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Why are people antisocial in mmos? It's not like you have to talk to them in real life. I have gone through 45 tries now with not ONE person wanting to group. They just go "meh..." or "im solo" or not say anything at all. What's with that? Why are people so antisocial on these games?



well, its not anti-social to want to enjoy the game on your own. i love soloing in the world, i dont want to have to force conversation with some random person just because theyre lonely.

45 tries? what do you mean. You have whispered 45 people and they dont want you to, is that what youre saying. If some random person whispers me, i wouldnt respond. Theres a possibility if they are polite and dont just whisper "hi" that i might respond .. but generally, i play games to avoid interaction unless required. Its nice to chat on general sometimes but mostly i keep myself to myself and expect others to respect my privacy. If i dont want to engage someone in general chat, i can close the chat or i can just ignore those that seem to be rude.

Call it a legacy of WOW, people that whisper you are going to grief you .. its as simple as that.


Bear in mind, they also may not understand you language. There lots of different languages in the world, just because you speak a particular one, doesnt mean everyone does.

Also, bear in mind that most people that play online games are between 20-45 .. most have jobs and real-life issues. Its not always possible to be bubbly and chatty.

The best way to get chat and grouping whilst doing planets is to make friends or join a guild. Dont expect everyone to be the way you want them to be.



All in all, i would find it quite pestering and bothersome if someone just randomly whispered me and then accused me of being anti-social because i didnt feel like playing the game their way.

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I HATE that heroic on taris, that is the rakghoul release heroic, I think. on every team I'm in (I play as healer) is a nightmare to survive the first pull after the hallway. That's a good strategy you know, one learns new things every day. Funny thing is, that heroic is marked as +2, when I had problems with groups of 4 people there.


As for the subject, I try to group and do heroics and FPs everyday, but I don't group normally for solo stuff, unless someone have problems and wishper me for help.


Yea, they’re not so bad as single groups because I can hold them in a pile in the hallway and even cones hit all of them, so they die fairly fast and the healer doesn’t need to heal anyone but me. But if you get both groups it’s so chaotic in there that I think people panic when they start getting hit after those debuffs hit. And I only have sweep for an AoE taunt, so agro control is horrid.


Tank’s at that level just don’t have the survivability or healers the ability to remove those debuffs to survive 10 heroic mobs pounding them with a 5 stack armor debuff, so I go down amazingly fast. Without the armor thing it’s an easy H2 with it, yea its waaay above that(with getting multiple groups).

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Why are people antisocial in mmos? It's not like you have to talk to them in real life. I have gone through 45 tries now with not ONE person wanting to group. They just go "meh..." or "im solo" or not say anything at all. What's with that? Why are people so antisocial on these games?


Reason 1 - Ninja Invite.


Not a fan of the rude out of thin air invite. Not much different from someone grabbing your arm to see what time it is on your wristwatch. When a player won't take the time to ask/whisper, that is the "antisocial" behavior.


However, have never turned down a civil invite (except 2, 3, 4). There I was on Taris, waiting for friends and scrounging for credits. Suddenly came a rapid succession of ninja invites; ignored. Suddenly a (different) player popped out of a nearby heroic. They ASKED for a bit of help. We grouped and blew through the heroic. Afterwards, thanked each other for the group. Well that player was dumped by Mr. Ninja for not being good enough. And Mr. Ninja was now yelling for a group in general chat. Tsk, tsk, tsk.


Reason 2 - Time to call it a night.


Will politely decline the whisper offer, and let them know it's hit the sack time or logging off.


Reason 3 - Wrong character for the job.


Decline group because of insufficient gear, don't know the zone, not a healer/tank/dps, etc.


Reason 4 - Grouping with other folks.


Waiting for invites and/or waiting for other people.


No Reason.


Then again, maybe the folks responding to this thread are the good exception, and the majority are antisocial.






"M.A.D., an evil organization made up of black-cloaked "Maladjusted, Antisocial and Darn mean" scientists out to destroy the world."

