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An idea to make Ilum more popular


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We all know why Ilum isnt popular at all (Lagfest, no real reward for being there)


So the idea is: "Ilum Gear" which will be on the level as the "Elite War Hero" (63 Mods) Obainable with X Conquerer of Ilum tokens.


- Controlling 3+ Objectives for an amount of time AND killing people. (To get Conquerer of Ilum token)

- Remake the "Just killed debuff" to prevent farming

- Add a weekly for controlling Ilum (No collecting boxes and crap)

- Multiply the rewards to equal group size

- Reset objectives every 4th hour

- Make several titles for being in the battlefield doing stuff (Revived X people, Took down X walkers etc, Killed X players)

- Make certain proffesions worthwhile to Objectives, Let slicers hack into enemies turrets to disable them, Cybertechs can repair walkers, Armstech can enhance turrets etc.

And put a vendor for ONLY Ilum gear, and repairs on 3 places (Factions safe house and a "hidden" one that circles every reset to a new location (to prevent farming around vendor)

- Ilum quest should ONLY be obtainable from Ilum, Fleet is too maintream.

- The only thing that should be able to do on Fleet with is a "Status report on the bases"


Why should you remake Ilum to be worth doing?

Some servers have fully geared people who WANTS to do ranked but cannot because: There is no queue, Dont have enough people to form a team, which leaves them stuck doing normal warzones, which is apperently annoying the solo queuers.


Also this would shove of the saying "PvP in SWTOR is just warzones"

Everyone likes a bit world PvP


I dont know if this has been posted before (CBA to search)

Thanks for reading this, please add critism, and more ideas if you got some.

Edited by Masarko
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