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Can some explain the crit chance in pvp to me?


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Certain people I crit all time while other people I hardly ever get crits on. Why does this happen? I thought our critical chance was based simply on chance, but now I think gear also has a role in this. If this true, it shouldn't like this imo. Geer should matter in pvp imo, but it should reduce someone chance to crit - espcially if I'm full war hero fighting agains someone who is equally geared. Anyhow, enough ranting. Does anyone have any input on this? Edited by Individual
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This is based on my understanding, so correct me if I am wrong somewhere:


First roll is attacker accuracy vs. recepient defense. If the defense is high enough, your attack can miss, and even 100% crit chance (e.g. sniper laze target for +100% crit chance to snipe) will do nothing for you. This applies to white attacks only (melee/ranged), since yellow attacks (force/tech) cannot be defended or shielded.


Second roll is attacker crit against defender shield chance. From what I understand, here crit actually has an opportunity to push some shield off the table. Taking the same e.g. as above, say you had a sniper with laze target, who then does snipe. If it is not defended, the crit (+100%) is rolled against defender shield (say 40%). In this scenario, your crit will actually guaranteed hit (defender shield pushed off the table). If you had a 35% crit chance without any temporary crit buffs (no laze target), then I believe there is 35% chance to crit, 40% chance to shield, and remaining 25% chance for the attack to be a normal attack (non-crit and non-shield).

Edited by CBRGhostRider
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You could say that shield chance counters crit, because the hit is either a crit or shielded


I get that, but I'm talking about dps too. Like some muraders, I can never crit on. Thats even when they don't have pain or ward up either. There are just some DPS people I never seem to get crits on.

Edited by Individual
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To my understanding, first a crit rolls. If it is a crit, then no shielding allowed. Automatic crit. If it is not a crit, shield chance roll. If shield chance rolls, then it is shielded. else, normal hit.


could be wrong though. Would be nice to get some developer feedback.

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I get that, but I'm talking about dps too. Like some muraders, I can never crit on. Thats even when they don't have pain or ward up either. There are just some DPS people I never seem to get crits on.


Luck based, nothing else.


Would be nice to get some developer feedback.

Dream on ;)

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You could say that shield chance counters crit, because the hit is either a crit or shielded


That's not entirely true, because it's exactly opposite thing.

Crit chance counters shield. If attack is a crit, it's a crit. If it's not, it might be shileded. Attacking tank will reduce precentage of full, normal hits, but crit percentage will remain same.

This is simple crit from one side, shield from another, if they are small enough in middle you have normal hit. If crit is big enough, there is no shield. Nothing that reduces chance to be criticaly hit exists on gear, or as far as I know even in skills.

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You could say that shield chance counters crit, because the hit is either a crit or shielded


I have yet to stack shield chance, but if it you can get it over 30% then it makes sense that the OP doesn't crit certain people with shield chance on their gear in conjunction with shield chance increase talents.

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