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Gamestop ORDERED Not To Sale SWTOR


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All of my local stores are not staying open till after midnight to sale the game. They all said they got a message from Corporate that said they could not sale it before tomorrow, and if they did they would be fired. ***?! Meanwhile, three friends that pre-ordered from Gamestop online have already had theirs delivered by UPS. Yet I can't buy mine until normal store hours tomorrow.


Last time I am buying a damn thing from Gamestop.


Yes, tomorrow is street date. BW did allow early shipping though. I got my CE Friday.

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That's because Gamestop is the most EVIL corporation in gaming. They treat their customers, and employees like ****. They have hedonist parties at their conference every year in Vegas. They're shady and are trying to addict kids to violent CONSOLE games. They are sellouts to IGN, Microsoft and a few magazine companies. **** GAMESTOP. Pre-order DIRECTLY FROM THE PUBLISHER, ie. Origin, or DD.


Is that why I got my CE from Gamestop on Friday but Origin didn't even begin to ship mine until Friday evening?

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Why, oh why, do people still buy games at Gamestop? I bought my Collector's Edition AND a regular copy for someone else from Amazon and got them three days ago on the 16th. But that's not the reason to stop going to Gamestop. They take stuff out of their games when their company doesn't agree to the content. Special codes and such MIGHT not be in there when you guy it? I mean, really, isn't Gamestop more for teenager because they don't have credit cards? Seriously... get away from Gamestop, Amazon.com kills all others when it comes to service, you not getting your game on time is your own fault for a poor decision.


When I ordered the CE, Amazon.com still didn't have it listed on their website. Orgin and Gamestop did.

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All of my local stores are not staying open till after midnight to sale the game. They all said they got a message from Corporate that said they could not sale it before tomorrow, and if they did they would be fired. ***?! Meanwhile, three friends that pre-ordered from Gamestop online have already had theirs delivered by UPS. Yet I can't buy mine until normal store hours tomorrow.


Last time I am buying a damn thing from Gamestop.


This is just a lie, 2 Gamestops in my area had Midnight releases last night. I didn't pick up my copy until today because of obvious reasons (I already had access to the game) but when I picked it up today I asked them if they had a midnight release last night and they said 2 of their stores in the area did.

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This is a PC game.. this is NOT a console game.. Gamestop is NOT going to stay open for 2 people to come in and pick up pre-orders on a PC title.. Its NEVER going to happen. Gamestop caters to CONSOLES not PC games. It's not even worth the pay rate of an employee to stay open.


While this is a huge launch, gamestop does not see the value in a midnight opening.


You should have pre-ordered the game or did the digital copy. I got my copy overnight from Gamestop 3 days ago. CE has been in my hands for a few days now.


Tell that to the WoW fans. To say they will never stay open for a PC launch is just not right. :-)

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I also feel the need to explain to you that Gamestop does not "sale" you a game. Gamestop "sells" you a game.


I have to agree, I saw "setting" in another post too. My spelling is not the greatest, I will be the first to admit that my punctuation can best be described as "ballistic" but sale and setting? I really wonder about the level of education people get today when simple words like these are misused or misspelled.

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This might hurt a bit but!


I pre-ordered from BestBuy and I got my copy of SWTOR as promised. But, Since I've been having so much fun with the game I decided that others in my family & friends who would enjoy a good MMO should have a copy (not all of them are MMO players). Gamestop was the only one that had any copies available and they happily sold me 14 copies of the game that they had left over from pre-orders.


It was the same price that every other store was charging and it was available where Bestbuy and others had none available. Is this the rare case where they decided to do something right? I don't know. But, this time I am glad that they were there for me when I needed them and now 14 other people in my life will be able to enjoy this game on the 25th. :)

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This might hurt a bit but!


I pre-ordered from BestBuy and I got my copy of SWTOR as promised. But, Since I've been having so much fun with the game I decided that others in my family & friends who would enjoy a good MMO should have a copy (not all of them are MMO players). Gamestop was the only one that had any copies available and they happily sold me 14 copies of the game that they had left over from pre-orders.


It was the same price that every other store was charging and it was available where Bestbuy and others had none available. Is this the rare case where they decided to do something right? I don't know. But, this time I am glad that they were there for me when I needed them and now 14 other people in my life will be able to enjoy this game on the 25th. :)


Seriously you bought 14 copies of the CE at $150 a pop?

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Seriously you bought 14 copies of the CE at $150 a pop?


Sorry, I should have clarified. I bought 14 copies of the standard edition which was 59.99 + tax each. I think the only downside was that Gamestop didn't have any game time cards but Bestbuy does and I'll have to go there anyways to get 6mos of time for each copy as well.

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