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Getting stunlocked with full resolve bar


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How many of you here have actually read the codex entry on resolve?


Just so i know who should be posting in here and who should not.


Original Game Codex Text

The Resolve system protects individual players from having their character repeatedly controlled by enemy players inside Player vs Player combat. Each character possesses a Resolve resource bar, visible above the character in his or her nameplate, next to the portrait on the targeting window, and in the group window. When a character is the target of an enemy stun, sleep, knockdown, blind, or ballistic effect, that character gains an amount of resolve points. This value is based on the type of effect and its duration, with stronger effects like stun and knockdown generating more resolve than weaker effects like sleeps and blinds. Additionally, if there are control effects currently active on the target, subsequent control effects add a smaller amount of resolve based on the strength and remaining duration of those effects. Gaining resolve points fills up the character’s resolve with a purple bar. Once the resolve bar fills completely up the bar turns white and the character becomes immune to further control effects. When all current control effects expire the resolve bar begins to decay to zero resolve, at which point the character once again can be controlled and the building process starts anew.


So they have made resolve ingame how they originally intended it to be...I understand fully how it works....I just dont like it! And Im not alone.

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Original Game Codex Text

The Resolve system protects individual players from having their character repeatedly controlled by enemy players inside Player vs Player combat. Each character possesses a Resolve resource bar, visible above the character in his or her nameplate, next to the portrait on the targeting window, and in the group window. When a character is the target of an enemy stun, sleep, knockdown, blind, or ballistic effect, that character gains an amount of resolve points. This value is based on the type of effect and its duration, with stronger effects like stun and knockdown generating more resolve than weaker effects like sleeps and blinds. Additionally, if there are control effects currently active on the target, subsequent control effects add a smaller amount of resolve based on the strength and remaining duration of those effects. Gaining resolve points fills up the character’s resolve with a purple bar. Once the resolve bar fills completely up the bar turns white and the character becomes immune to further control effects. When all current control effects expire the resolve bar begins to decay to zero resolve, at which point the character once again can be controlled and the building process starts anew.


So they have made resolve ingame how they originally intended it to be...I understand fully how it works....I just dont like it! And Im not alone.


You have to understand that it's the minority of players who complain about it and not the majority, right?

It doesnt take much to realise how to work around the CC in this game.


1) you have a CC breaker - works how it says, learn to use it at the right time, not before.


2) all CC can be cleansed by the 3 healing classes this game has, i suggest you use this to your advantage.


3) 1 person can not stunlock another person and kill them, unless massively outgeared or outlvld. (or someone isnt using their CC breaker correctly)


Threads that go along the lines of resolve is broken, should not be appearing on these forums.

Edited by Scotland
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I suspected this was happening, so i paid attention very closely. Stuns still going off AFTER i have full resolve.


Like others have stated and it's extremely infuriating to happen:


You have full white bar: You get creeping terror'd (2 second snare/root), you then get leg shot (2 second snare/root), you then get Force lept (2 second snare/root) and various other moves that have some kind of movement snare/root.


In that amount of time, you are focus fired hard. It absolutely sucks (specially in huttball in front of the goal line) but that's just one of bioware's design flaws.

Edited by veyl
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You have to understand that it's the minority of players who complain about it and not the majority, right?

All Majority's Started as Minority's......


It doesnt take much to realise how to work around the CC in this game.


1) you have a CC breaker - works how it says, learn to use it at the right time, not before.

And its always up....when you need it. So your actually participating in the WZ for one encounter every two minutes...Hope I dont get you on my team.


2) all CC can be cleansed by the 3 healing classes this game has, i suggest you use this to your advantage.

I see why you like the CC system if your carrying three pocket healers with you into every WZ...Im sure everyone would agree if they did this.

3) 1 person can not stunlock another person and kill them, unless massively outgeared or outlvld. (or someone isnt using their CC breaker correctly)

Your right...Probably wont be Dead against a Sin/Shadow or Op/Scoundrel....Just mostly to a debt you would have to be twice the player they are to over come...But sure Ill give you that.


Threads that go along the lines of resolve is broken, should not be appearing on these forums.


