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Official "Give Us Purple Color Crystals" Discussion


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I was wondering if we had access to a purple crystal. This thread tells me we don't, and that makes me sad.


Purple is a great compromise between blue and red, it's a majestic color that inspires admiration, and dammit it'll match my Inquisitor's robes. Sith are often obsessed with appearance, which is why color coordinating accessories are important. (Don't believe me? Read the Lost Tribe of the Sith series. Read it anyway, it's free on Amazon and a great read to boot.) Perhaps it could be a rep item or something like that, but a rare drop or a raider-only color seems kinda excessive.

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I happen to like the Black core with Color hue sabers. Not as big fan of the yellow/black, but I certainly love the green/black one that is coming, and I think plenty of dark-siders would like red/black.


That being said, I really want a purple crystal (and maybe even a purple/black one too). I hate the idea of having to wait until lvl 50 to get a color crystal that I want to see on my lightsaber from the beginning.

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Lightsaber crystals (and colors) represent the way the user is and acts.


Jedis are supposed to be calm and peaceful that is why their lightsabers have cold colors, like blue and green unlike the Sith that are passionate and impulsive thus they have red and yellow and orange...


Care to think what type Purple is ?? NONE OF THESE!!


Purple color is not hard for US, but in Starwars universe there is only one person with Purple Lightsaber and that Mace Windu.


Don't get me wrong. I love purple.. Wish my Lightsaber was purple but IN STARWARS UNIVERSE PURPLE IS RARE !! PERIOD !!!

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List of people in the Star Wars Universe that wielded PURPLE lightsabers:


-Sith Lord Kas'im

-Darth Bane

-Mace Windu

-Mara Jade

-Jaina Solo

-Anakin Solo

-Revan (before he was Darth Revan)

-Corran Horn (double bladed)(silver primary, purple secondary)

-Zez Kai-Ell

-Kyp Durron

-Kid Siri Tachi

-All the trainers in the Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast

-Tons of them in the KOTOR games

-Also in the Force Unleashed game



As you can see, Purple crystals are NOT rare. They're even in The Force Unleashed, which is totally not canon. There is absolutely NO REASON that Purple should be a hard to obtain color.


BioWare has failed massively in the Lightsaber department. It was bad enough that we couldn't craft our own unless we went to 400 Artifice, but we can't even get a wide variety of colors to make us feel unique and give us some customization? LAME!

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There has to be something thats rare, something that when you finally receive one you feel like you hit the lottery.


Why not make the purple one the rare one? Its something people want really bad and something you want really bad should be worked for not fisted over to you

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I have killed so many sith lords with purple lightsabers.. its only fair i get to keep at least 1 of them -.-

But yea I cant even find out how to get one AT ALL but i know how to get a black-blue one.. thats just silly..

does anyone know which lvel 50 pvp lightsabers are purple?

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There has to be something thats rare, something that when you finally receive one you feel like you hit the lottery.


Why not make the purple one the rare one? Its something people want really bad and something you want really bad should be worked for not fisted over to you


No. The weird colors (like black/blue, black/red, white, silver, etc) are rare. PURPLE IS NOT RARE! I shouldn't have to use a god damn RED lightsaber like every. other. sith. player. while I'm leveling. That's just dumb.

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Guys, purple crystals are in the game, they just aren't prevalent yet because you need level 400 artiface to craft them. Before you know it everyone will have one.


BUT I WANT ALL THE THINGS DAY 1 !!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!


seriously though. calm down OP.

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There has to be something thats rare, something that when you finally receive one you feel like you hit the lottery.


This 'rare' crap is the absolute worst part of MMOs.


I'm Dark Side, so apparently there is a magical force that keeps me from putting a blue crystal in my saber, even though I can just equip a non-red/orange color and no one would know my alignment. The restriction doesn't actually do anything to promote Darkside colors, until you take into account the rarity of other colors.


This is case where a player is restricted from choice, by limitations on gem equipping and rarity. This is a stupid method of making players conform to some 'iconic' look instead of rewarding players for equipping the 'iconic' look or choosing their looks over stats.


Please drop this 'iconic' and rare crap and let players choose their own colors for their blades.

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Guys, purple crystals are in the game, they just aren't prevalent yet because you need level 400 artiface to craft them. Before you know it everyone will have one.


Show me the craftable Purple color crystal. Not the "Magenta" one that comes from a rare world boss. And I don't mean "Epic" quality. I mean the color of the blade is Purple.


Not. Craftable.


All we get is Orange at 400.

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This 'rare' crap is the absolute worst part of MMOs.


I'm Dark Side, so apparently there is a magical force that keeps me from putting a blue crystal in my saber, even though I can just equip a non-red/orange color and no one would know my alignment. The restriction doesn't actually do anything to promote Darkside colors, until you take into account the rarity of other colors.


This is case where a player is restricted from choice, by limitations on gem equipping and rarity. This is a stupid method of making players conform to some 'iconic' look instead of rewarding players for equipping the 'iconic' look or choosing their looks over stats.


Please drop this 'iconic' and rare crap and let players choose their own colors for their blades.




Didnt the Sith not have a lot of access to the real crystals and had to use synthetic ones which turn red in the synthesis process which is why they all had red sabers? COulda swore I remember them saying this in KoToR.




Also, they should have linked the crystal colors to the force-forms like they did in KoToR. This would stop all the QQing.


Also I thought Mace Windu had a purple saber because he used a borderline darkside force form. He was supposedly the only Jedi practioner of the Vaada form that didnt goto the dark side, which is why he was the only one with a purple saber.


The Vaada form basically channels his anger/hate into the light. (Red+ Blue= Purple)

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