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question for the tanks


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Sorry if this is a stupid question but I'm trying to make sure I go right by tanks in HM FPs I go on. As a dps (I have never played a tank, I guess that is why I'm asking) do I need to give the tank a "window" to set his agro pull abilities before I start blasting to high heaven?

And if yes, how long? 4 sec? 5 sec?


any other tips you would give dps'ers to make life on tanks easier in HMs?



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Just give us tanks a couple of seconds after we leap in. Literally you can count to 2 and then jump (or throw) and we're going to be pretty good. Below are some other tips for being a good DPS.


If there are lots of spread out mobs its handy if you can hold off blowing everything until we've finished positioning the mobs. Increase the effectiveness of your AoEs too.


If there are weaks and normals its really useful if you kill them first before joining us on the elites and strongs. It doesn't take you long to kill them, it reduces our incoming damage, reduces the number of mobs we need to hold and gives us time to build a threat lead on the strongs and elites. When you move onto the strongs and elites make sure you are hitting the same one as the tank and (ideally) the other DPS.


Avoid breaking CC. As a tank, I'll try and move the mobs away from CCed ones to lower the chance of an accidental AoE breaking CC.


A pet peeve of mine is also when DPS knock mobs away from me, especially ranged ones since they won't come running back and odds are, my leap is on CD.


Also if you outgear the tank its helpful to use your threat drop about 15 seconds into a boss fight, trash is less of concern.


TL;DR being a good DPS comes down to:

- Don't break CC

- Follow kill order (weak -> strong)

- Let the tank position the mobs

- Interrupt whatever you can unless you are told to watch for something particular

- Don't stand in the fire

- Use your threat drop


I'd rather run with a DPS that puts out 1500 DPS and does those than a DPS that puts out 2000 and doesn't.

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If you're rage, you don't want to jump in and smash on AoE pulls. There is no way a tank can generate threat on all mobs higher than what you generate with the huge rage smash without spending the AoE taunt. You wanna single target at first and then smash later in the fight, unless you're killing weak mobs then AoE them down.


Other than that, I'd say that waiting 3 seconds or so is more than enough on bosses and on general pulls just hit the target that your tank is hitting (unless, like I said, you're wiping the weak mobs while the tank holds the strong ones). It kinda depends on the tanks you're playing with, I don't care about people doing AoEs very much and if a DPS pulls the agro I let him tank and move on, people know when their life is at risk and if they notice they almost die on every pull they will hold their fingers in time. As long as it doesn't harm the encounter much or makes the healer "work double shift" I'm ok. Some might think differently though.

Edited by carlosg
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I'd rather run with a DPS that puts out 1500 DPS and does those than a DPS that puts out 2000 and doesn't.


Heck, i'd take a DPS that does 1000 DPS and does it well over someone that does 2000 and can't function effectively. Other then that, you pretty much hit everything Grall.


One note to you personally OP: know your class, and figure out if you have skills that can help a tank. like grall mentioned, a DPS that knocks mobs away from the pack is irritating. But Jugg's can easily PUSH a stray mob into the pack for a tank. whenever I run DPS on my jugg, im trying to maximize my ability to help the tank out. an assassin could do the same with their force smash now, since it knocks back better.


If your a DPS class that has a taunt, use it when a mob heads toward the healer. it will come back to you (and the tank), and the tank can grab it at that point.


Another one is intercede...use it on CD for the healer. you can take more punishment then them, and it helps overall threat production. or you can alternatively use it on another DPS that seems to have issue pulling threat from the tank. It's stuff like that that make tanks really appreciate you as a DPS. I think that DPS players often get short sighted and forget that we have more to our classes then just dishing out damage...i rarely see other juggs doing stuff like that in DPS spec. so you will stand out.

Edited by Elyx
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