These forums are for the Public and thus we are diverse...Topics will be raised on all aspects of PvP...Kinda like voicing your opinion that they should not.

Edited by Soljin
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These forums are for the Public and thus we are diverse...Topics will be raised on all aspects of PvP...Kinda like voicing your opinion that they should not.


I would take you seriously, if you started using you're and your where they are supposed to be used.


That aside, ill go with what you put on the third one because we both know that is right.


You don't need 3 pocket healers, this is where your knowledge of this game eludes you, I will not go too much into it, i'm not here to teach you how to play.


It has a 2 minute cool-down for a reason, I never said it should be available all the time. Again, i will not go into how to use it, i'm not here to teach you how to play.

Edited by Scotland
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You have to understand that it's the minority of players who complain about it and not the majority, right?

It doesnt take much to realise how to work around the CC in this game.


1) you have a CC breaker - works how it says, learn to use it at the right time, not before.


2) all CC can be cleansed by the 3 healing classes this game has, i suggest you use this to your advantage.


3) 1 person can not stunlock another person and kill them, unless massively outgeared or outlvld. (or someone isnt using their CC breaker correctly)


Threads that go along the lines of resolve is broken, should not be appearing on these forums.


1. Most of the time you are dead before you actually could/should use your CC breaker. With TTK being what it is, if you don't break the second of three possible stuns, "waiting" for full resolve will be moot.


2. Pulls, Pushes, KB, KD (which some of those have some stun chacteristics)are CC. Last I heard, a teammate can't cleanse those and are being used a TON more because of the overlap "debuff". Oh and you might see 1-2 healers for every 4 WZ, so if you don't have a cleanse, you are screwed...


3. Well, two people can, and now overlapping CC is actually more effecient as you can control people for upwards of 14 sec. TTK is about 4-5 globals in that type of scenario... Do the math...




While it looks minor to you, but the change was catered to people not knowing when to your their CC, not when to use a CC breaker/cleanse. No more solo-guarding turrets unless you got stealth...

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I would take you seriously, if you started using you're and your where they are supposed to be used.


That aside, ill go with what you put on the third one because we both know that is right.


You don't need 3 pocket healers, this is where your knowledge of this game eludes you, I will not go too much into it, i'm not here to teach you how to play.


It has a 2 minute cool-down for a reason, I never said it should be available all the time. Again, i will not go into how to use it, i'm not here to teach you how to play.


You did two things here..Diverted attention to my Grammar, and noted I may be lacking skill in some fashion (Thus all your points are superior on that foundation). These are the top two lame retorts you can throw...Congratz on that.


L2Sarcasm BTW it was all sarcasm my friend...I caught a fish.

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Technically speaking, the bar is not filling more slowly, it is filling at the correct speed now. Formerly, multiple stuns would not stack duration but would stack Resolve Points allowing you to fill the bar up but only suffer one stun. They changed it so that the amount of Resolve Points reflects the actual amount of time in a RE.


You have hit on the head of the real problem though... the Resolve system is meaningless in almost 100% of the cases as a result of you not living long enough to use it.


Damage has scaled much faster than endurance/armor which is why the entire PvP system is broken.


How so? Pre 1.2 2 people FF'ing someone down would do it in 4 seconds. Post 1.2 2 people FF'ing down someone will do it in 4 seconds. There's no change. You can't really cry about a Focus Fire taking you out while you're stunned, you're not going to live through it if you're not stunned anyways, unless you're a marauder then you get 4 seconds of 99% damage reduction which they should be CC'ing you through anyways.

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How so? Pre 1.2 2 people FF'ing someone down would do it in 4 seconds. Post 1.2 2 people FF'ing down someone will do it in 4 seconds. There's no change. You can't really cry about a Focus Fire taking you out while you're stunned, you're not going to live through it if you're not stunned anyways, unless you're a marauder then you get 4 seconds of 99% damage reduction which they should be CC'ing you through anyways.


Look at percent gains from tieir to tier and you will find your answer. Damage output has increased at a faster rate than health and defense have which leads to lower TTK overall.


