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HK-51 Acquired!


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Sorry Dulfy but your guides are overrated in my opinion. Also, I think it's a bit silly you gotta rush out to do everything first and be the first even on the PTS then rush over to the forums and post about it then plug your guides here.


I'm sure your site already gets enough hits and alot of people that praise the ground you walk on are already aware of your guides. I think it would be a good idea to just let "word of mouth" get around instead of coming here all the time. I feel like you are out to prove something about yourself, I get it already.


You also plague The Secret World Forums...



Edited by DuckKing
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Sorry Dulfy but your guides are overrated in my opinion. Also, I think it's a bit silly you gotta rush out to do everything first and be the first even on the PTS then rush over to the forums and post about it then plug your guide here.


I'm sure your site already gets enough hits and alot of people that praise the ground you walk on are already aware of your guides. I think it would be a good idea to just let "word of mouth" get around instead of coming here all the time. I feel like you are out to prove something about yourself, I get it already.


You also plague The Secret World Forums...




Or he's (she? Uncertain of gender) just trying to be helpful to the rest of the community.


Also, since when does overrated = bad? Lots of people use the guides, so what? As long as they're helpful and detailed, i don't see the problem.


Blind assumptions are bad, okay?

Edited by GhostDrone
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Hey Dulfy, will you be updating your companion gift guide to let us know what gifts this new one prefers?


Hey the companion gift info is on the HK-51 information page I linked in the original post. Basically he like weapons the most and Trophy, Military Gear, Technology etc as well (to a lesser extent). Indifferent to the rest.


To whoever asked if he is romance-able, I doubt it, but I can check :D

Edited by Iwipe
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Bioware needs to make it available to all toons... Even the ones that you make. Kinda sad I can only get him in my 50 sent and not on my 34 op when he's supposed to be bind on legacy... Arg. I think if you get him on one toon, you should get him on all.
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I'm pretty sure that most players would like HK-51 to be unlocked for all of their characters. Since it requires multiple characters per player to unlock HK-51, many assumed that the unlock was a true Legacy unlock for all of their characters.


Doing that, though, wouldn't keep players in the game. If you can unlock HK in six or so hours with a teammate for all of your characters then all the reintroduction of HK-51 would accomplish would be to give players six more hours of play time. But if every character has to do it to unlock HK-51, the required hours of play add up quickly. Two characters: twelve hours. Three characters: eighteen hours. Etc. etc...


Bioware/EA wants to keep players playing as much as possible so I doubt that they'll make HK-51 a true Legacy companion. Despite what players want and even assumed.

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I'm pretty sure that most players would like HK-51 to be unlocked for all of their characters. Since it requires multiple characters per player to unlock HK-51, many assumed that the unlock was a true Legacy unlock for all of their characters.


Doing that, though, wouldn't keep players in the game. If you can unlock HK in six or so hours with a teammate for all of your characters then all the reintroduction of HK-51 would accomplish would be to give players six more hours of play time. But if every character has to do it to unlock HK-51, the required hours of play add up quickly. Two characters: twelve hours. Three characters: eighteen hours. Etc. etc...


Bioware/EA wants to keep players playing as much as possible so I doubt that they'll make HK-51 a true Legacy companion. Despite what players want and even assumed.


Now that's a pretty good idea, indeed. Making HK-51 a legacy unlock will also solve the problem for many players (myself included) that have low lvl new characters and would enjoy leveling them with HK-51 as their main companion.


On the other hand, just the thought of thinking about doing the same loooong quest for 7 of my 50's toons....kinda makes me dizzy!:eek:

Edited by zorroazul
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If it not leagcy doesnt mean people will plop down and do it on all alts. It a fluff image and it is just a DPS driod that is just like any other companion.


If I do it do I plan to do all over again? Nope If I do it will i plan to get into FP's groups that are going after it? Nope. Once will be enough for me.

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Bioware needs to make it available to all toons... Even the ones that you make. Kinda sad I can only get him in my 50 sent and not on my 34 op when he's supposed to be bind on legacy... Arg. I think if you get him on one toon, you should get him on all.


It was stated in this particular interview ( http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/20634-e3-2012-darth-hater-interview-with-daniel-erickson ) that HK will be part of legacy.


Maybe that feature just didn't make it to PTS yet.

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Does anyone have any idea when we might see 1.5 on the other servers? Because I would love for my Agent, BH, and other characters to run around with HK . :d_cool:


And on the Cathar I say it should be out around Christmas time. Probably late November to Early December. As it will likely be a few weeks about till 1.5 is out on the game servers, and so late November for that and a week or two for it to be out on PTS- that is of course they manage to get it out by the end of the year like they stated in the previews earlier on this year.

