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*Justbaddies Ranked Jugg Tank Video*


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Pretty good. That Civil War force pushing stuff is awesome, even though it does come against my team :(. Gonna definitely do that when I get to playing my Guardian.


But yeah, you are a monster of a tank Just. I remember back when i played with you on my alt in pre-50s while you were still levelling your Jugg. Also really good on your DPS op, I remember that duelling tournament and I was so surprised an Op would win it of all things, great player on 2 classes.

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Pfft, not enough shots of turbo blowing up the mid so you get to run around like a hero with the ball omg! And umm why in gods name do you not have me as your focus target to switch guard to. PT's are a waste of guard imo.



Descendant of the Great Fangz

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