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I am actually not sure where to post this so I thought it best to put it here.


Basically the way I play is that I don't actually use the keyboard for my abilities...and yes you guessed it that makes me the dreaded clicker. Now i have been yelled at for this on a few occasions by people in my guild and other players.


But here is the thing, I can dish out decent DPS on my DPS characters, I don't have a problem holding agro on my tank so what exactly is the issue MMO community and clickers?


I am not trying to cause a argument. I am just asking for some insight and perhaps if it is indeed a bad thing that I am a clicker.


Thanks for your time.

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No keyboard for me as well. I have limited mobility in my arms so I click a lot using my mouse including moving. I'm a Sage healer and when I run HM I usually don't use my DPS abilities because I get tired. Example is when we're focused on downing a boss and heals are very minimal, I still only heal and not do any DPS. I know if I did the boss would go down quicker but my style is unorthodox. Haven't been yelled at so far.
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I don't see a problem with it. I use my keyboard and I use my mouse to click. My left hand uses the key board to activate abilities on that side of the keyboard (1, 2, 3 and 4 usually), and the rest of the abilities I click on with my right hand. It works for me, and if it works for you, than there's no problem with it as far as I'm concerned. However, some people might think that clicking slows you down. It does, but the difference in time is negligible, imo. Also, we don't all have super awesome gaming mice and keyboards. Edited by LostInReverie
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I don't see a problem with it. I use my keyboard and I use my mouse to click. My left hand uses the key board to activate abilities on that side of the keyboard (1, 2, 3 and 4 usually), and the rest of the abilities I click on with my right hand.

i do this too. also use my left hand to move my toon around if needbe and click on skills while on the go.

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For those who can use either method, hotkeys are just a more efficient way of moving (moving with your mouse ironically) and triggering your abilities. Having started clicking and evolved to hotkeys, I can see why it's so much better.


I found SOA tanking in his final phase much more difficult with clicking, I'd use mouse to see the stone, press my W and head off the direction I'd been facing, not towards the stone.


The attitude problem with a lot of people/guilds, is they think clicking is a newbie method, and rather than give advice/help they will just flame.


Overall, you need the method that works best for you, however, once you get used to it, you should be able to see the advantages of mouse move and hotkeys over clicking.

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I don't see a problem with it. I use my keyboard and I use my mouse to click. My left hand uses the key board to activate abilities on that side of the keyboard (1, 2, 3 and 4 usually), and the rest of the abilities I click on with my right hand. It works for me, and if it works for you, than there's no problem with it as far as I'm concerned. However, some people might think that clicking slows you down. It does, but the difference in time is negligible, imo. Also, we don't all have super awesome gaming mice and keyboards.


The best way to do it (IMO of course) is to use keybinds for the right side abilities instead of clicking. You can bind Q, E, R, T, F, G, Z, C, V and the shift + combinations of all of them. They're all easily in reach for your left hand fingers and you don't have to bother with moving the mouse, looking at your abilities and clicking it.


Mouse clicking is just an incredibly inefficient way of playing. If you choose to do it that's your prerogative, but there are more efficient ways to play that are easier all around (unless you have limited movement of your hands/arms). It's akin to not using keyboard shortcuts in excel. Sure you can right click, hit copy, then right click and hit paste, but it's a lot more efficient to hit ctl + c then ctl + v.

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I'm a clicker as well. My main is a tank and I only have a few defensive cooldowns keybound, but on my healer I have all of my healing abilities keybound so I don't click on that character. I'd say just go with whatever suits you best. I'm a clicker and nobody has mentioned it, probably because they don't know!!
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Unless you are a min/maxer you shouldnt be embarassed to be a clicker in PvE. Those people who treat gaming like a job rather than fun will I am sure tell you that the fractions of seconds between pressing a key and clicking an icon are critical - in my experience they are not. In PvE you are normally static in combat which allows you time to focus on the mechanics of your roation/healing/tanking etc. When you "move out of the fire" you rarely need to continue dps or healing unless via an aoe hot if it is an instant.


Where you will get abuse for clicking is in PvP, where to remain stationary is certain death unless it is necessary for casting. So you need to move and activate abilities at the same time. If you click, you have to keyboard turn, very predictable and very slow which puts you immediately at a disadvantage to a keybinder.


Try it for yourself in a simplistic way as a start point - place 5 strong instant abilities to the numbers 1-5 in your UI, use the mouse to move and activate the abilities with the keys, use your little finger to tab target - you will quickly find that you are more efficient even after 15-20 mins. If you find you like it better you can increase and customise your keybindings to suit your playstyle.

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Sometimes I'm a clicker sometimes I use keys.

I have no set method for this and it just comes down to how I happen to play on that occasion.


If someone ever had a go at me for it I'd tell them to -

1. Grow up and start being nicer to people.

2. It is a game and is supposed to be about enjoying yourself in whatever way you choose to play, just as they can choose

to play how they want - don't throw the toys out of the pram about others being different to you.

3. I'd rather be a clicker than an obsessive nut job, worrying about a few tenths of a second.


I play to enjoy my free time not to be the most efficient gamer in the world.

If you are one of these obsessives, that's fine by me - just keep it to yourself and play well with others.

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it may just be that i come from a long line of FPS'ing and thirt person over the shoulder games, but i use the keyboard strickly for movement and the mouse for everything else. I've never even been approached or asked if I've done it another way. i don't pvp in warzones, but i will duel with people and i've never been slower to react than the other guy, regardless of their playstyle. The only non movement key that i've had bound is the select next target and next friendly target. other than that it's all clicking
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