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no hk51 for solo players


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You know why I should get this compainon without any work? Because it's a video game. When I pay my sub. That enttiels me to nice things. I shouldn't have to do a 10 part series quest. If you want me subbed to this game then THEY WILL modify their rules....

Just GIVE IT TO US. No quests. Just open our mailbox and let us do this. Seriously this is a bait and switch just like Legacy.

Yes, he's right! I also want all gear and all talents and abilities. All w/out me making an effort. Because I pay my sub. Thanks BW!



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You know why I should get this compainon without any work? Because it's a video game. When I pay my sub. That enttiels me to nice things. I shouldn't have to do a 10 part series quest. If you want me subbed to this game then THEY WILL modify their rules.


It's a video game yet it's biased against people who don't do hard modes. I find it to be a complete waste of time to do hard modes. I have done random dungeons while leveling but never a hard mode. Now I have to jump thorugh al these hoops to get something that should come free. And what happens when I get it? I have re-do all the steps to get him added on other ALTs.


Just GIVE IT TO US. No quests. Just open our mailbox and let us do this. Seriously this is a bait and switch just like Legacy.




Let me hoist you by your own petard.


Since you brought it up.


Yes you are paying to play a game.


The game has RULES.


If you don't choose to follow the RULES then you don't deserve the REWARDS.


Its simple really.



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Ahh thanks...must have missed that bit if info...guess I should stop speed reading things and skipping bits ...already have a 20 on opposing faction so guess that makes life easier if I ever get around to doing it. Thank you very much :)

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They're still catered toward group play. Tell me, what things are down via only solo play and let's weigh that against what can be done in groups. I'm pretty sure you'll see that solo play is, for the most-part is group play. You even get more xp as a group.

There's only 2 things you cannot do in a group setting:

1) Companion conversations

2) Flight missions


And people have been asking for multiplayer flight missions for a while. So that sort of negates #2.


Find me an MMO that caters more to the solo player than to the group experience. Please, find me one.


Umm, this one?


I've levelled I don't know how many alts to the 20-35 range and I've yet to encounter anything that requires a group. Heroics are optional and often by the time you can find a group to do them, you can solo them.


I did a Heroic a few weeks back with someone who claimed to have three 50's. He said he had maybe grouped 4 or 5 times in total since beta. He had never done a Flashpoint and solo'd most Heroics.

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Umm, this one?


I've levelled I don't know how many alts to the 20-35 range and I've yet to encounter anything that requires a group. Heroics are optional and often by the time you can find a group to do them, you can solo them.


I did a Heroic a few weeks back with someone who claimed to have three 50's. He said he had maybe grouped 4 or 5 times in total since beta. He had never done a Flashpoint and solo'd most Heroics.


Just because you can do some things solo doesn't mean it's CATERED to solo play. The fact that all end-game content requires group play would seem to imply that this game is catered toward group play, don't ya think?

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And end game content is for the die hard MMO player...


The ones who can not support a game on their own....hence game designers now design MMO's to be inrcredibly solo friendly...


Ala...ahhh whats the point....same ole thing I said 3 days ago now it feels like...


Also, Lotro is more solo friendly btw, the group stuff is 'optional' (just like here), not needed to play the game and just gives you extra 'gear' perks that are really also not needed. And as for this particular game, the end game is really rocking by all accounts I hear....


we can argue about the definition of an MMO all day long if you wish, but the reality is, from day one, this was designed as a single player RPG where you could group up with people if you chose too. The 'end game' you keep referring to, along with raids, pvp etc, is there purely for the hardcore crowd as it's a historically istaple MMO feature.

Edited by Maviarab
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Just because you can do some things solo doesn't mean it's CATERED to solo play. The fact that all end-game content requires group play would seem to imply that this game is catered toward group play, don't ya think?


In your opinion .... sure you could say that.


But since MOST of this game can be done solo without any trouble, would'nt that mean it's catered to solo play.


Just because you can grp if you want to, does not mean you have to. And it is not catered to it.


