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Why does Underworld Trading have so many Companion Gift missions?


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I mean really, All I want is metals and all I get is 90% companion gift missions and 75/25 Fabircs/Metals. Is there a fascination with Compaion Gifts in the underworld or something?


Yes, I just wanted to vent. Because at the rate I can get mats, I can just level my alts to 50 instead of making stuff for them along the way.

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Yeah it's pretty absurd when you go to look at your UT mission options and MULTIPLE level tiers have NOTHING BUT companion gift missions. No metals, no fabrics, just gift missions. I've had this happen so many times I almost can't get upset about it anymore. Almost. Srsly Bioware? This game is coming up on a year from launch in a couple months, and this was known and mentioned early and often in beta, I know cause I was there. I'm having a hard time imagining that changing mission population frequencies is either difficult or time consuming coding wise unless whoever programmed it was some kind of retard. By any plausible stretch of the imagination it should simply be changing a value in an equation or a spreadsheet somewhere, so why hasn't it been done after all this time? This isn't the first thread complaining about this issue. Hell, it isn't even the tenth, or the twentieth. Could we at the very least get some developer comment on this, seeing as how frequent and widespread of a complaint it is?
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You know that increasing your companion's affection increases their efficiency and critical chance for crafting and missions as well as unlocks their personal stories right (& Legacy perks)? Also, gifts missions have a chance to return schematics.



Edited by MorgonKara
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It's an old complaint; Many a post has been made about it.


Gifts are 50% of the list, with the other 50% of the list split evenly between fabrics (25%) and metals (25%).


But the list changes over time.

It also changes whenever a companion returns from a mission in that skill.

And a load screen (from your ship to aplanet, or your planet to a ship, as a prime example) will also repopulate the list (and refill it if any companions are on missions at the time).


In short, it's a hoop that they set up for us to jump through, and it isn't particularly convenient, but it isn't the end of the world, either.


You want metals?

Jump on board your ship (and exit, and re-enter, until you have all of your companions out on metal missions.


Or just send companions out on the missions that you have now, and then peek in periodically to see if the list has repopulated and send more companions out at that time.


And yeah, you can even run a gift mission. Same effect in regards to repopulating the mission list, but faster than the metals or fabric missions.


Like I said, I don't relly like it, but it isn't a huge deal.

I would rather just be able to pick from every available mission. If they wanted to limit how much material someone could get, they need a better system than what they have now (cooldowns on missions, for example, so even though a mission may only take an hour to run, you wouldn't be able to run it more than once every four hours or whatever).

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If they wanted to limit how much material someone could get, they need a better system than what they have now (cooldowns on missions, for example, so even though a mission may only take an hour to run, you wouldn't be able to run it more than once every four hours or whatever).


This is the FIRST reasonable compromise I have seen with regard to this issue.

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This is the FIRST reasonable compromise I have seen with regard to this issue.


Agreed. I can see ways for it to result in a bad compromise, but it's got potential. Frees the players strong in the OCD from feeling like they have to keep relogging until they get what they want, and also gives them a knob they can turn to fine tune the economy, if they're in the mood to do so.

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I'm fine with the success rate being down or dependant on compaion affection, but I want a chance at success to begin with. Dimplomacy in particular can be a nightmare since it's split in to light and dark side options making it harder to get an option you want to begin with.

Just now, I brought up my character's diplomacy options to try for some grade 6 medical supplies. I got all companion gifts. Went on ship. Still all companion gifts. Took 3 tries before I got an option to actually get medical supplies and that was the wrong alignment so I still had to try again. I really shouldn't have to endure loading screens while I go on and off my ship just so I can even get a chance at getting my companion to go off and hipe they'll bring back what I need.

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If they wanted to limit how much material someone could get, they need a better system than what they have now (cooldowns on missions, for example, so even though a mission may only take an hour to run, you wouldn't be able to run it more than once every four hours or whatever).

That sounds like what they have now. If you take all the metal missions they go on a 24 hour cool down timer. They just don't show you the timer.


The loading screen is a bug that resets the timer.

Or its more dynamic where the percentage of missions you take in relation to others increases the length of the cool down.

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There's actually a decent profit margin on companion gifts, so I do those a lot. :)


There is no profit to be made from companion gifts! These droids are not the droids your looking for! Ignore the man behind the curtain!


Or, yeah, what he said, a little more competition isn't going to kill me. It's not huge amounts of income, and there's the occasional bad day, but overall it's steady enough that I don't run dailies anymore and it's financing things like my habit of buying lvl 26/27 armorings/mods/enhancements in the GTN, buying legacy stuff, etc.


Furthermore, I expect an uptick in the business when F2P launches, since free players can buy stuff in the GTN, but can't sell there. Then again, that should affect all (or almost all, at least) markets.

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