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resolve sucks baaaad...


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My favorite as a concealment op is when they throw us the ball.


It's like are you kidding me?


What the hell do you expect us to do with the hutball?


Gotta love when they do that. I'm a scoundrel scrapper, and it happens soooooo often!

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Resolve IS the issue. You can NOT convince me otherwise. Increase the TTK and you make healers God mode. Great healers are already a pain in the **edit**.


You even admit that Resolve didn't even kick in, indicating to me that RESOLVE is the ROOT of the problem. 2v1, you SHOULD die!!!


Honesltly its more about damage than resolve...depending on the class I'm playing if I see another player first and they don't move out of LoS or run away they are going to die unless someone else comes to help. Burst is too high depending on specs. Many times a player wants to boost him damage stats so he targets the players that he is the hard counter for. As a sniper if I target sentaels all match someone will be QQing about they kept dying every few seconds. Now combine that with being stunned, rooted and slowed.

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no it doesn't. the resolve doesn't stack when baddies hit you with multiple stuns at the same time. that would instantly fill resolve. now it does not.


That was a bug that only happened when you faced really bad players. They fixed the bug so that REs provide the correct duration to Resolve Point ratio at all times.


it takes 50% longer for resolve to fill. once it fills, it's actually better than before because it won't start ticking until cc ends. unfortunately, many more ppl are dying *before* resolve ever fills because it now fills more slowly. additionally, resolve resets when you respawn, so the cycle tends to repeat itself rather than respawning with a semi-useful full resolve bar (semi-useful cuz by the time you reach any action, that ticker will be nearly gone).


succinct enough?


Resolve gains remain unchanged, so it does not take 50% longer for the bar to fill. Stuns still give 200/sec, mezzes still give 100/sec and movement effects still give 400/instance. No change. The real problem is that they added new weapons, increasing overall damage. It feels like Resolve is filling more slowly, but in reality you are just dying faster.


Resolve IS the issue. You can NOT convince me otherwise. Increase the TTK and you make healers God mode. Great healers are already a pain in the **edit**.


You even admit that Resolve didn't even kick in, indicating to me that RESOLVE is the ROOT of the problem. 2v1, you SHOULD die!!!


If Resolve isn't kicking in, then it can't be the problem because it kicks in after 2 REs (3 in some rare cases and 4 due to a bug with the Sorc bubble). If you are dead before 2 REs finish then you are dying far too quickly. Also, healers were never "god mode", even when they were considered OP by the masses. They required player skill to defeat (i.e. actual PvP skill, not a gear advantage in a DPS race) and very, very few SWTOR players have that. I swear, DPSers won't be happy about healers until they can solo 3 of them at once.

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Resolve IS the issue. You can NOT convince me otherwise.


If your claim is not falsifiable, then why are you debating?


I'm putting money on the lion's share of resolve qq coming from sentinels and marauders who got killed while stunned, preventing them from popping their god mode.

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without team support you will die in the situation you described its a team game


Clueless...your a Puppet for bad game designers you know that? No Im sure you dont. Saying its a "Team" game is another way to justify horrible class balance and your running around spouting this garbage in defense of it...I hope your getting paid.


I dont like the new resolve at all....I do fine with it because I respecced Vengeance and now pretty much ignore the stun fest and watch people panic and die when their CC doesnt work on me....They just run away and freak out becaue they are so used to relying on CC to prevail....Its pathetic.


N one of these people are bad players..they are playing inside a horrible PvP system that has made CC a primary Offense....Thats not what CC was invented for....

Edited by Soljin
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Resolve works as intened.


Every needs to just l2p, or realise that it is intended to do nothing and serves no purpose.


Are we talking 1.1.5 intended? 1.3 intended? or 1.4 intended? Because these changes show that it's obviously not working as intended otherwise there wouldn't be patches need to overhaul it.

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Are we talking 1.1.5 intended? 1.3 intended? or 1.4 intended? Because these changes show that it's obviously not working as intended otherwise there wouldn't be patches need to overhaul it.


We're talking about every patch since launch. How has it been over hauled?


It does now, what it did at launch.




But luckily that's what it surely must have been designed to do, seeing as after 10 months it is still making a mockery of the PvP CC immunity concept.


So yeah I'd call it working as inteded.

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It's this lack of stacking that is the cause of so much frustration.


