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What's Garza actually done herself?


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So, in a nutshell, like the title says, what has Garza done herself, or how did she get her rank and command authority over Havoc Squad?


A link to a credible source works just as well for me as a long written explanation. I'm just genuinely because from my perspective, from the get go she just sits behind a desk telling me what to do and takes all the credit for my work :/

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Most of the info taken from the official pre-release biographies (released for characters like Garza, Mako, Tanno Vik and Supreme Chancellor Janarus) which is about as credible a source as you can get with SWTOR lore (though the pages for non-companion characters don't exist anymore, sadly).


When the Great Galactic War began with the resurgent Sith Empire in 3,681 BBY, Garza forged her identity credentials at the age of 15 in order to enlist in the Republic Military. She soon reached the rank of lieutenant and was awarded the command of an entire platoon in the 45th Infantry Division.


During her career, she was awarded a number of commendations, including the Medal of Valor, the Silver Crescent, the Mark of Dedication, and the Chancellor's Service Medal.


Basically, she's more bada** than the whole of Havoc Squad (both the pre- and post-Trooper squads) which is why you need to shut up and follow her orders.

Edited by HellbirdIV
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So she has more medals than Guderian and Manstein together? Because I just see her as another politician. Maybe her platoon in the 45th was composed of heavy armored droids that probably were smarter than her. I am just glad that she is not real . ;)
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She's the Audy Murphy[if you don't know who Audy murhpy was, most decorated soldier out of WWII] of the Star Wars Universe.


She's also the Gunny highway of the Star Wars Universe. She's pissed more blood, stomped more guts, shot more bolts than anybody in the republic military. she's earned those stars the HARD WAY.

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Garza used forged identity records in order to enter the military at age 15 at the beginning of the Great War, fought in several campaigns and earned multiple promotions, eventually becoming a lieutenant with command of an entire platoon and it was with this that she really began to make a name for herself.


All of this is in the SWTOR Encyclopedia. It should be the first stop for anyone curious about points of SWTOR lore.


Nutshell, Garza is far, far more a soldier than a politician, and came up through the ranks, in wartime, in the field, on the merits of her own strategic and tactical gifts. She isn't asking Havoc Squad to do anything she wouldn't - or, in her heyday couldn't - do for herself.

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She's the Audy Murphy[if you don't know who Audy murhpy was, most decorated soldier out of WWII] of the Star Wars Universe.


She's also the Gunny highway of the Star Wars Universe. She's pissed more blood, stomped more guts, shot more bolts than anybody in the republic military. she's earned those stars the HARD WAY.


Now I'm picturing Garza saying "You can hit me, kick me, stab me, or shoot me. Just don't bore me!" :D

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So she has more medals than Guderian and Manstein together? Because I just see her as another politician. Maybe her platoon in the 45th was composed of heavy armored droids that probably were smarter than her. I am just glad that she is not real . ;)


To be a good General, you need to know how to control politics as well as warfare.

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Heh fair point about the politicing. I dunno, maybe I'm just old fashioned, or maybe Garza just rubs me the wrong way. *shrug* I've always been more of a Cad Bane Almighty Credit type person at heart.


Then you should love the Bounty Hunter storyline. Early on, you get to do a Calo Nord style "1..... 2...... 3", and act like a total Mercenary for the Almighty Creds! :D

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