There is more SOLO content in this game then grp content.

So on that note, "don't ya think", that would imply it is catered to SOLO play?

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Just because you can do some things solo doesn't mean it's CATERED to solo play. The fact that all end-game content requires group play would seem to imply that this game is catered toward group play, don't ya think?


You can do everything except endgame solo.


It is a wrong assumption that most players ever get to, or care about endgame. Most players that I've known in every MMO I have ever played, have no interest in endgame. I understand it's an important part to some players, but assuming it is the defining feature of an MMO and designing it that way is why there's something like 42 people still subscribed to this game.

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You can do everything except endgame solo.


It is a wrong assumption that most players ever get to, or care about endgame. Most players that I've known in every MMO I have ever played, have no interest in endgame. I understand it's an important part to some players, but assuming it is the defining feature of an MMO and designing it that way is why there's something like 42 people still subscribed to this game.


Exactly the point. Shows a lot of people's ages (in my opinion) when they think MMO's MUST have end game raids...pvp etc etc etc...


Did they never play MUD's 20 years ago? Pen and paper D&D and the like (the pre-curser to pc MMO's) ?


Why must an MMO have this content? Because WoW did? Must everything conform to the rules WoW wrote?

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You know why I should get this compainon without any work? Because it's a video game. When I pay my sub. That enttiels me to nice things. I shouldn't have to do a 10 part series quest. If you want me subbed to this game then THEY WILL modify their rules.


It's a video game yet it's biased against people who don't do hard modes. I find it to be a complete waste of time to do hard modes. I have done random dungeons while leveling but never a hard mode. Now I have to jump thorugh al these hoops to get something that should come free. And what happens when I get it? I have re-do all the steps to get him added on other ALTs.


Just GIVE IT TO US. No quests. Just open our mailbox and let us do this. Seriously this is a bait and switch just like Legacy.


They will not modify theire rules for one little tiny sub who has redicules demands. why would they give us something? and what would it mean if u get it like this. at least u have to do some effort. seriously man. U are acting verry imature.

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They will not modify theire rules for one little tiny sub who has redicules demands. why would they give us something? and what would it mean if u get it like this. at least u have to do some effort. seriously man. U are acting verry imature.


Ignore that poster. Look at the post history, and you'll see why.

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Exactly the point. Shows a lot of people's ages (in my opinion) when they think MMO's MUST have end game raids...pvp etc etc etc...


Did they never play MUD's 20 years ago? Pen and paper D&D and the like (the pre-curser to pc MMO's) ?


Why must an MMO have this content? Because WoW did? Must everything conform to the rules WoW wrote?


Um... WoW wasn't the first one with raid content. WoW just built upon the idea of "raiding" from EQ. And muds are just copied from D&D, which is pencil & paper game based around group play. So don't try saying that group play is a fault of MMO's and something predates that which favors solo play because I just found something that's even older that contradicts your point. Kthx.


But in the end, go ahead, keep asking for HK-51 to be solo-able. It's not going to happen.

Edited by Lostpenguins
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Exactly the point. Shows a lot of people's ages (in my opinion) when they think MMO's MUST have end game raids...pvp etc etc etc...


Did they never play MUD's 20 years ago? Pen and paper D&D and the like (the pre-curser to pc MMO's) ?


Why must an MMO have this content? Because WoW did? Must everything conform to the rules WoW wrote?



this has nothing to do with age and wow.

I am a mmo vet myself. and i like doing endgame. I like to raid with my friend , i like a accasional pvp brawl. I am not a hardcore player. but why should it have no endgame? let everybody have something. and about wow...they where not the first. almost every mmo has some kind of endgame.

pen and paper ...u can not compare this with a computer game.

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this has nothing to do with age and wow.

I am a mmo vet myself. and i like doing endgame. I like to raid with my friend , i like a accasional pvp brawl. I am not a hardcore player. but why should it have no endgame? let everybody have something. and about wow...they where not the first. almost every mmo has some kind of endgame.

pen and paper ...u can not compare this with a computer game.


