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How about sending our idle companions to work. I know that certain skills yield lockboxes, but if I'm really short of money (23cr), I don't want to have to constantly jump back and forth between alts (since it causes that memory leak crash) to send a moneygram. It would be nice to have a job button, like sell junk, that will send them to work until I relog. Deminished returns withstanding, of course. I can't just stay off line for a month and come back to a million credits. Cap it at the most expensive mission that one can run. You would reach that cap after 30 days logged off.


EDIT: Apparently I'm being unclear.

We have mission skills, crafting skills and gathering skills. Mission and gathering skills cost money to run missions via the mission tab. Some as cheep as 95cr up to 5000+ cr at level 400 (barring special missions). I propose that the highest level of mission you could run, 125cr for first tier seems to be the most. Be awarded, scaled downward as time runs on at the end of 30 days. So one day logged off may yield 30cr, day two may yield 10 more for 40 cr. then the next 5 days gets 6 cr/day for the total of 70 cr. Next week may only earn another 30 cr, the following week 15 credits and the last only 10. So after 30 days you would get 125 cr. sent to you via mail. This would be cumulitive so that you would not log in and out every day and get 30cr and keep on trucking. The money max would be set so that at the end of the 30 days it would reset, much like the guild banks do. In this way, if you have say tier three missions, after a day logged off, you could run a cheap tier one mission to get some ready cash to then in turn get back to work of crafting. Only one companion may get a job. I used the tier one missions as an example to save space.

Edited by Thylbanus
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I can't see any good coming from that. What would stop a person from making 10 alts and having them all do slicing missions 24/7/365 x10? We already have problems with people abusing dailies to get stupid amounts of credits to the point that the game economy is imbalaced. I can only see this adding to the problem.
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Wouldn't you run into massive inventory issues that way?


Why would you run into massive inventory issues? It's just credits.


I can't see any good coming from that. What would stop a person from making 10 alts and having them all do slicing missions 24/7/365 x10? We already have problems with people abusing dailies to get stupid amounts of credits to the point that the game economy is imbalaced. I can only see this adding to the problem.


You would really wait 30 days to get the best slicing mission you could run on 10 alts? That would be an INCREDIBLE waste of time and effort.

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Why would you run into massive inventory issues? It's just credits.


You are aware that those missions right now yield lockboxes which require manual interaction, as well as missions and blueprints, right? Just saying.


Granted, yielding credits instead of the lockboxes would be a good move in itself.

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1. Why would you run into massive inventory issues? It's just credits.

2. You would really wait 30 days to get the best slicing mission you could run on 10 alts? That would be an INCREDIBLE waste of time and effort.


1. Yeah, you can only fit so many lockboxes in your inventory.


2. You don't know MMO players very well, do you?

Edited by CaptRavenous
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You are aware that those missions right now yield lockboxes which require manual interaction, as well as missions and blueprints, right? Just saying.


Granted, yielding credits instead of the lockboxes would be a good move in itself.


Please, re-read the post. Not a mission, but a job. Difference. You get paid with money for a job. Money, in this game, is usually sent in the mail, like the mission wrap up ones that we get thanking us for whatever we did.


1. Yeah, you can only fit so many lockboxes in your inventory.


2. You don't know MMO players very well, do you?


1. I didn't say anything about lockboxes. Just credits. Sent by mail when you log in. To get lockboxes you have to run missions, missions cost money, money you may not have.


2. Yes I do, and that is my point. Anyone with 30 days to wait for a few hundred credits deserves to get it. Let's do the math and see: 5000 cr x 12 months x 10 alts is 600,000 credits. After maxing out your mission skill to 400 on 10 alts that would cost 232,200 cr per alt for a total of 2,322,000 credits (and a lot of time) to make 600,000 cr/year. That would take you 4 years, just to make your money back. Real effective use of time. Perhaps that might be easier in F2P, so just limit it to subs. At best a minor perk.


And you seemed to know me so well that you thought I was talking of lockboxes.

Edited by Thylbanus
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After rereading the thread, I guess I don't know what you are saying. Maybe you could try clarifying what you are asking? When I read it, I think you are asking that your companions just do missions over and over and over while you are logged out...
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After rereading the thread, I guess I don't know what you are saying. Maybe you could try clarifying what you are asking? When I read it, I think you are asking that your companions just do missions over and over and over while you are logged out...


He is.


In a game where credits are easy to make.


Go figure.

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You shouldn't get anything in ToR while logged out. The game isn't built for it. Heck, with just the amount of money players can make while logged in, the economy is getting out of control.


A game like EvE is set up to give you rewards while logged out (training, etc.) ToR most definitely is not set up in the same way, instead going the way of quick and easy rewards for players who are logged in.



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It sounds like we are suggesting that anything our companions own belongs to us. I can see how this mindset developes because we maintain our companions equipment, but I wonder if we shouldn't draw the line with our companions money. If we allow our companions to Moonlight and gain extra cash on side jobs, why would we assume that the money they earn belongs to us?
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It sounds like we are suggesting that anything our companions own belongs to us. I can see how this mindset developes because we maintain our companions equipment, but I wonder if we shouldn't draw the line with our companions money. If we allow our companions to Moonlight and gain extra cash on side jobs, why would we assume that the money they earn belongs to us?


At least one companion is a slave, anything she earns is mine.

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I have to agree with the consensus here - I don't think this would work out very well.


I'm sorry, but money for nothing just sits with me the wrong way.


That being said, maybe there is a compromise to be had here. On the suggestion forums, I posed an idea to allow all missions to be available at once (instead of five at a time). (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=542599) The gist is that once a mission is chosen a cooldown starts, the cooldown is longer than the time it takes to complete the mission, but when the cooldown is over the mission becomes available again. The more lucrative the mission the longer the cooldown. For example a moderate grade 6 mission would have a 90 minute cooldown, but a rich grade 6 mission would have a five hour cooldown. However, if you continually send companions on the same mission the cooldown gets longer (by 10% each time), only resetting to default when you do not use that mission for double the default cooldown (or at the beginning of a server week (Tuesday at 6am PST)). So you could run a grade 6 rich mission over and over and in a week you could run 16 of them Or if you are dedicated, do nine, wait ten hours then start over with a fresh cooldown and you could do another nine, wait ten hours and do another five.


With this in mind, another feature of this new system could be that you can setup a specific companion to run that same mission over and over until you cancel it; currently when a mission is completed the items generated do not automatically go into your inventory they become a "quest reward" per se and the system will "store" the results as pending until you collect them. So, inventory space is not an issue until you actually collect the results. I am not sure how long rewards stay in pending though.


So someone looking for credits while offline could setup their slicer (how many players do not have at least one? :p), to continually generate lockboxes. Granted it does cost credits to launch the missions but you usually net a profit.

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The gist is that once a mission is chosen a cooldown starts, the cooldown is longer than the time it takes to complete the mission, but when the cooldown is over the mission becomes available again. The more lucrative the mission the longer the cooldown.


I think this would be frustrating for people trying to get mats to make something. For instance, if I'm trying to find some rare underworld metal so I can make a purple armoring mod, I would be annoyed if I could only run the underworld trading mission a few times a day. Even the way it is now, the stuff doesn't drop often enough, but if you restricted my ability to repeat the mission, well you get my point....

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