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Darthhater: Wookiee Life Day Coming


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for real man... crap. I was really hoping for something frakking original for the next event. I do not care for watered down annual events, give me random spontanious world events that no one sees coming and makes it impossible to avoid please.
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for real man... crap. I was really hoping for something frakking original for the next event. I do not care for watered down annual events, give me random spontanious world events that no one sees coming and makes it impossible to avoid please.


A great way to annoy the crap out of people.

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Oh, gods ... the Holiday Special ...


Proof that not everything can rise to "so bad it's actually good."


Some things are just flash-back inducingly, cringingly bad. With extra bad. And bad sauce.


Sooo ... what do you do on Life Day? Get really high and sing? Put on clothes other than a bandoleer for one damned day?


Yes, the holiday special approaches "So bad it's good", then takes a sharp left and veers into "So bad it's painful".


That said, I'm okay with WLD in game so long as they don't change the background music to

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Yes, the holiday special approaches "So bad it's good", then takes a sharp left and veers into "So bad it's painful".


That said, I'm okay with WLD in game so long as they don't change the background music to



No...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Do not remind us of the singing...


I remember the music form SWG's....love WLD and the other events...well...EFoL was bad... :rolleyes:

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You are missing the point of celebrating holidays in-game. Most people celebrate Christmas. It is a great time of year. Most MMOs come up with in-game reasons to celebrate such holidays because it is fun for most people. Luckily for some, these events are always optional. They are a great excuse to break the tedium and inject some fun into a season.


That is your opinion. I don't share that view. I find them distracting to be honest. I find they break immersion. If I want to celebrate an Earth Holiday I do so IRL. TBH, most of the secular world has lost the meaning of, and even the definition and origin of the word holiday, let alone the real reasons for those celebrations. IMHO, game version's of them are a mockery. I still support "holiday events" based off of the EU lore. Again, a lot of potential there. :cool:

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heh, not sure if these are actually cannon, but some other ideas:


Corellian Independence Day

Founding Day (commemorating the founding of the Republic)

Liberation Day (commemorating when Revan defeated Darth Malgus and destroyed the Star Forge)

The day of Emergence (when the Empire first came back into the galaxy)

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heh, not sure if these are actually cannon, but some other ideas:


Corellian Independence Day

Founding Day (commemorating the founding of the Republic)

Liberation Day (commemorating when Revan defeated Darth Malgus and destroyed the Star Forge)

The day of Emergence (when the Empire first came back into the galaxy)


Perfect examples! :)

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heh, not sure if these are actually cannon, but some other ideas:


Corellian Independence Day

Founding Day (commemorating the founding of the Republic)

Liberation Day (commemorating when Revan defeated Darth Malgus and destroyed the Star Forge)

The day of Emergence (when the Empire first came back into the galaxy)


They are good examples, but there's got to be a lot more than that. :)


Think how many festival exist on Earth......... then times that by just 1/2 the number of habitated planets in the SW galaxy........... there's got to be a fesitval somewhere for pretty much everything. :D

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If this is true and we do get a Life Day event I will be very pleased. I used to look forward to Life Day every year in Star Wars Galaxies, and boy have I missed it. Now I can at least look forward to it in SWTOR. Hopefully it will be something special.


Now I'm hoping for a Bowdaar customization... A red Life Day robe!

Edited by Blue_Leader
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I am most curious about the robes. Any clue if SWG had holiday robes for WLD? I so much hope it's gonna be hoodless, classic Jedi robe :/


But something tells me it's gonna be a Jedi robe with hood up in a Santa colour variation >.>

Yes, SWG had red Life Day robes. However, I believe only Wookiees could equip them, if I remember right.


SWG had some pretty amazing Life Day events and items. I can only hope that SWTOR will have something even half-way as impressive.

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