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They have stated that he wont be for everyone of your chracters at that start and he would be no good as a leveling companion as he would not have any dialogue thats why you have to be level 50 for unlock and when they bring out the level cap increase they will prob make him legacy bound so you can use lev3l with i havent played the pts so this just my opionion
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It was stated in this particular interview ( http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/20634-e3-2012-darth-hater-interview-with-daniel-erickson ) that HK will be part of legacy.


Maybe that feature just didn't make it to PTS yet.


You're right, pal! As cited: "...HK-51 is actually part of the Legacy system. He is a VERY HARD companion to get, and there is an incredible amount of work that you’ll have to do..." That makes perfectly sense: you get to do quite a bit of work for this companion, so EVERYONE on your legacy get to use it.


And as not having any dialogue in story quests, it doesn't matter, because most companions only get a couple or just one line of dialogue, then they don't talk at all during those quests anymore.


So rejoice, my friends with low level alts. Everything points out that we may get to use HK-51 in those toons afterall!

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you're right, pal! As cited: "...hk-51 is actually part of the legacy system. He is a very hard companion to get, and there is an incredible amount of work that you’ll have to do..." that makes perfectly sense: You get to do quite a bit of work for this companion, so everyone on your legacy get to use it.


And as not having any dialogue in story quests, it doesn't matter, because most companions only get a couple or just one line of dialogue, then they don't talk at all during those quests anymore.


So rejoice, my friends with low level alts. Everything points out that we may get to use hk-51 in those toons afterall!



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So what?


Pretty sure many would gladly switch its role to either tank or healer of a mix of both.


I would. As it is I have no interest in getting him. I might just to have him on a character and because HK had such great dialogue in KotOR. But I have no need for a RDPS companion. /shrug Still glad they put him in and the requirements to get him aren't bad.

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Meh not really impressed with how they are doing this, and not sure I'm even going to bother getting HK for any characters.


---Sounds like he's not very talkative, which was the old HK's best quality.

---I generally don't use RDPS on any of my characters once I have a choice, so I was hoping he had a tank stance as well. I hope his base stats are at least superior to the other RDPS companions so maybe I'd use him.

---Sounds like his primary stat may end up being cunning, which means just another credit sink...I can't even take purp gear my Scorpio or M1-4X has and transfer it to him if he uses cunning.

---Apparently acquiring him doesn't even bump your crew skill deployments from 5 to 6, so it's just another freeloading companion .


They should make the "finished" HK a legacy item similar to a speeder so you could trade him to alts. WTH is the point of requiring a level 15ish opposite faction character to get a part when that character cannot directly benefit from it? You'd still have to do the quest as many times as you wanted HKs if you made it a legacy bound tradeable, so it's still a time sink for each character.


I guess EA/BW doesn't want to invest the time or resources into fully voicing another companion (even one that would be as popular as HK) so people could use him for leveling, instead of relegating him to endgame dailies that people already have fully geared companions for. This should be a hint and a half for those of you wanting companions for SGRs that it's never going to happen.


It was stated in this particular interview ( http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/20634-e3-2012-darth-hater-interview-with-daniel-erickson ) that HK will be part of legacy.


Maybe that feature just didn't make it to PTS yet.


So rejoice, my friends with low level alts. Everything points out that we may get to use HK-51 in those toons afterall!


I don't feel like going back through this thread to find it, but it was said that the items other than the Jedi Temple/Dark Temple items were BoP mission items and not tradeable. The JT/DT items were legacy bound tradeables...that's probably their definition of "part of legacy". I hope low level alts end up having access to HK, but the piss poor way BW has done things lately isn't giving me a warm fuzzy.


Yes I read the interview where he says it's going to be a legacy unlock and alts could get it earlier, but little if anything not on PTS has gone live, and that was from June and DE no longer works for BW.

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Too lazy to go looking so assumptions will just be made? No wonder people are full of bad information. People don't even need to look all that hard for it, but it shows that you will be able to unlock this legacy aspect for alts (only one at a time) for 1mil creds or for a modest amount of CC, but only AFTER you aquire the HK-51 on one of your toons in that legacy.
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Meh not really impressed with how they are doing this, and not sure I'm even going to bother getting HK for any characters.



Well since the entire HK companion is just a bonus. Something to do in your off time and not really needed.


It's no big deal if you don't go out and get him.


I'm not impressed with PVP in SWTOR so I don't do a lot of it but I pass the time with it at times. Similar concept here.

It may not be your favorite thing about SWTOR but should you find yourself board with any given area of the game and want to do something slightly different.


HK will be waiting for you. It's a nice side bit of content to pass the time and it's pretty interesting to boot.

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