Edited by WorldSecurities
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There's no reward for pugs with regular quests, and all the disadvantages people have mentioned. It's so nice to go the pace I want, retry branches of the conversation if I want, and collect nodes. Also, pugs usually break immersion. People want to do things as fast as possible, skip the conversations, talk about stuff going on in real life, etc. Pugs make the game feel like a chat window, so I avoid them when I can.


It's also usually too much hassle to group with people to complete specific heroics. I collect heroics just in case someone asks to do one while I'm in the area. Often someone asks for help when I'm deep in another area of the map. It would take a long time to go to the heroic and even longer to return (since the mobs will respawn). Or I could keep doing what I'm doing and skip the boring travel.


I queue for flashpoints while questing more often now that it's easy to return to my starting point when I'm done. If heroics had a similar feature, I'd do more of those. Flashpoints are nice because I can have a group experience, and then switch back to the single player experience. Heroics aren't worth the travel, and regular questing is most enjoyable solo (or co-op, with someone I know).

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Why are people antisocial in mmos? It's not like you have to talk to them in real life. I have gone through 45 tries now with not ONE person wanting to group. They just go "meh..." or "im solo" or not say anything at all. What's with that? Why are people so antisocial on these games?



Its just design of game


Since WOW games been designed for solo play and thus people dont feel a big need to come togather


Back in EQ or even DAoC, people would group to do some content as it was required.


Put the challenge back in the leveling curve and people will group and chat


Gamers reflex the game they playing is all

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nah you are welcome in my group anytime...as long as I get in a few of those perfect photo ops :)


Haha, fair enough. Guildies like it too. The thing is, it would take too much time to explain all that to a random person. It's hard enough to pug a HM without people trying to force you to spacebar, even after you told them it's your first or second time there.

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I don't like to group with randoms(I group with friends tho) for normal quests, because I usually do random 5-15 min afk breaks to eat, take a leak, talk with someone, go groceries shopping etc and I like to pick when to do a break on my own terms without worrying about someone else.

I don't have any problems with random grouping for heroics and flashpoints where I plan not to do any breaks ;)


Call it antisocial, I call it pragmatic.

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Why are people antisocial in mmos? It's not like you have to talk to them in real life. I have gone through 45 tries now with not ONE person wanting to group. They just go "meh..." or "im solo" or not say anything at all. What's with that? Why are people so antisocial on these games?


Let me be the first to say I don't mind at all being social in-game. Sometimes I'll offer to help random people who are having a hard time getting a heroics group together, or a player having a hard time doing a class mission, or even to run dailies if for no other reason than to break up the mundane nature of some of the end-game content.


However, if someone keeps asking me over and over again to basically run all their class missions because they are under-leveled or sends me unsolicited grp invites (unless its to get mutual credit on a spawn or boss of some kind), or are just really bad players with horrible manners I have zero issue with putting em on my ignore list.


I get though and understand why some folks don't want to grp unless they need too.

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Yeah, see? You can play like that in games like City of Heroes, where the missions are set up to scale with your group and everybody can get credit for end of mission XP even if they don't have them. But in games like this, where people might be at different points in the story arch of the planet, it just doesn't work.


Players don't want to go back and do stuff they already did because you haven't done it yet. They want to go a different direction than you are going or they want to collect crafting nodes along the way or they want to stealth past stuff while you might want to fight every single mob that you pass.


In games like this you have to start out such a duo or group with friends and plan your path to some extent. You have to make sure to only play when they play so that you are always on the same missions at the same time and you have to work with each others side goals to have an enjoyable play experience. PUGs don't work for that kind of stuff.




I've found this in pretty much all MMO's aside from CoX and to a much lesser extend GW and GW2. The only exception I've seen in SWtOR is Flashpoints. If people are around the right level I've seldom had an issue getting a group for one, even before the LFG tool.

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Its just design of game


Since WOW games been designed for solo play and thus people dont feel a big need to come togather


Back in EQ or even DAoC, people would group to do some content as it was required.


