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More buffs to Assault


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Let's make it a real buff of the tree. After all you went out of your way to give Jedi Knights THREE viable talent trees. Seems almost everyone got some buff or another in 1.4. Except our cousins in disgrace, DPS Operatives/Scoundrels.


Letting us use Sticky Grenade and Assault Plastique is a step in the right direction but Assault still lags behind Gunnery in PVE.


Make Charged Bolts hit harder, at the moment you have to cast for 1.5 seconds for a chance at resetting HIB and it often hits for 2k or less, it's often better to use Hammer Shot. You could reduce the cast time via talent points, and increase the chance % to reset HIB. This would increase our dps for PVE and PVP.


Make Explosive Round a 100% chance to apply the snare. It's an ammo hog so we won't be spamming it and it gives us the same toolset that Vanguards have which is a guaranteed chance to snare target on an instant cast ability.


Give us a damage reduction shield like Gunnery, only it reduces Internal/Elemental damage by say 10% fully charged.


Give us a finisher. It's ridiculous how Warriors/Knights can land two Smash crits for almost 6k each instantly ina span of 5 seconds followed by a Dispatch crit of 4k. Knights/Warriors, Snipers/Slingers Shadows/Assasins, all have an "Execute" type of attack that triggers when targets get under 30% hp. Give us the same. Make Blitz usable as our execute move.


I forgot I even had this ability it's been so long since I used it. This would help us against the insane burst melee classes currently have. You want to get up close to a trooper and he manages to get you low on hp? BAM Blitz for 4k.

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Let's make it a real buff of the tree. After all you went out of your way to give Jedi Knights THREE viable talent trees. Seems almost everyone got some buff or another in 1.4. Except our cousins in disgrace, DPS Operatives/Scoundrels.


Letting us use Sticky Grenade and Assault Plastique is a step in the right direction but Assault still lags behind Gunnery in PVE.


Make Charged Bolts hit harder, at the moment you have to cast for 1.5 seconds for a chance at resetting HIB and it often hits for 2k or less, it's often better to use Hammer Shot. You could reduce the cast time via talent points, and increase the chance % to reset HIB. This would increase our dps for PVE and PVP.


Make Explosive Round a 100% chance to apply the snare. It's an ammo hog so we won't be spamming it and it gives us the same toolset that Vanguards have which is a guaranteed chance to snare target on an instant cast ability.


Give us a damage reduction shield like Gunnery, only it reduces Internal/Elemental damage by say 10% fully charged.


Give us a finisher. It's ridiculous how Warriors/Knights can land two Smash crits for almost 6k each instantly ina span of 5 seconds followed by a Dispatch crit of 4k. Knights/Warriors, Snipers/Slingers Shadows/Assasins, all have an "Execute" type of attack that triggers when targets get under 30% hp. Give us the same. Make Blitz usable as our execute move.


I forgot I even had this ability it's been so long since I used it. This would help us against the insane burst melee classes currently have. You want to get up close to a trooper and he manages to get you low on hp? BAM Blitz for 4k.


If Assault lags behind in PVE that's balanced by the fact that it's pretty awesome in PVP comparatively. I agree more utility should be given to the assault tree, and I like most of your ideas, but no need to give us an execute in PVE. I can see it for PVP though. Just make it so it's usuable only on weak, standard, strong, and player targets and it'll be fine.

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I say i would be more content with something like other classes have like a small heal buff like other classes maybe a crit with incendiary round heals for .5% of total health or 1%. And i believe that compared to other classes that have forms i feel plasma cell chance is very low even with increase of 6%.So i believe that we should get something like the vanguard that automatically activates plasma cell maybe charged bolts or hail of bolts or maybe explosive round. Especially since we have the useless 4% alacrity increase that would probably be more useful to gunnery.I think this wouldn't unbalance things because we may have off heals but their not practical to use except the occasional advance medical probe that heals for maybe on crit slightly above 2k while the other guy is hitting you for 8k in that 1.5 sec and the damage reduction ive seen from heavy armor to medium isnt much beyond 1 or 2 % and on top of that other classes have multiple shields and stuns so they can get over us get small buffs that probably keep us in the fight maybe another 5-10 seconds
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