For example: Pre 1.4, four instantaneous stuns from different sources would instantly fill resolve, but it at least gave you a fighting chance against numerous opponents if you were any good. Now 4 instantaneous stuns only fills your resolve bar less than half way. As a result you are still vunerable to 1. more stuns 2. knockback with roots or 3. numerous slows. Breaking CC is a futile effort now because you can be immediately stunlocked for 8 - 12 seconds rather than 6 that it was previously. Also there is a steeper decay of resolve than was previously not a slower one.


All in all, in any given warzone you WILL spend a significantly more period of time either stunned, slowed or being knocked back.

Edited by PseudoOne
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It's this lack of stacking that is the cause of so much frustration.


For example: Pre 1.4, four instantaneous stuns from different sources would instantly fill resolve, but it at least gave you a fighting chance against numerous opponents if you were any good. Now 4 instantaneous stuns only fills your resolve bar less than half way. As a result you are still vunerable to 1. more stuns 2. knockback with roots or 3. numerous slows. Breaking CC is a futile effort now because you can be immediately stunlocked for 8 - 12 seconds rather than 6 that it was previously. Also there is a steeper decay of resolve than was previously not a slower one.


All in all, in any given warzone you WILL spend a significantly more period of time either stunned, slowed or being knocked back.


Lets not forget that Sorc Bubble stun is adding lower resolve then the standard Stun at this time resulting in longer time stunned overall.

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It's this lack of stacking that is the cause of so much frustration.


For example: Pre 1.4, four instantaneous stuns from different sources would instantly fill resolve, but it at least gave you a fighting chance against numerous opponents if you were any good. Now 4 instantaneous stuns only fills your resolve bar less than half way. As a result you are still vunerable to 1. more stuns 2. knockback with roots or 3. numerous slows. Breaking CC is a futile effort now because you can be immediately stunlocked for 8 - 12 seconds rather than 6 that it was previously. Also there is a steeper decay of resolve than was previously not a slower one.


All in all, in any given warzone you WILL spend a significantly more period of time either stunned, slowed or being knocked back.


Again, you will only be spending more time stunned if you previously spent a lot of time facing really bad opponents who all burned their REs on the same guy at the same time. This situation requires your foes to:

1. Be ignorant of game mechanics

2. Have the ability to coordinate focus fire


The two never go hand in hand, meaning the only time you ever benefited from the bug before is when by random chance (or if you are marked as a healer) you were incidentally targeted by multiple foes at the same time AND they all used their REs on you at the same time. The law of averages suggests that such events are possible, but in reality these events do not occur often enough to merit any kind of change in game play.

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Again, you will only be spending more time stunned if you previously spent a lot of time facing really bad opponents who all burned their REs on the same guy at the same time. This situation requires your foes to:

1. Be ignorant of game mechanics

2. Have the ability to coordinate focus fire


The two never go hand in hand, meaning the only time you ever benefited from the bug before is when by random chance (or if you are marked as a healer) you were incidentally targeted by multiple foes at the same time AND they all used their REs on you at the same time. The law of averages suggests that such events are possible, but in reality these events do not occur often enough to merit any kind of change in game play.


Im Curious..How is it working for Bioware? Good benefits? Vacation? Sick days? Fill us in...

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What he's saying is that you don't have to be a well coordinated team of top ranked players to stunlock and and shut down good players anymore. Any random bad players with trigger fingers for the stun button and no understanding of the mechanics can stunlock you to death. Edited by PseudoOne
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What he's saying is that you don't have to be a well coordinated team of top ranked players to stunlock and and shut down good players anymore. Any random bad players with trigger fingers for the stun button and no understanding of the mechanics can stunlock you to death.


Wrong. And if you thought about it you'd work out why (though you're not alone by a long chalk).


The change to resolve means that stacked stuns don't add their full resolve, only resolve proportionate to the stun duration they effect - NOT that players who hit stacked stuns get their stun cds back, which is what you seem to think. The uncoordinated pug still blows all their stuns at once.


The only difference is that the player who waded into them isn't immediately, massively stun-immune from a big resolve gain. So he can't just hit his cc-breaker and proceed to carve the oppositon up.


Net effect: players who relied on wading into a bunch of opponents and going damage (hello undying) and stun immune while they smashed everyone can't do it as easily any more. If anything there are fewer stuns due to the separate reduction in range on caster classes' stuns.


Sure, the change to resolve probably made life a mite easier for uncoordinated teams. But there are two counters to that: a) it also made life a bit harder for bad sents/marauders; b) I see so much QQ about premades, you'd think people would be in favour of changes that made life easier on pugs.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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