Put the challenge back in the leveling curve and people will group and chat


Gamers reflex the game they playing is all


wow didnt start that,,it was in UO too


and the challenge,,yes they will chat,,about how much it suxx,,then they will LEAVE


wow copied EQ1 and dumbed it down,,bingo, the biggest MMO in history


and u want THIS game to be even MORE narrow?well i guess there still are some scrubs left

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Why are people antisocial in mmos? It's not like you have to talk to them in real life. I have gone through 45 tries now with not ONE person wanting to group. They just go "meh..." or "im solo" or not say anything at all. What's with that? Why are people so antisocial on these games?


Sociological and interwebz factors aside, at this point a lot of players are leveling alts and there's a lot less grouping for quests. First few months of the game it was very common, now most folks know what to do/where to go and are more focused on getting it done quick, not exploring or socializing.


Quest groups these days are usually buddies or guildies, might want to check for a big casual guild if you're not guilded already.

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OP are you on a RP server with a name like Mrpoopypants or something?


so I go in to grab the left hand mobs


Would be easier if you grabbed the mobs on the right side first since they're closer. I've never had the left side group aggro when pulling the right side group regardless of group level. :p

Edited by HarleysRule
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Just chiming in to say when I decline, it's not you, it's me. ;) Like most of the other posters, I'm on for a limited time and don't want to leave anyone in a lurch when I have to log off. And sometimes, I just like chugging through my missions by myself. I do enjoy general chat, though...maybe that's one way you could interact more?
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How are you asking people to group? Because whispering them directly is sort of creepy and intrusive and I for one would ignore it for that reason alone. Are you spamming General every thirty seconds? Are you spamming "LF u 2 tem" or are you utilising actual English? As someone already pointed out, is your name Ur'mom'lol or Pwngasm?


I do enjoy general chat, though...maybe that's one way you could interact more?


It always baffles me when people complain about soloing being antisocial. When I solo I'm also chatting on three channels. If I want to stop fighting and type, I do it without a teammate rushing ahead or complaining about waiting for me. On the other hand I've been on plenty of teams where no one so much as grunted for an hour. How is that "socialing?"

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Does your character have a really stupid or offensive name? I recall back in Planetside 1 there was a guy named McPeepants who could not understand why none of us wanted to squad with him.


I laughed my *** off on this. It's completely true. I will not group with someone with a stupid name like that. The rare times I have (via groupfinder ect) have almost always ended in disaster. Take some care when naming your character!


As an aside there was a character in WOW who frequently chided people for childish comments /behavior in chat. That character's name: Ifartalot.

Edited by jpopalisky
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Why are people antisocial in mmos? It's not like you have to talk to them in real life. I have gone through 45 tries now with not ONE person wanting to group. They just go "meh..." or "im solo" or not say anything at all. What's with that? Why are people so antisocial on these games?

i actually enjoy grouping with people for all kinds of content in the game. even the ones that are soloable. i like seeing what kind of decisions their toons make in convos, and how they all look. i also enjoy helping new players, or players that may not understand the game mechanics very well. we were all there at one point in time after all. i don't mind so much if people make mistakes while in battle as i'm comfortable enough with my toons to adapt. not like wiping is the worst thing in the world anyways. sometimes trial and error is the best way to teach people. yes, i do tend to go through pve content faster if i solo, but it's not like i'm in a race to get to level 50. i don't mind slowing down to help people get through their quests, even if i have to redo quests i already completed.


however, there will be times where i might decline grouping with people. some reasons being:


1. random invites. if you can't be bothered to ask first, i won't bother to group with you. i find random invites kind of rude.

2. i might be in a que waiting for pvp to pop. wouldn't be right for me to join you for a couple mins, only to disappear when battle calls. that would be rude on my part.

3. how you carry yourself makes a difference too. i don't like grouping with snobs, jerks, and trolls.

4. yeah, toon names do matter to an extent. i wouldn't team up with anyone named McPeepants either. just don't name yourself anything immature.

5. might be nearing time for me to log out for the day.


but yeah. other than that, i'd be more than happy to group up with people for most anything.

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Why are people antisocial in mmos? It's not like you have to talk to them in real life. I have gone through 45 tries now with not ONE person wanting to group. They just go "meh..." or "im solo" or not say anything at all. What's with that? Why are people so antisocial on these games?


