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What do you want to see in Episode 7?


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You really think their is a chance of them coming back? I'd like to see them but I'm not sure the will.


EDIT: What I really want to see in these new films is CGI on the level of the swtor cinematics, that would make for some epic movies - and to bring back the old cast however possible.


Probably not, but one can hope. If not, I would like to see Thrawn movies. So long as they stick pretty close to the source material.


A CGI movie would be pretty cool. But it would have to be on the same scale as the TOR cinematic trailers, those are awesome.

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I don't think they would even need to recast the Big Three to get them on screen from any age directly after ROTJ to their old age. If James Cameron could take regular actors and turn them into completely different looking CGI characters in Avatar, why can't Disney use the same technology to turn (insert X actor here) into Luke Skywalker as he appeared by Mark Hamill during the original trilogy?


They could even do that as sort of a prologue and then jump forward 40 years and have Hamill himself take on the roll. Same with any of the others (who want to partake of future films) or they could simply just age the CGI characters to look like old Harrison Ford or old Carrie Fisher.


All they'd really need is some signed release form from those actors so the film makers could use their likeness. Maybe even a percent of the profits. Hell, if I were 80 years old and didn't want to act in another movie again, that would entice me to sign on the dotted line.

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Don't know if this is fact or not yet but it indicates that the story will be original (its to early to tell):




This is interesting, while we can't be sure this is true - it seems likely that they would want to make something completely new, rather than reworking stuff thats already out there. But when will it take place? I bashed together a timeline based on Wookiepedia info so we can work it out :D


4 ABY - The Battle of Endor, The New Republic is established and the Galactic Civil War continues against the various remnants of the Empire under Ysanne Isard


8 ABY - Leia Organa marries Han Solo


9 ABY - The Thrawn Crisis begins, Jacen and Jaina Solo are born.


10 ABY - Palpatine returns as the reborn Emperor in a clone body and Luke becomes his second in command/apprentice. Anakin Solo is born.


11 ABY - Palpatine, after returning for a second time, is finally destroyed. Luke Skywalker establishes a Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4.


12 ABY - Imperial Remnant becomes an 'official' term, various campaigns under Daala and then Pellaeon


14 ABY - War between Republic and Imperial Remnant drops off, becomes a Cold War.


16 ABY - Black Fleet Crisis


17 ABY - Almanian Uprising


18 ABY - The Imperial Remnant is effectively defeated.


19 ABY - Treaty is signed between Republic and Imperial Remnant which ends the Galactic Civil War


20 ABY - Luke Skywalker marries Mara Jade.


22 ABY - Jaina and Jacen Solo joined the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4


25 ABY - 29 ABY - Yuuzhan Vong War


35 ABY - 36 ABY - Dark Nest Crisis and Swarm War


40 ABY - Second Galactic Civil War begins. Lumiya reveals herself and Jacen Solo falls to the dark side, becoming her apprentice Darth Caedus. Lumiya is killed, and Caedus a year after.


43 ABY - Luke Skywalker is exiled from the Jedi Order after a dispute with the Chief of State, ended when she is overthrown a year later.


After this their is a big gap for around 80 years (I'm sure somebody can explain why)


127 ABY - A new resurgent Galactic Empire emerges and form an alliance with the Sith, beginning a war with the Alliance.


130 ABY - Galactic Alliance is defeated at Coruscant and is absorbed into the Empire. Sith turn on their allies and usurps the throne.


137 ABY - Cade Skywalker discovers his Jedi heritage and rises up against the Empire. Darth Krayt is killed by Wyyrlok.


138 ABY - Galactic Federation Triumvirate is formed which includes the New Jedi Order, rise up against the Empire. Cade Skywalker kills Krayt for a final time.


And thats it, so where do you think the series could slot in, or what parts can be retconned - I'm no expert on this period so I don't know whats important and whats not.


The only real gap is between 43 ABY and 127 ABY - but it seems a bit of a long way from the Battle of Endor so I'm not sure.

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