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So Bioware is not backing down from the "Grab Bags"


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Are rare lightsaber crystals in them???


Yes, but only a rare chance to get them. Good luck. I for one will be refusing to participate in these "grab bags". If it is not for sale outright, I will not be buying them. This is how I will express my content, by not paying for that crap.

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Yes, but only a rare chance to get them. Good luck. I for one will be refusing to participate in these "grab bags". If it is not for sale outright, I will not be buying them. This is how I will express my content, by not paying for that crap.


Really? You aren't going to spend your free coins on them? I doubt anyone will actually hold themselves to this on principle since they have a very substantial personal interest in said item based on how loud they are in opposition to the system.

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You can only make up your own mind to buy them or not. I'm a CE owner who has been subbed since launch, I will have lots of coins to spend. I will NOT be buying these. It won't make a difference but I will not support this shameless cash grab.


I would urge all other players not to buy them but it won't matter. They'll learn soon enough how lotteries work. Regret for wasting so many cartel coins for nothing will be a good life lesson for 99% who are "unlucky".

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Really? You aren't going to spend your free coins on them? I doubt anyone will actually hold themselves to this on principle since they have a very substantial personal interest in said item based on how loud they are in opposition to the system.



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Well I can say this, I don't believe it it for one second. Only you and Bioware will know for sure though in a few months.


man it's the same as it always is... people will whine and complain because they can while still using said feature anyway... we see it in this game everyday with the people who have been here since launch and sub every month yet do nothing but say this game is the most horrible abomination ever created and is gonna die at any moment...


as far as the random bags go it will go the same way it did in STO with their lock box fest... the vocal minority will outrage about it while the item continues to sell extremely well... then you will see said person who was claiming lock boxes ruin the game and claiming that he would NEVER be so dumb as to buy one running around in game with a full load of items available only from lock boxes

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Well I can say this, I don't believe it it for one second. Only you and Bioware will know for sure though in a few months.


You can believe whatever you want to believe. What you believe is not my concern. Bioware not making one red cent off me to those grab bags is.

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This have been said by someone else, either in this thread of one of the others.... for all practical purposes "gambling" in the legal sense (ie: legal enforcement) is generally enforced in two contexts by goverment: 1) to prevent harm to the public (and harm has to be proven, not just alleged) 2) to capture revenue from the enterprise, which is the more common reason for governments to apply statute and enforcement on anything in commerce, be it buying, selling, gambling, whatever. Grab bags as virutal items inside a virtual world do not meet either test in any material sense. Sure, people can apply broad meaning to the term "gambling" to press a bias, a preference, or a moral standard, but unless 1 or 2 above is material.... there is no gambling in the context of statue enforcement. There is however a game of chance in play here... which is what grab bags are, but then again, so is running an instance for boss loot in the game proper.


I assure you that the government could argue harm and lost revenue if it wants.


Virtual things sold for cash IMO have a pretty valid case that if Bioware where to ever shutdown this game that you'd be entitled to a refund. Its a potential problem with grab bags of items, because unlike "collectible" cards or other non-sense you keep those cards you got.


If you paid money for a virtual grab bag. Got items and then Bioware folded the game I think you deserve every penny you paid for those items.

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man it's the same as it always is... people will whine and complain because they can while still using said feature anyway... we see it in this game everyday with the people who have been here since launch and sub every month yet do nothing but say this game is the most horrible abomination ever created and is gonna die at any moment...


as far as the random bags go it will go the same way it did in STO with their lock box fest... the vocal minority will outrage about it while the item continues to sell extremely well... then you will see said person who was claiming lock boxes ruin the game and claiming that he would NEVER be so dumb as to buy one running around in game with a full load of items available only from lock boxes



Show me, in this thread...I CHALLENGE YOU...where I say anywhere even remotely close to being "This game is dieing, these lock boxes will be the end of this game...blah blah blah." I challenge you. As far as STO goes...I played that game from beta, all the way until they went free to play. Now, if you can find me in that game anywhere...or have seen me in that game since it went F2P, then I will buy you a grab bag. Good luck with that. Your whole post has been mythbusted.

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If you paid money for a virtual grab bag. Got items and then Bioware folded the game I think you deserve every penny you paid for those items.


I think you need to read the terms of service for this MMO (and really all MMOs). ALL content, including items such as what is sold in the cartel shop belong to the game producer. It's their IP, and your only rights to them are to use them in game for whatever duration they are in game and the game is on-line.

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You can believe whatever you want to believe. What you believe is not my concern. Bioware not making one red cent off me to those grab bags is.


and that will last until you see someone run by with that uber cool bad *** XXX item you always wanted and you ask where they got it ....


Show me, in this thread...I CHALLENGE YOU...where I say anywhere even remotely close to being "This game is dieing, these lock boxes will be the end of this game...blah blah blah." I challenge you. As far as STO goes...I played that game from beta, all the way until they went free to play. Now, if you can find me in that game anywhere...or have seen me in that game since it went F2P, then I will buy you a grab bag. Good luck with that. Your whole post has been mythbusted.


no it hasn't... but the whole point and context of it did manage to fly right over your head

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and that will last until you see someone run by with that uber cool bad *** XXX item you always wanted and you ask where they got it ....


