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Complaints and Grievances


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I am loving the game. However, there are many little things that I think should be obvious that are missing. I am not saying I am gonna quit, I am not. I do wish to discuss what I and others, as you post below, find most wished for.


Target of target

Threat meter/indicator


The fights are a clusterfudge and I have no idea as a tank what is attacking me and what I need to taunt or attack to draw threat.


Macros. With no auto attack this is of paramount importance to me. The monotony of spamming a button to feed me power is annoying, and I use a Nostromo n52 keypad...


Capital letters in Guild names. My guild is <VII> however it displays as <Vii>. They know this and say they will fix it. On this list.


Running, running and more running. Seriously, you made the places huge and then have us run back and forth across them multiple times. I know I know I did as much in WoW and EQ2, but things have evolved, this feels really old school, and not in a good way.


Zoning 3 times to board my ship. Similar to above. I zone, take a ship to a port and take another ship to zone into my ship...


FIXEDJerky Mouse. This one I may be alone on but my mouse is ultra sensitive in this game. It tends to auto follow and place the view over my head when i start to move. I have tried every setting low to high in game as well as adjusting my DPI. I have an expensive gaming mouse and it works fantastic in every other game. Maybe there is a setting I missed?


Combat Log. Is there going to be one?


Addon API. Sooner the better.


These are the things that come to mind. What comes to your mind? This is intended to discuss what we want as a community.


Here is hoping for a bright and improved future for SWTOR!

Edited by Dejoblue
Jerky camera fixed
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1.) Having a setting to disable camera auto-follow.


2.) I am sure this next one is a major concern already, since it was listed in the post beta/pre-EGA patch, but the spell casting latency that still exists. It seems like the animations of casting throws it off.


3.) I've also noticed that trying to spell weave lightning strike with force lightning causes the animation for force lightning to trigger and not actually casting it. Which requires me to interrupt a non-existent cast by jumping or moving, in order to actually cast the "real" spell.


4.) Definitely have to agree with a more intuitive and more efficient Galactic trading UI.


5.) Fixing artifact nodes.


6.) Target of Target window.


7.) Spell/ability trigger notifications, or give us the ability to move/make them bigger.


8.) Definitely some kind of combat log. (If you are happy that they don't have one, don't use it when it implements.) Some of us will be raiding and would like to be as efficient/powerful as possible, and competition will enable some of us even further.


9.) When selecting crafting missions, have a way to select which tier you'd like to interact with. EX: Not defaulting to highest tier.


10.) Not to be counter-productive, but I do think having to zone 2+ times to simply get to our ship seems a bit excessive.


11.) At higher levels having the ability to port directly to our ships.

Edited by poryan
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Most of the stuff in the OPs list isn't important, just extra features that don't make or break a game. I have never used macros, and probably won't. I have never referenced the combat log; not once, ever.


BUT, I do agree with a couple of them.


Zoning three times to board a starship. Our ships are small enough, let us land on the planet and zone once from the space port. Because zoning three times adds to the next problem:


Running. Running. Running. Yeah, I'll get a speeder once I can afford it, but a scaling mount (speed depending on level) available early on for an affordable price would be nicer.

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Like to add:


- things don't auto stack when u right click from your inventory to cargo hold


-i second the GTN closing when your companion comes back is very annoying


- access to the GTN and your mail from your ship would also be handy


and (i know it goes with the proper motif...) but whoever had the idea to make all the sinking cities on Taris actually slanted, made me VERY VERY nauseous when the camera would rotate... i actually did not do the bonus quests of fear of ruining my keyboard...

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I don't want to see macros like in SWG that would virtually play the game for people.


1) But, I very much would like to see the GTN (galactic trade network) filter function in a useable manner.


2) I would like to have the 'camera bug' fixed. It is very frustrating to pan your camera or hit an ability and you camera tilts in crazy directions. It is disorienting.


3) I totally agree that zoning to zone to your ship is way too much.


4) The bugged gathering nodes is more then annoying to me, but I recognize the Devs have a lot on their plate and I am confident all these issues will be addressed.

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Zoning 3 times to board my ship. Similar to above. I zone, take a ship to a port and take another ship to zone into my ship...

Couldn't agree more. This really was some bad design or maybe a workaround for some technical problem they couldn't directly solve? I hope they fix this soon.

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I did not know that. I guess I'll have to go search for that information.


There was a sticky back in beta:


I know it doesn't mention macros but as much has been said.




Some aspects of The Old Republic are often questioned but are in fact 'working as intended'. This section includes details of those.

Under Graphics preferences, the Anti-aliasing option is not yet functional.


The Combat Log is disabled.


Some chairs and benches cannot be interacted with.


In multiplayer conversation, rolls are intended to be over 100 at times. This allows players to 'crit' on a roll!"

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There was a sticky back in beta:


I know it doesn't mention macros but as much has been said.




Some aspects of The Old Republic are often questioned but are in fact 'working as intended'. This section includes details of those.

Under Graphics preferences, the Anti-aliasing option is not yet functional.


The Combat Log is disabled.


Some chairs and benches cannot be interacted with.


In multiplayer conversation, rolls are intended to be over 100 at times. This allows players to 'crit' on a roll!"


Very disheartening for me to hear. I hope that the reason it is still disabled for release is that they are considering keeping it that way.

Also thought the crits on a roll during a convo were kinda cool. I wonder if crit chance with your weapon affects it?


On topic, I too have had the mouse issue, and have a G500 mouse that works on all other games perfectly. It gets wonky.

And I've often thought that mail in my ship would be nice, although I'm not usually on my ship for any extended period of time, and if anything it should be an upgrade that can be bought like anything else.

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I agree could care less about the mods ( macros and such ) but do have a problem with the no 2 same - specs being allowed in an heroic instance. I know there is an "allow" setting in pref. s for this but when I use it it singles me out in the Heroic instance as tho I'm in it alone and I don't get credit for anything I don't personally do in it i.e. : I dont specifically kill the boss , I do not recieve credit for the kill. Edited by Greyhorse
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