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SW: TCW Episode "A War Two Fronts" Discussion


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That awkward moment when you discover that your crush is already flirting with someone else. Poor Ahsoka. I still think she can do better than Lux, lol.


Anyway, it was a good episode. I liked Anakin's "most impressive" comment. :p

If the Seperatists would just invest in better brain chips for their droids, they'd be winning the war by leaps and bounds!

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I loved tihs episode way more than last week's dull opening. Had some Kotor II flasbacks with Iziz and beast riders haha...and laughed at the "Rebels" comment...man karma is going to hit Anakin hard.


What I didn't like the the over-emphasis/forshadowing of a love triangle with Ahsoka...looks like more and more the version where she gets romantically involved which screws her over at the end of the series might happen. I just with TCW did shove forshadowing down our throats like they have been recently.

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It was ok.

I hate the idea of them forcing a love triangle into this.


I disliked this too...it was made beyond obvious that somethign like this was going to happen when Ahsoka first met him and they walked in the gardens... a pure " /facepalm...I wonder when this love story is going to hit TCW..." well it looks like it's that time.:rolleyes:

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It was definitely a set up episode to establish the planet and the main characters of this campaign. Though the sappy teen drama was annoying. The whole "the boy is mine" feels played with too much. Also the competition of leadership (Saw is a bit more overt, Lux is more subtle) was also a bit much. Could have drawn it out over a couple of episodes and let it grow organically (with both drama) .
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It was definitely a set up episode to establish the planet and the main characters of this campaign. Though the sappy teen drama was annoying. The whole "the boy is mine" feels played with too much. Also the competition of leadership (Saw is a bit more overt, Lux is more subtle) was also a bit much. Could have drawn it out over a couple of episodes and let it grow organically (with both drama) .


Subtlety in Star Wars? Blasphemy!

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It was ok.

I hate the idea of them forcing a love triangle into this.

I wouldn't be so quick to judge, this is most likely a set up for her fall to the dark side. As jedi cannot have emotional attachments, I can't see any other reasons for this element.


I thought it was a good episode, I'm hoping this usurper king guy will be expanded further, and become the villain of these couple of episodes. I'm not expecting anything amazing though, this is just another event in the Clone Wars, nothing special. I'm hoping that as the series goes on these will become less frequent, and episodes will be more main plot based, but who knows, this might turn out to be important.

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It was definitely a set up episode to establish the planet and the main characters of this campaign. Though the sappy teen drama was annoying. The whole "the boy is mine" feels played with too much. Also the competition of leadership (Saw is a bit more overt, Lux is more subtle) was also a bit much. Could have drawn it out over a couple of episodes and let it grow organically (with both drama) .


I agree, but they have to ram those themes home to the kids, who won't pick up on it.

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Sure, it's not one of the action loaded episodes, but still I liked it. Anakin got to say "Impresive, most impresive." Also I liked the look of the world and the rebels looked like world war 1 soldiers, which I also liked. Edited by Drudenfusz
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Sure, it's not one of the action loaded episodes, but still I liked it. Anakin got to say "Impresive, most impresive." Also I liked the look of the world and the rebels looked like world war 1 soldiers, which I also liked.


Indeed, its a good episode. And I think i can see its importance to the main plot, by developing the character of Lux Bonteri who looks to be a main one, unless he runs off with that Onderonian girl or dies :p

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Episode wasn't bad, preferred last weeks due to the action. The rebels were disappointing, was hoping for something more like the beast riders in Tales of the Jedi.

you know, come to think of it, the main players of the rebels seem mighty young. And there are not a lot of them. They live in the wilderness...on an occupied planet...sounds awfully familiar...wolverines anyone?

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I really enjoyed getting to see Onderon 'cause it was one of my favorite planets in KOTOR. I thought the episode was pretty good compared to other episodes in the clone wars.


I agree. I haven't watched much of TCW, and what I have watched I didn't much enjoy. I'd forgotten they shoehorned Darth Maul into the series until I saw the first episode of the season (why couldn't they just let him stay dead; and "Savage Oppress"....seriously? That's the best they could come up with?), so i didn't much care for that. However, I did enjoy this episode, and will at least try to watch the rest of the Onderon series (nostalgia FTW).

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I sort of laughed when I saw the jedi master who died in the first episode still sitting in the jedi council meeting.. that was a bit awkward ... otherwise a pretty good episode.. love triangle sucks..


This episode was produced before Revival, they later swapped them over.


And agreed, the love triangle idea is terrible.


Which makes it confusing if you pay close attention.


But still, I like the thought of anakin training terrorsits/freedom fighters.



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The love triangle can work, as long as it doesn't become the main focus of the Onderon arc.


As a secondary plot, I think it serves well to show some of Ahsoka's character flaws - she's not the Mary Sue that all the haters would have you believe. It could be interesting to see how she would react if she can't have Lux in the end.

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