Also, bursting pre 1.2 required at least a modicum of thought since you had to activate things.

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1. Most of the time you are dead before you actually could/should use your CC breaker. With TTK being what it is, if you don't break the second of three possible stuns, "waiting" for full resolve will be moot.


2. Pulls, Pushes, KB, KD (which some of those have some stun chacteristics)are CC. Last I heard, a teammate can't cleanse those and are being used a TON more because of the overlap "debuff". Oh and you might see 1-2 healers for every 4 WZ, so if you don't have a cleanse, you are screwed...


3. Well, two people can, and now overlapping CC is actually more effecient as you can control people for upwards of 14 sec. TTK is about 4-5 globals in that type of scenario... Do the math...




While it looks minor to you, but the change was catered to people not knowing when to your their CC, not when to use a CC breaker/cleanse. No more solo-guarding turrets unless you got stealth...



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You don't need to stun to prevent caps. You don't need a stun to "get away".


this is patently wrong. in fact, stun is the standard way of dealing with maras in particular and just about any melee. furthermore, w/o a stun/root, it's impossible to create separation on a pt/vg so that you will not be instantly slowed again. and the root is relatively uselss since he can still hit you or stun you back. the 1.4 commando root is utterly pointless since it is initiated in melee range to begin with. you' wont even get 10m separation, nevermind the desired 31m.

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I think that maybe stuns should be on a slightly longer cooldown or have a slightly shorter duration. Maybe this would force people to use them more strategically and less often. I think all of the CC has a place in the game, but maybe it is just a little overused as of now. Also, maybe other CC (not stuns) should add slightly to resolve as well.


I am ok with the present system, but like most systems, there is always room for improvement.

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I will restate my claim since a few people have some reading comprehension issue's and chose to insult my intelligence. I was stunlocked and I gained a full resolve bar. I then walked a few feet and was stunned again briefly, while looking at my full resolve bar the entire time as i walked that few feet . This happened in huttball. Grats on having me explain it as if i were handling a 2 year old.


I didn't come to this forum to QQ about stun lock or the resolve system. I am simply pointing something out that is/was not working as intended.

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not going to insult your intelligence, but there seems to be *a lot* of CC in this game that isn't affected by resolve (yeah yeah, roots & stuns). considering the fact that it takes 50% more CC to fill one's resolve these days in a game that was widely regarded as over-dependent on CC *before* the extra 50%, I'd say that's a significant issue.


side note/question: do knockdowns count against resolve? I don't remember ever being immune to a grenade, but I wasn't eying resolve atm either.

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The catch to the resolve bar is you only look at it when you're stunned. That's when you notice "Hey its full, why am I stunned?" You don't realize the current stun is what capped it, and that it has to finish. The logic is that its less than full, you get stunned, it gets filled 100% then you're immune. What some people expect is its less than full, you get stunned, it fills and breaks the stun at 100%, and it doesn't work that way.
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I will restate my claim since a few people have some reading comprehension issue's and chose to insult my intelligence. I was stunlocked and I gained a full resolve bar. I then walked a few feet and was stunned again briefly, while looking at my full resolve bar the entire time as i walked that few feet . This happened in huttball. Grats on having me explain it as if i were handling a 2 year old.


I didn't come to this forum to QQ about stun lock or the resolve system. I am simply pointing something out that is/was not working as intended.


Try to fraps it. People have been claiming this since day one but no one has ever presented any evidence of it.


Also, please note that roots prevent you from moving and can be used against you if you have full resolve.

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Oh it happens. I've witnessed it in Civil War.




Player A gets resolve up to full bar. Final stun wears off, because this player was not a focus target, but someone that just drew the wrong attention. They start running back towards the fight.


Player B on the other side comes along. This player has a Cryo Grenade, which they use to CC Player A.


Player A ragefaces because they have now been CC'd again with no control over their character, while they had a full resolve bar.

Edited by Malkavier
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I call BS. Go hit someone will a full resolve bar wtih one of your stuns. It flashes "IMMUNE" over their heads


I agree here. Where is the video showing that someone can be stunned with a full resolve bar. If it were happening, there would be videos left and right showing it

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