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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is anyone else losing interest?


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Do you know how MMO's work? How often were new warzones added to WoW? Warzones aren't something you should have dozens of, a hand full at most is what you need. I don't understand why so many people get bored of PVP. Take a game like LoL, do the ~11 million people play it activity because of the constant stream of content? Now not a MMO but it's skill based PVP/strat combat game.


If you can't PVP and have fun without chasing that carrot on a stick (gear) you're doing it for the wrong reasons.


Its obvious you have never pvped in this game, if you think this game is about skilled pvp combat & strat. Believe me, i wish it were. This game is nothing BUT a gear grind, (that no-one including myself want) and leaves NO alternatives to pvp outside of those same 4 warzones over and over. If thats all this game will provide for pvp content, then it will get the kind of players that are into that lack of content/diversity. And by that i mean, people that log in 3x a week tops.


And i'm going to go out on a limb here and say that BW/EA doesn't want that kind of casual attendance to its game, then clearly something needs to change. Because thats all this game is right now.

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If you are getting bored stop playing for a bit. Come back in a few months. You are more than likely playing too much.


I've only played a sandbox MMO before, so this is my first themepark garbage MMO... But let me say that in an MMO i dont think personally the words "you're playing too much" can exist (health reasons and death aside. see also: korean mmos).


The only reason that the term ''you're playing too much'' exists here, is because a lot of people have completed everything there is to do in this game because it is MASSIVELY LACKING CONTENT.


If this were a GOOD MMO, there would always be something to do 24/7. And the times you had to log off and go to sleep and work, etc etc would only excite you more for logging back in to complete a list of things you've been thinking about doing for the past day or so, etc etc.


This game however, has no content, and no 'driving urge' to make you want to come back. It is as casual as ever a game was, and it will FOR SURE be its downfall, as the result will be casual subscription numbers.

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I've only played a sandbox MMO before, so this is my first themepark garbage MMO... But let me say that in an MMO i dont think personally the words "you're playing too much" can exist (health reasons and death aside. see also: korean mmos).


The only reason that the term ''you're playing too much'' exists here, is because a lot of people have completed everything there is to do in this game because it is MASSIVELY LACKING CONTENT.


If this were a GOOD MMO, there would always be something to do 24/7. And the times you had to log off and go to sleep and work, etc etc would only excite you more for logging back in to complete a list of things you've been thinking about doing for the past day or so, etc etc.


This game however, has no content, and no 'driving urge' to make you want to come back. It is as casual as ever a game was, and it will FOR SURE be its downfall, as the result will be casual subscription numbers.


So you want a game that will make you seek psychiatric help? Alright then, carry on.

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What this game is BEST for:


- Someone who has never played an MMO before and is too ignorant to know how bad this one is.


Well, not even that anymore. I fit into this category, but even I am fed up with it. :(


Since 1.4 has launched I've slowly began losing interest in the game.


Same here. I completed full WH gear on my main PvP char just one day before 1.4 and immediately got an extreme amount of demotivation. My main got stunlocked after 1.4 in all my wz approaches. I didn't even make it to the turrets anymore. No joke. Always the same premades on the other side knowing your name while you are in a pug. So it is like: Take out XYZ first. So I gave up PvPing, because I saw no point anymore. Continued my alts and started new alts. Realised quickly that I cannot be bothered with doing the same PvE missions again and again (except for the class and companion missions of classes I haven't finished yet). Leveling in PvE is boring after 10 months. I know where the datacrons are, the codex items etc. Nothing new in the game since the beginning. The planets are always the same. So in order to level up, I started to PvP again with my alts. First I thought it brought back my motivation, but it was only for a few days. Now, I haven't even logged in anymore for some days. Cannot be bothered at all. The only thing I would still like to do before my last gamecard expires is seeing all the class stories. But the price (boredom throughout while leveling) is just too high. Now I waste my time here and read forum topics to which I can rely so that I get the feeling I am not so alone with my sad feeling about SWTOR. :(

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Oddly enough, and very unexpected but I'm actually gaining interest again. And I was becoming one of the most pessimistic players on these forums after 1.4.


Reasons why I'm enjoying TOR again:


1. LOL marauder smash... the amount of easy mode DPS this spec can do leaves me laughing maniacally.


2. Buff to AP tree on powertech...Pyro felt very boring and linear to me after 1.4. I had never spec'd AP and after running pyro for so long, the AP spec is a lot of fun and much more complex than pyro. Plus there is something satisfying about shanking people.


3. Buff to sorc... what was already a fun class to play is even more fun with the extra survivability.



4. Terror from Beyond: I normally hate PvE and only do it for mods and to help my guild. But it's fresh, it's new and it's fun. Not only that... but the credit pay out is pretty decent and it's definitely more fun than running dailies.


And most importantly...


5. Rated War Zones!!! early in the pre-season our guild hadn't done many because of not being very well geared and from there somehow, much of the guild became very PvE focused and we only competed in regular WZ's. With a swift kick in the rear to get these guys focused on PvP again it's actually going quite well considering we still need to work on a few things. The competition is good. Only a couple guilds dominating the rated scene and we're still holding up well enough against them to keep it fun. Winning against most of the other guilds makes that more enjoyable too. :D But most of all... not having to deal with goal line humping, CC spamming, objectively blind, whiny, columi gear wearing players who have no concept of how to win a damn match has made my love for PvP return. It's far more competitive and whether it's a win or a loss... we've had very few blow outs. Very different from the non-competitive matches we find in regular WZ's.


Queue for rated now!!! My only problems with it at this point is the DC's, and playing the same 5 guilds all week. If you're tired of mindless drones who fill the regular queue... get a team together and get into rated now!!! Not only is it competitive, but it's also helping our guild work better as a team... in a way that regular war zones could never do. Sometimes we go in whether or not we have a good set up, we ran with one tank hybrid last night, we also ran with 2 mercs, who cares? It's still competitive and fun. And guess what? We won more than we lost. Even with Mercs on our team. :eek: Queue for rated and bring competition to your servers and into this game.


Anyone who is complaining about the low tier players that come with regular war zones, anyone that is complaining about the gear grind. Your solution is right here at your finger tips. Form a group, join a guild and do something about it. Everyone on our server wants more competition... wants to see some new faces out there. There is no excuse to not queue for rated. It's a much more satisfying PvP experience.

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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