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A Question about the Ancient Hypergate


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i wanna say gabe says it's more deathmatch oriented. Like both teams are fighting to try and get to one node, cap it. and run back to mid, then another door opens or something and you gotta do the same thing


but i've only seen short clips of it. so i might be missing a lot of information

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Been described as team deathmatch. /yawn. I suppose it'll give the doorknobs who cant comprehend objectives somethign to do.


They will still fail to grasp the basics and probably will keep dying on the explosion, because "needed to get one more hit".


Or like ususal will run to the forum crying "Nerf the class that I don't play, buff my class because I can't play it, remove gear gap because I get zero Objectives and no medals for some unknown reason and am still in Recruit."

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From what I have read/seen you need charge up the hypergate by getting enemy kills. They have explained it as a hybrid objective goal. You charge the gate by killing players but not until you channel the node after the kills or the kills do not count and you gain no points towards the end. I like the fact that its not just a deathmatch with a tally, that there is another element that should make it very very fun and I cannot wait for it to come out! Edited by Kirothen
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I actually played the ancient hypergate warzone at Gamescon this year.


The objectives:


As far as i understood it playing, you have 2 open areas left and right, and 1 kinda housed large area in the mid, where teams spawn at top and bottom after death and at start.


After 1 team caps both left and right objective (lets call them turrets, u cap them by clicking and channeling, like ACW turrets), after some seconds both left and right area are "burned", as in everything is killed outside the central "housed" area. And then its rinse/repeat, collecting some "points" that i didn't quite understand.


If u played the Khaine's Embrace scenario from Warhammer Online, its basically the same thing, with different spawn point.


Seemed pretty finished then, dunno whats the holdup :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
I actually played the ancient hypergate warzone at Gamescon this year.


The objectives:


As far as i understood it playing, you have 2 open areas left and right, and 1 kinda housed large area in the mid, where teams spawn at top and bottom after death and at start.


After 1 team caps both left and right objective (lets call them turrets, u cap them by clicking and channeling, like ACW turrets), after some seconds both left and right area are "burned", as in everything is killed outside the central "housed" area. And then its rinse/repeat, collecting some "points" that i didn't quite understand.


If u played the Khaine's Embrace scenario from Warhammer Online, its basically the same thing, with different spawn point.


Seemed pretty finished then, dunno whats the holdup :)


Yeah, what's the holdup?

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"We’re in Cologne, Germany and we visited the SWTOR booth, where we found level 20 characters fighting it out in a new warzone. The objective of the warzone is to activate the two pylons which then start a countdown before they explode. To save yourself from the explosion all players must go to the middle room where they fight it out until the explosion is over. All the while each kill brings you closer to activating a special end event that will defeat the losing team for good. This last special effect is still not present in the game but we can now show you footage of how the warzone is played in this exclusive video in all its glorious HD quality (and people passing by)"


"To save yourself from the explosion all players must go to the middle room where they fight it out until the explosion is over. "


"All the while each kill brings you closer to activating a special end event that will defeat the losing team for good."


That means only one word : SMASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And whenever you die, killed by a Smash you'll get an alert message on your screen that says "REROLL IDIOT!!"

Edited by Xarimath
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