Nobody is saying an MMO shouldn't have endgame content.

What we are saying is that the journey is much more important than the destination.

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The use of kthx also says a lot about you too ;)


And I never said WoW was the first. 'WOW'....so many people in these forums with a reading problem.


Also, why can't it be compared? Without them, there would be no MMO's...and other than the way you interact, they are no different.

Edited by Maviarab
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Nobody is saying an MMO shouldn't have endgame content.

What we are saying is that the journey is much more important than the destination.


u mean the lvling?

Sure i liked it. the story. it is great fun. but what does it have to to with the topic? what does hk has to do with raids? flashpoints tells stories to. people who are doing just soloplay. do miss gear,fun,story. but i do not judge them. everyone can play how they like. but do not complain when u will not get a comp where u have to do a fp. it takes 30 a 45 min to comple a hm.

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Um... WoW wasn't the first one with raid content. WoW just built upon the idea of "raiding" from EQ. And muds are just copied from D&D, which is pencil & paper game based around group play. So don't try saying that group play is a fault of MMO's and something predates that which favors solo play because I just found something that's even older that contradicts your point. Kthx.


But in the end, go ahead, keep asking for HK-51 to be solo-able. It's not going to happen.


And raiding was an afterthought in EQ. The game was 1-50.

Nowadays though it's much easier for developers to ignore the game and try to sell you an endgame instead. And people fall for it... usually. Sometimes it blows up in their face and they realize they have a month worth of gameplay in a game that makes it's money off of subscriptions.

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Nobody is saying an MMO shouldn't have endgame content.

What we are saying is that the journey is much more important than the destination.

Wrong. You spend way more time at max level than you do while leveling. End-game isn't a destination... it's a different progression other than leveling.

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Why not just make the parts available in the storymode version of whatever FP it is? Not everybody is interested in doing hardmode stuff after all.

Having a group requirement I can live with, but forcing me to do endgame group content to get a companion I can only use while soloing? What exactly is the reasoning behind that?

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The use of kthx also says a lot about you too ;)


And I never said WoW was the first. 'WOW'....so many people in these forums with a reading problem.


Also, why can't it be compared? Without them, there would be no MMO's...and other than the way you interact, they are no different.


This is coming from the guy who said I was making a lot of assumptions. Hi Pot! Meet Kettle!


Also, yeah you didn't say WoW was the first, but you said other MMO's were copying raiding from WoW, but your poor wording tends to show as if WoW was the raid originator (since raiding isn't original to WoW, you shouldn't say MMO's are copying raiding from WoW) shows a fault with you, not with the reader.

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Wrong. YOU spend way more time at max level than you do while leveling. End-game isn't a destination... it's a different progression other than leveling.


Maybe YOU (Lostpenguins) spend more time at max level but not EVERYONE does. MANY are a class of gamer called "levelers" or "altoholics". For this class of gamer it IS ONLY about the journey.


Don't generalize. Oh wait ... nvm. :rolleyes:



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Maybe YOU (Lostpenguins) spend more time at max level but not EVERYONE does. MANY are a class of gamer called "levelers" or "altoholics". For this class of gamer it IS ONLY about the journey.


Don't generalize. Oh wait ... nvm. :rolleyes:



Semantics. In the end, raid progression is another journey you take. Just because you don't level up doesn't mean it isn't a journey it of itself, so don't say that the journey ends at max level, therefore leveling up is more important.

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Semantics. In the end, raid progression is another journey you take. Just because you don't level up doesn't mean it isn't a journey it of itself, so don't say that the journey ends at max level, therefore leveling up is more important.


I never implied anything of the sort in the absolute. You INFERRED that I did.


I was adding clearification to a generalization that in and of itself simply was not true.


See the difference yet? :cool:

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Semantics. In the end, raid progression is another journey you take. Just because you don't level up doesn't mean it isn't a journey it of itself, so don't say that the journey ends at max level, therefore leveling up is more important.


Can you show me where the person said the journey ENDS at max lvl.

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