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Combat specc?


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I've played mostly Watchman which i enjoyed a lot. After 1.4, i specced to Focus. I seem to do more DPS with Focus than with Watchman, but it's not nearly as fun as you always look for big chunks of Imps to smash.


I have never tried Combat. Is it a fun specc? I heard the burst is nice but the survivability is quite bad.

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survivablity is no worse then focus tbh.. probably slightly better because you're not trying to jump into groups of people to crit them all for 6k all the time, people don't tend to take kindly that.. :p


Yep, exactly.

I've played all 3 specs in both PvP and PvE, and can assure you that the survivability would rank something like Watchman >> Combat and Focus. In PvP, as mentioned, Combat is a bit better off since you tend to pick 1 vs 1 fights instead of 1 vs 6 :p But then, if you have a couple of Focus Sents doing AoE bombs, and you work together as a team, your healers should generally know to throw AoE heals at you to keep you both up. /shrug.


Watchman functions better as the "lone wolf" style of play in both PvE and PvP due to its ability to self-heal.

In PvE especially, I find I can solo things as Watchman with Doc with ease that would require every CD I had as Focus or Combat. And in PvP, there is a certain satisfaction in taking on 2 Imps at once, killing one, and then dying to the other only to respawn and see your 2nd target die from your DoTs :)


That said, I personally prefer Combat (having not touched it until 50, and having levelled as alternating between Watchman and Focus). The burst dps is fantastic for both PvP and for flashpoints and OPs.

But to each their own, really. You can achieve silly dps as any spec if you play properly.

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Watchmen for me. So tired of seeing the Focus build already. It's dmg can nerfed like crazy if spec'd right. Take Defensive Roll and use Rebuke and you just knocked of 50% of that smash while your dots from Watchmen tear any and everybody up. Faster on the rupts with watchmen .. group healing ... 75+K of healing in a Warzone is no laughing matter. Numbers for DPS at the end of the match might look great but in the end ... you did jack shnit for the group and you killed nobody. Just my two cents.
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Combat is a great spec, but it is almost entirely based on weapon damage, so you need to take this into account when you're selecting the targets that you focus down i.e. tanks with high levels of shield and evasion are going to mitigate a LOT of your damage. This spec shines against healers and DPS.
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I have played combat since before we go fast transcendence. The utility is amazing even without fast trans. If you time your roots/cc/cds right you can hold a node almost forever in civil war, spamable aoe for stopping caps in VS and NC. Root someone trying to cap just far enough away to keep them from capping, camo, jump back in master strike(still rooted) awe, stasis, guess whats back off CD now, rooted again. Just love the utility so much. If only they had left the 30% crit bonus on ataru strikes no one would even be speculating what the best sent/mara spec is.
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Watchmen for me. So tired of seeing the Focus build already. It's dmg can nerfed like crazy if spec'd right. Take Defensive Roll and use Rebuke and you just knocked of 50% of that smash while your dots from Watchmen tear any and everybody up. Faster on the rupts with watchmen .. group healing ... 75+K of healing in a Warzone is no laughing matter. Numbers for DPS at the end of the match might look great but in the end ... you did jack shnit for the group and you killed nobody. Just my two cents.


^ this!


I will say that Carnage/Combat is probably the most fun and engaging to play, but you lose alot of survivability Watchman/Combat: Suvivability = High DPS numbers ... because the less you die the more you are actively DPSing in a WZ, therefore your numbers are higher. Also since you're up more you protect objectives better.


Try out Combat, see how it feels, if you enjoy it then go for it. It really is an awesome spec. Very fun to play.

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