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[Rant] Datacrons - Some Sort of 'save position' option


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Okay, I have to admit, I am royally angry at the moment. I have been trying to get to the Republic Strength Datacron in Nar Shaddah for two hours.

For those not in the know: It consists of a series of medium to very hard jumps, and if you botch one (regardless when), you fall all the way down and have to make your way back to the very beginning.


First, a slap in the face to whichever sadist designed those 'challenges'. They are NOT challenges just because you have added every frustration factor known to man and then added difficulty. If I wanted to play a frakking Jump'n'Run with wonky controls, no save function and no 'lives', I would be a very sad person and should seek help.


That said: Please, for the love of your own life, add some anti-frustration feature (like the /stuck command) to those very long and purely luck-based jumpathons! If you must, make me pay a few credits (adjusted to player level) to reset to the last jump, with a short cooldown, which can be circumvented by paying higher prices.

If I botch a jump, I feel bad enough already. You don't have to almost let me die from the fall (thus necessitating regeneration), and then spend the next two minutes tracking back to the beginning of the sequence to make me feel even worse - and exasperated to boot. Just to fail the same jump fifteen times in a row (collision detection is a ******), finally managing it, and failing at the very next jump again.


edit: Or maybe add some structure halfway down, so you only have to repeat a portion of the parcours.



This is not fun, it's sadistic, in a 'let small puppy dogs bleed slowly to death' way.


Oh, and to all you pros who managed all jump datacrons in your first go and have sucked on Mario's teat: Please, just be quiet. You're great and deserving of my adoration. I know I can't jump'n'run. Which is why I usually don't play them...

Edited by Muesliac
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It would be nice to have an ascension gun (like in the movies!) that lets you set your grappling hook where you're standing, then reel yourself up if you fall. Or maybe sell stacks of personalized MGGS patches (so you can grapple back, but no one else can).


I agree that trying to make an MMO into a platformer is quite difficult; I think I spent nearly as much time as you did falling off that one. One thing I eventually figured out is that it matters how long you hold down the spacebar when jumping.

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