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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Legacy Datacrons


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I spent hours getting the datacrons on my main. I'm not that good at platforming - heck, I'd say I'm bad.


I just don't have the time (currently working 40 hrs a week) to bother getting all the relevant datacrons on my alts (got a Merc, Knight, Jug, Op so that's a dozen or more hours given my platforming "skills").


I would actually pay for this, and I NEVER suggest paying for any new features. This is the exception to my dislike of the CM.


Then it works out great for you since <10% actually require "platforming" and <20% require jumping of any kind (hopping onto a rock doesn't count). So there's 90% of the Datacrons that I'm sure you can squeeze into your *cough* busy 40-hour work week and have most of the stats you need.


You're not the only one who works for a living and/or has a family or is otherwise "too busy" yet you seem to have plenty of time to play the game and do dailies and weeklies. You could get almost any Datacron in the precious time it takes you to read/reply to a thread here. Saying you don't have time cuz you work is pretty insulting. Others work. Others are students. Others have families. Others have all three so don't use that BS as some kind of lame excuse to try and get something for free cuz if you really *were* that busy you wouldn't be playing at all.


PS - Snarkiness aside, if you're on Jedi Covenant look up D'alari'ia (Republic) or F'alconi'ia (Imperial) and I'll be more than happy to help out and do your "platforming" for you and pull you up or otherwise guide you to whatever Datacron(s) you want. Also, turn off sprint and learn to mouse-walk.

Edited by PetFish
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No, thank you.


Stat bonuses earned by one character do NOT entitle other characters to those same bonuses.


If you do not want to bother finding the datacrons for all of your characters, then you are not entitled to the stat bonuses for all your characters.


I agree, datacron should be legacy wide.


Stop telling other players what to do. End of the story.

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The nice thing about the datacron bonuses is they are OPTIONAL.


If you want those optional bonuses, then you need to find the datacrons.


Explain in great detail how you can tell if another player collected a datacron on hutta without asking them.


This should be interesting.

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I agree, datacron should be legacy wide.


Stop telling other players what to do. End of the story.


Maybe datacron codex entries should be legacy wide. There is no reason to coddle and continue to enable those too lazy to put forth the minimal effort required to actually <GASP> earn those bonuses for each character.

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Explain in great detail how you can tell if another player collected a datacron on hutta without asking them.


This should be interesting.


Explain what difference it makes whether that player has the stat bonus for that datacron on Hutta.


If they chose not to find that datacron, they do not get the stat bonus. If they want the stat bonus, they can find the datacron. It's simple, really.


Now, hypothetically they allow legacy max level character unlocks, complete with BIS gear, all companions at max affection and all companion quest chains completed. How could you tell if a player actually leveled that 55 they were playing or if they used the legacy unlock to create that character at max level? Explain how you would be affected by that player using a legacy unlock to create that level 55.

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HK-47 cannot be obtained via legacy. You have been debunked.


After unlocking it once per side HK-51 can be gotten by legacy unlock. so yes Legacy can equal lazy. The point is putting it in legacy is a win-win. You want to do it on all your character then do it. If someone doesn't they can unlock the legacy to make them account wide.


As for everyone that says the datacrons are optional so is legacy. The argument goes both ways.


This should be put in. It is a game just because you want to go through and do all that stuff doesn't mean the rest of us should have to. The beauty of a F2P model is it can appeal to a wide range of game players. This is a perfect example. If you have a ton of time and love to complete things then great do it. If a person doesn't then let them do it once and then pay to unlock it.


The real point is this increases value of game play for a portion of the audience while not hurting anyone else game play. In fact it might help your game play because it could help people from getting discourage and increase the end game population. BW job is to increase the appeal without decreasing the appeal for current players. This is one of those things that does that. Now if it isn't a legacy unlock or they don't make it codec unlock legacy wide. I am in complete agreement that it shouldn't be done.


Don't forget that if it is done in legacy and increase revenue it increase the money they have to develop the game you want to play.

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How I think it should be done:

It should be character legacy perks that one can buy per character and that would be currently in tree categories.

It would be seperate for Republic and Empire, so one would have to do them at least on both factions to open them all up. And it would be seperated in all datacrons that were available at launch and the new 2 on Makab, for makab it would not be necessary to have that per faction, since there are so fow already. The two faction datacron perks should be legacy level 25 and character level 25, while the makab datacron would be legacy level 40 and character level 40. And with the upcoming world Oricon, that could be combined with the Makeb perk, if there are datacrons of course. Every further expansion could get such a perk then, but mostly at the end of the expansion when all the worldss for that level range have been implemented in the game.