For me I only group with my friends and guild. I have a few reasons for that. For one thing I don't use sprint and sometimes I don't use my speeder and I like to stop and gather stuff. In additional there are times my computer lags and most people become very impatient and quite rude when that happens so I have learned to only group with people that will not get upset with this.


Another reason is my guild is on a roleplay server and if there is more than one on we tend to roleplay in guild chat no matter what planet we may be on. We have done this since the beginning so that could cause another problem.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Why are people antisocial in mmos? It's not like you have to talk to them in real life. I have gone through 45 tries now with not ONE person wanting to group. They just go "meh..." or "im solo" or not say anything at all. What's with that? Why are people so antisocial on these games?
I rarely have people ask me if I want to group with them, instead I get the random unsolicited group invites. Now, not all of those are bad, sometimes if I'm in a mission area and someone who's clearly on the same mission is standing next to me and then I get the invite, it makes sense and there's a clear purpose to the group. But the annoying ones are, I just arrive on planet and an individual will continually send me group invites until I am forced to ignore them. And on occasion they'll QQ about me or ppl in general in general chat before I ignore them.


Yeah, I may be antisocial and a jerk, but unsolicited invites, and even whispers about your 1337 guild that you want me to be a part of for that matter, are rude. So, don't go QQ'ing when you get a rude response to your rude nuisance. Do I like grouping, yeah. But I abhor PUGs and stupid people in general. Does that make me antisocial, maybe, but don't expect me to feel bad about it for you. :tran_default:

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OP are you on a RP server with a name like Mrpoopypants or something?




Would be easier if you grabbed the mobs on the right side first since they're closer. I've never had the left side group aggro when pulling the right side group regardless of group level. :p


Wouldn’t have mattered which side I pulled since both ran into the room instead of waiting in the hallway, both times.

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Well, luckily then there's always the dictionary which defines you as antisocial :p.


antisocial (ˌæntɪˈsəʊʃəl )





avoiding the company of other people; unsociable

contrary or injurious to the interests of society in general

It also defines those who cause people to not want to group up. :p


Its not that people are anti-social, its just that 95% of an MMO community are BADS. And therefore people would rather solo something than have to group with others and endure a fail fest.

My reasons for not going out of my way to group have pretty much all been posted throughout this thread. MANY different things contribute. I will group if it's convenient or if I'm in the mood to have the patience to deal with a possible disaster, not completely against grouping though.

OP you said you tried 45 times? If I see someone excessively asking to group in chat it makes me think they might be the type who can't get anything done without a group which usually means trouble. Especially the people who practically demand help and then insult everyone in chat because no one will group with them (not saying this is you, just giving an example).

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i can only speak for myself as to why i dont socialize and or group in Swtor.


having played mmo's for almost 13 years now - general chat has gotten so bad in all the games i currently play including swtor that is is disheartning to say the least.


new person playing asking a few question in general relating to the game and watch them get laughed out, teased, trolled on by a majority..however , there still are some good folks out there that will answer usually in a /whisper.


imo only, why group when i can solo in peace with out getting ridiculed from the non elite gear i have, or the fact i may not know the fight strats..i suspect that there are many who are playing thinking the exact reasons i listed from my own experiance.


when the mmo community chats are more game related then who is bonking what companion, there potentialy would be a uprising in the many of us soloing to becoming group oriented

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when the mmo community chats are more game related then who is bonking what companion, there potentialy would be a uprising in the many of us soloing to becoming group oriented


Hey, that's why RPers RP in the cantinas, right? To talk about who is bonking what companion!


I help people when they ask for it over general chat, sometimes, if I'm not busy with something else.


Otherwise, I avoid the group-finder and open RP in cantinas. They call it "open RP". Some would call it "flirting & foreplay".


Late afternoons & early evenings are the worst. But appearantly, talking about everything in a sexual context is "a legitimate point of view and lifestyle choice", the same way that ERP is "legitimate RP".


Sometimes, people may appear anti-social, but really, they're just trying to avoid all the ***** people like to throw around.

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