No, it will last until I see one for sale out right on the Cartel store, or until somebody sells one on the market. Nice try though.

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and that will last until you see someone run by with that uber cool bad *** XXX item you always wanted and you ask where they got it ....




no it hasn't... but the whole point and context of it did manage to fly right over your head


Whatever you say, pal.

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and that will last until you see someone run by with that uber cool bad *** XXX item you always wanted and you ask where they got it ....




no it hasn't... but the whole point and context of it did manage to fly right over your head


lol! It's already happened. I was on the PTS today and I bought one of those cartel bags. I used it and got a few cool things but what stood out was this really bad a** speeder.



Here is a pic of it:




Now, Section X, where I stood, was not particularly crowded but as I moved through other areas peeps asked me where I got the speeder and proceeded to try their luck by purchasing loot bags until they got their drop. I left and don't know if they ever did, but this is a case in point.


From what I've seen and used of the Cartel Market, I wouldn't say it is innovative, but I do like what I see. And... the loot bag worked for me. lol.

Edited by Rafaman
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You can believe whatever you want to believe. What you believe is not my concern. Bioware not making one red cent off me to those grab bags is.


I'm with you, Wraiven.


And if anyone thinks I can't stand by my principals they can check my post history on STO forums (which ends abruptly after STO added their own grab bags). I will quit any game that adds exclusive items to "grab bags".



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Nope, not childish at all, I have sense, but if you want to throw good money after bad, when you're already subscribing and carrying f2p and a cash shop on your back, go ahead. Be a kid, have at it.


Maybe in a few years after you've been rooked by this lottary box scam you'll grow some sense too. After all, I was once like you, and sank hundreds into this kind of junk already. I'm sorry you haven't smartened up yet. Good luck in the future.


I must have missed something.


Are Bioware going to suspend or otherwise penalise me if I don't spend Actual Cash Money in their shop? Because my plan was to spend the 500 free coins I get every month, and play the game as a subscriber, and not actually spend another red cent. So, from my perspective, I'm going from paying $15 a month to play, to paying $15 a month to play, and here's some CCs into the bargain. Maybe I'll get something nifty. Maybe not. Maybe I will find other things to spend my coins on.


Lunafox, I'm sorry you spent money you now regret having spent for these boxes in some other game. It sucks, and I hope that you sustained no lasting financial or psychological damage. If you feel yourself in danger, put your credit card in a glass of water in the freezer, to give you a bit of thinking time before impulse purchases.


But as miserable as it may have been, no one put a gun to your head. No one, unless, as I say, I've missed something, is going to insist that you buy anything - not mystery boxes, not Legacy unlocks, not ANYTHING - from the shop if you have any kind of objection to doing so. But for most of us, it's a giddy little thrill and a bonus on top of our subscription.

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If the prizes inside a box of Cracker Jacks were things like, a brand new Leather Jacket or a Crown of Gold and Jewels, that might be an apt analogy. As it is it is not.




Just so we are clear here, the prizes in these boxes are virtual things - bunches of pixels, often charmingly animated and admired by passers-by - that you use to play a game. You are not going to get a Maserati, or the keys to a condo.

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I'm with you, Wraiven.


And if anyone thinks I can't stand by my principals they can check my post history on STO forums (which ends abruptly after STO added their own grab bags). I will quit any game that adds exclusive items to "grab bags".




Challenge accepted. See you in a few months when you change your mind.

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I have seen a lot of you guys beg Bioware to reconsider putting out these "Grab Bags" (gambling bags) and judging from the PTS server, your cries have gone unheard.


So now I am asking you...Bioware....please please please do not go through with these grab bags. You are placing some of the coolest stuff in to these bags and making it to where the only way you can get this stuff is to gamble. Pink-purple crystals? Grab bag only?


Come on Devs...I am respectfully requesting you reconsider here.


The gambling bags are fine. The problem is, many of the items in the bags are only available from the bags (the GTN nonsense notwithstanding.. unless you're sitting on 50 million credits). They need to allow the items to be purchased in the store. I'm willing to bet they will make far more money that way because I doubt people are stupid enough to keep spending real money on a "chance" of getting something specific.


Then again, I'm probably overestimating the intelligence of gamers... I do that fairly often.

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I doubt people are stupid enough to keep spending real money on a "chance" of getting something specific.


Then again, I'm probably overestimating the intelligence of gamers... I do that fairly often.


you are... and not just gamers... everything from lotto and casinos down to kids with collectible card games are willing to blow tons of cash on maybe getting what they want

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GW2 does the same thing with chests, it works out fine. <shrug>

Slight difference in GW2 you can loot chest key on mobs.


I never bought a key in Gw2. Paying for gambling isn't my cup of tea.

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