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After unlocking it once per side HK-51 can be gotten by legacy unlock. so yes Legacy can equal lazy. The point is putting it in legacy is a win-win. You want to do it on all your character then do it. If someone doesn't they can unlock the legacy to make them account wide.


As for everyone that says the datacrons are optional so is legacy. The argument goes both ways..


Actually the argument doesn't work for you at all..


People that attempt to compare companions to datacrons are comparing Apples to a slug.. They simply have nothing to do with eachother..


HK-51 required a long drawn out quest that required toons on both factions to complete.. They also made finding the parts way to time consuming.. I can remember spending hours looking for the one on Taris.. It would have been a nightmare to ask anyone to do that for multiple characters.. In the time it took me to get the part on Taris.. I could have gathered all the datacrons, probably twice or more.. Still you are forgetting that the Datacrons are not a companion.. So an easier way had to be given to unlock him on alts..



Treek, doesn't have a quest at all.. Talk to a droid, watch a cutscene and that is it.. She simple had a large monetary expense to acquire her.. Not to mention a legacy level requirement to use credits..



Again unlock her on one, pay a small fee to unlock her for one of your alts.. Or pay some CC and unluck for your account..


Still none of this has anything to do with datacrons.. So the argument doesn't go both ways.. It simply is irrelevant.. There is no argument there..


Datacrons are like loot or gear.. They provide stats to your character.. HK-51 and Treek do not provide any stats.. Your other companions do, but you only have to play your story to get them.. Their stats are very small.. Still, you do have to unlock them on all your toons to get the bonuses they provide.. Otherwise live without the bonuses..


If you want the +30 to all stats, (Not counting Makeb) added to your character, then you are going to have to take the time and effort to get them.. People that say they are bored or whatever, need to live with that choice and without the stats.. It is like doing warzones or an Op.. If you want the gear, you got to run the stuff that drops them.. It is that simple.. Not to mention, you have to run the stuff that drops them on every character.. Or live without the gear..


People will do dailies, run flashpoints, do warzones, and run Ops, week after week after week on multiple characters.. I fail to believe that it is so hard to get the datacrons ONCE per character.. People will put out more effort to upgrade a single piece of loot than it takes to get the datacrons.. Even though in this case, the datacrons would be a bigger upgrade than a single piece of loot.. :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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  • 3 weeks later...
Ok, legacy items...met to be "passed down items" things you can send to your alts. Datacrons handheld items that hold thoughts and memories, if I found one out in the mid of no where why would I not pick it up...and if I did, why would I not pass it on to my "family" in my legacy.


You can pass on the knowledge (legacy codex), but not the stat bonuses. This makes perfect sense because the datacrons specifically say that once used they CANNOT be used again.


Think of them as a one time use stim. You cannot use the stim on your marauder and have every one of your characters receive the buff.

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You can pass on the knowledge (legacy codex), but not the stat bonuses. This makes perfect sense because the datacrons specifically say that once used they CANNOT be used again.


Think of them as a one time use stim. You cannot use the stim on your marauder and have every one of your characters receive the buff.


so, in the eons that have passed seance the Rakata empire has passed, I am the "ONLY" one to have found and used the item...no, each person can only use it once. Based on your argument I would only be able to pass on the knowledge of something and not the actual item, trying to say a datacron is like a stim it like trying to say a mountain is like a mound of snow, you can step up on both but come spring the ice will melt and the mountain will still be there. And I still stand by what I said, if I found it I would pick it up...if I pass down my stuff they would get the datacron...if they get the datacron they could use it.

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Please no. A player finding the datacrons on ONE CHARACTER does not entitle that player to the bonuses on any other characters.


Make specific Legacy datacrons. Leave the existing ones so that every al has to find them, then hide new legacy-wide ones.

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Make specific Legacy datacrons. Leave the existing ones so that every al has to find them, then hide new legacy-wide ones.

You know the point is people don't like to do the datacrons, the jumping physics in the game is pretty bad and it it no fun to do them for alts. But if you enjoy it, then maybe it should be optional, so you can do it while others who just want the bonus can simply activate it in the legacy and can then do whatever they like to do with the game.

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You know the point is people don't like to do the datacrons, the jumping physics in the game is pretty bad and it it no fun to do them for alts. But if you enjoy it, then maybe it should be optional, so you can do it while others who just want the bonus can simply activate it in the legacy and can then do whatever they like to do with the game.


