few facters would posably help numbers and enjoyment of the game to date;


1. the down time of matinance/patches the down time is in the asian pasific main peek times and this affects the numbers as players miss out on to manny days/nights play due to this.

solution: find a time that impacts less on all server main/prime times to ruduce this affect.


2. Comunity bassed events such as the Racgual event you had at one stage these give the odd break from the norm to most players and keeps an interest in the game.

solution: as most other games have realised holiday small ingame events increase the player bass due to breaking up the norm and keeping the interest ex: Haloween Christmas and Easter events bassed on what they would be like in the SWTOR universe.


3. Guild accomlishments and/or events for guilds to feel more united as a guild this brings more players as they feel more apart of something.

solution: bring in the elusive capital ships we keep hearing abought with guild accomplishments as decorations when a guild compleets such thins as HM/nightmare FPs and OPs this will do two things;

1. give guilds a place to go and enjoy guild social events and to see exactly how and were there guild is going.

2. make players feel more appart of a united group/guild instead of just a name in a guild list hopping to be apart of things.


I hope this has been an informative responce to help in the development and numbers in not only the Asian Pasific servers but all servers. Please if you have any honest ideas and solutions please leave here and any honest opinions on the ideas posted Im hoping this thread will help the game and the Devs to improve the game to what players would like ingame Thankyou.


Agurk : Gav Daragon

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Some new Ideas;

1. To try and make your toons more unique for example class speeder quests to get class bound speeders. Exp Jedi Turbo Speeder-JEDI, X-34 Sith Speeder-SITH, Jet Pack-Bounty Hunters and so on this will make your charicture feel more unique to its class.

2. Molty passanger vehicles so you can invite your friends for a ride this would make things like world boss hunts more fun as your heading to them in a group or even open world PVP to head to the fight areas in a mass group.

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Also, i know it´s not gameplay related, but could you have your forum server maintenance on a different scedule than world servers. It just seems logic to go check out forums and post ideas and chat about the game when we cant play our toon.


I´m not sure it´s a great idea, but it might get people out in the world more. Make an allworld chat. I´m a bit worried it will ruin world chat, but we need something to get more people off the fleet. And the way groupfinder works people still use chat to get groups. So if you want a group to do some OP´s or FP you need to stay on fleet.

Maybe make it so it unlocks when you´ve finished your classquests. That way worldchat will still be the same for the people leveling on the planets. Make a character specific legacy unlock for other characters that require allworldchat unlocked on at least one char and legacylevel xx

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Also, i know it´s not gameplay related, but could you have your forum server maintenance on a different scedule than world servers. It just seems logic to go check out forums and post ideas and chat about the game when we cant play our toon.


I´m not sure it´s a great idea, but it might get people out in the world more. Make an allworld chat. I´m a bit worried it will ruin world chat, but we need something to get more people off the fleet. And the way groupfinder works people still use chat to get groups. So if you want a group to do some OP´s or FP you need to stay on fleet.

Maybe make it so it unlocks when you´ve finished your classquests. That way worldchat will still be the same for the people leveling on the planets. Make a character specific legacy unlock for other characters that require allworldchat unlocked on at least one char and legacylevel xx


great ideas


i totally agree on the server maintenance issue. so many other mmos do their forum server this way for precisely that reason. also you can update the server status for the patches.


world channel would be a god send. the primary reason some other mmos don't have them is of the gold spammers. this game is idiot proof to make credits anyways. one option is to level tier it where lower levels cant get into the upper level channels. this way you are requesting group members in you own level range to players on fleet, in their ships or planets. 50s can be out doing dailies and still look for rank warfront groups, world boss raids and certain ops not in group finder.

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