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Watchmen/Focus Hybrid


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Had been thinking about this for a while and decided to try it out last night. Here is the build. Lose out on Force Exaustion for Overload Saber and Searing Saber. Searing Saber along with Focussed Resonance adds 60% crit multiplier to your burns. So, if you're at 75-80% crit mult already your looking at 135% on burns. Losing FE drops the opportunity for Singularity but between Zen, Force Stasis and Valorous Call it's still around fairly often.


I beat on the combat dummies for a while and then hit SM KP to test it out in the 'real world'. My Sent is an alt and doesn't have the greatest gear at this point, so numbers have a lot of room for improvement. Here is the log. Hitting 1399dps on Karagga in this gear seemed pretty solid. Surge is quite a bit lower than it should be to really take advantage of the Force Sweep and burns. So, ironing that out and getting up to black hole would be a pretty significant boost. Also, since it was my first night trying this build there's obviously some room for getting more comfortable with it.

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I parsed full watchman spec (31/3/7) for 20 minutes and this hybrid for 45 minutes on the ops dummy and I ended up getting about 40 DPS more with the hybrid


omg! I Just parsed. this hybrid spec has higher dps!

I'm full rakata on my watchman I do 1526 over 6min.

Then I switched to this hybrid spec, I did 1604 over 6min. Insane!!


Now forget about watchman! I'm gonna stick with this hybrid now. Not only it has higher single target damage, the aoe is also helpful in boss fights clearing adds etc. So this one will definitely do more damage than watchman.

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  • 2 weeks later...
my question is: what form you use? Shi-co? or Juyo?


Was wondering the same thing.




Never mind, it's pretty clear your in Shii-cho now that I look at it some more.

Edited by Xiij
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Just tested it on the Puppet in T4 Gear:


DPS relevant Stats:

2232 Strength

40.23 % Crit (Melee)

100.23% Accuracy (Melee)

77.54% Crit Multi (Melee)

586 BonusDmg (Melee)

47.23% Crit (Force)

110.23% Accuracy (Force)

77.54% Crit Multi

976 BonusDmg (Force)


My normal Spec is:

31/7/3 ---> Taking the Defensive Abillities from the Central Tree and the 6% Crit Bonus for Force


I used, all 4 Class buffs and an Exotech Stim:


In My normal Spec:


6 Min Fights: 1798DPS, 1824DPS, 1845 DPS

(Roundabout 100k Heal at the same time)


I tried your Spec :


6Min Fights (Juyo): 1543DPS, 1489DPS,1609 DPS

6 Min Fights (Shi-Sho): 1634 DPS, 1563 DPS, 1589 DPS


The Hybrid seems Crap for Endcontent Raiding. Notice I play as you see a Crit-Oriantated Wachman aka I am a dying Species, even on the European Servers. The most people nowadays stack 0 Crit and only Power as Wachmans. They do less DMG or are at least less usable in a Raid I can assure you that^^

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Just tested it on the Puppet in T4 Gear:


DPS relevant Stats:

2232 Strength

40.23 % Crit (Melee)

100.23% Accuracy (Melee)

77.54% Crit Multi (Melee)

586 BonusDmg (Melee)

47.23% Crit (Force)

110.23% Accuracy (Force)

77.54% Crit Multi

976 BonusDmg (Force)


My normal Spec is:

31/7/3 ---> Taking the Defensive Abillities from the Central Tree and the 6% Crit Bonus for Force


I used, all 4 Class buffs and an Exotech Stim:


In My normal Spec:


6 Min Fights: 1798DPS, 1824DPS, 1845 DPS

(Roundabout 100k Heal at the same time)


I tried your Spec :


6Min Fights (Juyo): 1543DPS, 1489DPS,1609 DPS

6 Min Fights (Shi-Sho): 1634 DPS, 1563 DPS, 1589 DPS


I appreciate the stats and parses. This spec looks like it has potential at least; I was wondering what skill priority you were using on the hybrid spec; I wasn't able to come up with one that "suits my fancy".


The Hybrid seems Crap for Endcontent Raiding. Notice I play as you see a Crit-Oriantated Wachman aka I am a dying Species, even on the European Servers. The most people nowadays stack 0 Crit and only Power as Wachmans.


Yes unfortunately you are a dying breed. However, I'd like to try some more extensive parses using my gear (power stacking watchman) to see if there is a large difference in results.


They do less DMG or are at least less usable in a Raid I can assure you that^^


Can you provide numbers proving this? Because I'm pretty sure this is not true; but that is an argument for another thread (like this , this, or this).

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Concerning Power stacked Wachmans:


I had a little argument wiht another top DPS Wachman who stacked crit shortly before 1.4. arrived about who did more DPS in the End both of us with T4 100% + Stim + 4 Classbuffs went to the Puppet and hit it for 3 Fights a 6min. In the End we were both between 1750-1800 DPS, BUT I had roundbaout 400HPs and he had like 100 HPS.


Yesterday when we killed Kephess on Asation HC again I looked at my healing stats just for fun in the End I did 1/5 of the Heal one of our Real Healers does:D Top DPS either way only our Commando who already got his T4.5 Weapon did a little more, well he used Adrenals which I didn´t use:D

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