The datacrons are OPTIONAL. If you don't like to find them, you are not required to do so.


What about the people who don't like the leveling and gearing process? Should BW make it possible to create max level characters fully geared in BIS so that those who do not like the leveling and gearing process can avoid that for their alts? What about all the other things that people may or may not like? Should BW make it possible to bypass any of those things?

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The datacrons are OPTIONAL. If you don't like to find them, you are not required to do so.


What about the people who don't like the leveling and gearing process? Should BW make it possible to create max level characters fully geared in BIS so that those who do not like the leveling and gearing process can avoid that for their alts? What about all the other things that people may or may not like? Should BW make it possible to bypass any of those things?

First you say they are no biggie and then you make it a bid deal that this would be that huge a difference in how people are playing the game? Could you make up your mind? I mean if they are so optional and in no way, shape or form of any importance, so why not allow peopel who have done them once to access them for their alts, just a little convienience, like so many other legacy things are. But if there are so huge that you can put them on the same level as elder game gear, why do they have so little impact on that? I wouldnt even mind if one have to do them twice (so one time per faction), but with how bad the jumping physics is and with the under used legacy system, I think it would be a nice addition there, and still totally optional, since all the legacy stuff is locked until you buy the stuff with credits or cartel coins, so you can perfectly do them with every single alt and the people who think one time is enough per faction could get what they want.


Yes. You can buy him through legacy. After you find and assemble him the first time.

Sure, I think the legacy datacron should also only available if got them at least once, could even be per world so one can only buy Nar Shaddaa or the worlds which one really don't like to do them again.

Edited by Drudenfusz
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I think the classes that start on the same planet should have all the Datacrons found and used but once you get to a planet like Corusent (Sp.) republic side and the empires equivelent u need to get them all over again since at that point ur classes will breaty much follow the same path thus elminating a good part of the game.
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First you say they are no biggie and then you make it a bid deal that this would be that huge a difference in how people are playing the game? Could you make up your mind? I mean if they are so optional and in no way, shape or form of any importance, so why not allow peopel who have done them once to access them for their alts, just a little convienience, like so many other legacy things are. But if there are so huge that you can put them on the same level as elder game gear, why do they have so little impact on that? I wouldnt even mind if one have to do them twice (so one time per faction), but with how bad the jumping physics is and with the under used legacy system, I think it would be a nice addition there, and still totally optional, since all the legacy stuff is locked until you buy the stuff with credits or cartel coins, so you can perfectly do them with every single alt and the people who think one time is enough per faction could get what they want.



Sure, I think the legacy datacron should also only available if got them at least once, could even be per world so one can only buy Nar Shaddaa or the worlds which one really don't like to do them again.


I have made up my mind. I am against legacy datacrons.


You completely missed the point I was making. Where do they draw the line at allowing people to skip or bypass a part of the game that they do not like, especially a completely OPTIONAL part like the datacrons? If they allow a player to gain the stat bonuses on every character for finding the datacrons once, or even twice, then why not allow the creation of max level characters fully geared in BIS once a player has done it once or twice? After all, there are people who do not like the leveling process.

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I have made up my mind. I am against legacy datacrons.

Fine, then don't use it when BioWare implements it.


You completely missed the point I was making. Where do they draw the line at allowing people to skip or bypass a part of the game that they do not like, especially a completely OPTIONAL part like the datacrons? If they allow a player to gain the stat bonuses on every character for finding the datacrons once, or even twice, then why not allow the creation of max level characters fully geared in BIS once a player has done it once or twice? After all, there are people who do not like the leveling process.

I draw the line at OPTIONAL, you see the importance of the word yourself, and still you always go beyond that. And for that max level and full gear, go in a warzone and there you have that already in the game, so that bolster should also be removed there if it would be so impartant that people do everything the hard way.

Edited by Drudenfusz
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Fine, then don't use it when BioWare implements it.



I draw the line at OPTIONAL, you see the importance of the word yourself, and still you always go beyond that. And for that max level and full gear, go in a warzone and there you have that already in the game, so that bolster should also be removed there if it would be so impartant that people do everything the hard way.


Hey ***** get on ur knees and do ur job instead of crying about the game, the starter planet yes be good thus removes the issue of lag but every other planet u still have to find them.

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Hey ***** get on ur knees and do ur job instead of crying about the game, the starter planet yes be good thus removes the issue of lag but every other planet u still have to find them.

If you like your grinding so much, why are you here on the forums, go grind some more, and let the more civilized people talk here about suggestion they think would be a neat addition to the game.

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