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First Sentinel


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So after taking a break from the game for a while, I finally came back, and decided to start fresh. So I made a Jedi Knight, and thought it through. Rather than go the normal Guardian/Juggernaut route that I have for all previous Melee Force classes, I decided to go down the Sentinel path this time.


I am not regretting it.


As a Guardian, I leaped into combat, and started a dance, a very slow dance, where I build up focus and almost spend it just as fast. It was beautiful, in its own way, but slow. Sure, I always had the health to spare, but after a while, I just started to zone out in combat. Leap, burst, focus build, burst, focus build, burst...


As a Sentinel, I feel like a wrecking ball. Sure, a lot more fragile, but that doesn't bother me. I leap in, smash 'em with a focus builder once, then proceed to bash things down, usually killing before I have to worry about building up focus again, and by that time, my big focus builder is usually off cooldown, and I proceed to beat down the next poor sod that dared to cross my blades. Its aggression is beautiful, and oddly satisfying.


Now to play again tomorrow so I can learn Juyo and leave Shi-cho behind...

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Sentinel is my one and only character, im currently level 47 and haven't looked back. I do a hell of a lot of damage, especially in warzones and learnt to optimize my destruction :-D trouble with that is in always broke because I always want more powerful mods. Who needs a level 2 speeder though :-P
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I started as a Gunslinger but when my guild at the time, mostly made up of ppl I know , decided to roll IMP I rolled a Mara.... AND LOVED IT! but after everyone left the game the light side called to me once again. I decided to roll a trooper to be my healer , mostly because they remind me so much of the medic class in TF2 , but always missed my twin blades of **** so am now currently leveling a Sent and loving it. I still love playing my trooper and run HM's and OPS whenever possible but am thoroughly enjoying my Jedi.
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Yeah, I love my Sent (Watchman spec in Juyo). The ranged DPS of a Commando has its charms as well, but there are sooooo many things to love about Watchman. It's not just the joy of the big ticket Leap-Overload Saber-Sow Death and Destruction train. There's the 0m leap, the various interrupts, the auto-crits with self-heal, the Inspiration buff for your whole raiding party, etc. Oh, and the first time you go cutting through a mob, leaving standing targets to die from your burns while you leap onto the next target, is delicious...uhhhhmm...we are light side though, right? :D
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