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Why did you pick Power Tech?


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Hey all,


Since we have a dedicated AC forum for PT, I thought I'd ask why you are choosing this AC. For me I chose power tech because I enjoy tanking at the beginning of an MMO's life span as I feel its harder to pug tanks / healers early on. Later on I plan to play a healer and lastly a DPS role. On the other hand though my first allure was definitely to play a Bounty Hunter and while I feel like a lot of people have the same feeling; I am going the opposite route in the fact that I'm fine with not duel wielding pistols. Also the idea of a range tank intrigues me.



Happy Holidays to Everyone :cool:

Edited by UridiumFichu
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I chose PT's because the DPS is roughly equal to Merc's and you have more survivability than a Merc. Besides, with Force Leap, it will be hard to keep melee off you, so a class that does melee back, while having long range options sounds like fun. Plus - Jet Charge. :D
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Wanted to play a Heavy Armor class while still having options to do other things. I noticed the power tech has a lot of different play styles especially due to the ranged / melee hybrid. Also they have cool baseline tank abilities!


Not to mention they get Jawa companions.


^ This was really the deciding factor between Juggernaught and Power Tech.

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I found heat management to be a pretty fresh idea - also ability to tank at range seams pretty neat.

But above all those "new" concepts - I don't care about Force using classes, so BH was only option on Emp side as a tank.


Also less problem forming a group for Flashpoint, better survivability in PvP and.. hey, burning kids who thinks they are unbeatable cause they rolled a jedi.

Edited by rinaxpl
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I thought the bounty hunter in the deceived trailer kind of added a fresh spin on the class, while the force classes were about what I expected. The abilities seemed new and graphically stimulating. The armor progression video was also another selling point, loved the look of the class in late game. All Business.
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I chose bh because of the lore aspect and how they carry themselves. The idea of a man or woman with no force powers or anything could actually be a feared adversary for Jedi. I chose powertech because of their sheer versatility and cc. they have the grab, the retractable blade, flame thrower, freeze the armor/shield etc.
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Because shield tech is the one mix of all of the things I've learned over the years that I need in pvp to fit my playstyle.


  1. Awesome mobility (charge *and* yank)
  2. Almost all instant cast abilities
  3. Hard to kill
  4. CC/Snare that's easy to use


...and the image just suits me. I don't think I could have a class more tailored to the playstyle I've found I like over the years.

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All 3 of its talent trees seem like a blast (in the case of Pyrotech, quite literally), which isn't usually the case. And the armor/gadgets have always been the most appealing part of the Bounty Hunter SW archetype.


Although, while all 3 trees may have their appeals, I'm definitely most interested in how its tanking mechanics work.

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I like being able to choose between tank and dps. Played merc in beta and even though being able to heal is nice at times, I still prefer having more dmg absorb and cc, plus being cc immune for some situations is going to be a great thing to have with all the melee/snare classes around.


With the right spec you should be able to deal a good bunch of damage aswell that is not so much worse than a merc. Some 0 / 23 / 18 spec comes to mind at 50, for free railshot procs and also free rocketpunches. Should be a nice jack of all trades for pvp in a more offensive role.

Edited by Sheduur
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What's to say that hasn't been said? I plan to dps with an off-tank spec.


Playing another not-to-be-named MMO I was always a healer which was fun as well as handy for getting into random groups quickly but after recently switching to a dps role I did some filling in as tank when needed and it was dang fun, not to mention even better for getting into random groups. I'm still adjusting to the added responsibility but hopefully it won't hold me back.


I planned on Juggernaut at the beginning but playing it in one of the weekend betas left me underwhelmed. The BH/PT play is so much more exciting, and the storyline is intriguing even for a single player game, much less an MMO.

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I'm drawn away from force classes, it's more interesting for me to play a class where you are awesome on your own and don't need any mamby-pamby super powers to get the job done. Not to mention powertech armor looks pretty cool, they like to get up close and personal, and there is something pretty cool about only using one pistol.
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I am seeing a lot of people wanting to go merc but still go firebug? why not go PT and get the AR too? i feel if ur gonna roll merc u gotta roll arc or say forget it and roll PT, off hand gun doesnt do too much dmg would rather have shield personally, also PT seems a lot cooler/harder to kill/better gadgets plus it kinda bothers me that you have a gun in the hand you shoot your flame thrower out of.....
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I chose Powertech because of their coolness factor. They wear heavy armor and can literally walk through battlefields unscathed. They carry a single blaster because they don't miss. They have more gadgets than God. It's like being Batman if he traded in his batarang for a gun.


Plus Powertechs are the only non-Sith tank available. And really, if a five ton rancor ran at your party (burbling as it came) which would you rather have at your fingertips: A: a glowstick, or B: THE PRIMAL FORCE OF FIRE. Yeah, that's what I thought.

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