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Has stunlocking been addressed?


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Post how many times in a war zone your stunned. Any kinda of stun, force choke, kncokback whatever. i got hit with over 30 stuns in half a war zone this moring before I stopped to chat with a old friend that was in the game. I will check the numbers over a few wz and update.
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Being a melee heavy player, over the course of an entire round i'd probably spend minimum 2 minutes stunned. When I die it is always because someone mindlessly mashed a stun.. So much skill.


No it's not been addressed... Bioware decided to increase the duration people spend stunned by altering how stuns impact resolve. You will now ALWAYS be stun lock killed before your resolve fills up unless your a powertech or a jug which both have talents that either activate passively or can be activated while stunned which reduce all incoming damage by a large %.

Edited by JackNader
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Although I am now a Combat Medic (Commando), before and after and I became this I'd be stunlocked by Sorcs, and BH's mainly. I'd say about 78% of my WZ's I've been completely stunlocked with no hope to break free and just stand there and die.


Republic players on Jedi Covenant rarely win now a days in WZ's it seems because of the favoritism of Imperials. "But mirror class!" ..yeah used to be somewhat similar, but I don't see that many active stuns from Republic players.


I have 1 WH and the rest BM gear.

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The only time I feel 'stunlocked' is when I'm being overwhelmed by enemies. 3v1 such as in huttball or just when they randomly focus you, in these cases I'm not too bothered by it nor am I going to mash my keyboard; it's 3v1 I should die.


But most of the time when playing as a team (even when I'm melee) the stuns don't really both me. I guess it's just the resolve / cc breaker managment; I've never spent 78% of a WZ stunned...that's a bit strange.


I'm not going to say L2P, cause im sure you all know how. But I will say adapt... L2A?


If everyone is stunned all game...then where are all the 'stunners'?

Edited by Lionflash
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Post how many times in a war zone your stunned. Any kinda of stun, force choke, kncokback whatever. i got hit with over 30 stuns in half a war zone this moring before I stopped to chat with a old friend that was in the game. I will check the numbers over a few wz and update.


30 stuns you say.


hmm... Dramatic queen is dramatic.


30 stuns at 1min CD on each stun = 30 mins.


Please tell me all about how your huttball mach lasted 30 mins. The only possible match would be novare coast. Even with a single turret in civil war the match ends in 21mins or less. -So yes. Rework your numbers because if this was true and assuming u spawned infront of an enemy whilling to stun you everytime clearly your crying.

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Well, he could have been *hit* by 30 stuns.


Eight oppo players, all using their 4 sec stun on 1 min cd, would take.... 2 mins 40?


Though he'd have been resolve capped after two stuns.


If everyone stood in a circle brutally stunning, mezzing, interrupting and rooting one lone enemy player, I reckon you might be able to keep them cc'd until his seven teammates won the game because you weren't doing anything to stop them.

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Well, he could have been *hit* by 30 stuns.


Eight oppo players, all using their 4 sec stun on 1 min cd, would take.... 2 mins 40?


Though he'd have been resolve capped after two stuns.


If everyone stood in a circle brutally stunning, mezzing, interrupting and rooting one lone enemy player, I reckon you might be able to keep them cc'd until his seven teammates won the game because you weren't doing anything to stop them.


^this guy is awesome! :D


Commentary: yeah i always have to watch out for those 30 players in Wz's insta hitting me with all the stuns! lol! :rolleyes:


Somtimes i really wonder if people are really playing this game or something else....

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In order to correctly address this problem includes Removing stuns to only specific classes. Like the resolve system or not every class has at least 2 stuns and/or mezzes on short Cds, this is actually the real problem.


Stuns and mezzes should be class specific abilities, that is what dumbs down the resolve system, people spam them cause they have multiple stuns on short CD so why not?


If this was implemented lets say 3 of the 8 classes could stun, then a stun would actually mean something and classes that had stuns would be more important for instance operative/scoundrel.


I think initially a lot of classes would say, "*** I need my stuns to survive or interrupt", however what I think they would find with 70% less stunning in the game it would improve game play across the board and give the classes that have the stuns a utility that brings "food to the table".


Classes need to be unique, the more they are, the more important each class becomes.

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A sorc cannot "stun lock" anyone, i dont think you even know what it means. They have 2 actual stuns, one 4 second hard stun and a 2 second stun on bubble break (if they spec into). The other means of control are a knockback - which isnt a stun which can be talented to root, which also is not a stun. The other being a mezz, which stops you from attacking them and they cant damage through it - also not a stun, its mainly a tool for defense or stopping a healer, healing people.


The reason they have cc is because they have no burst, and no hard defensive cooldowns of any kind, plus they wear light armor, that is the trade off.


If you want to talk about changes to resolve and how that effects you fine, but this "I am stunned for 2 mins" and "iam being stun locked by a sorc" is just not true, its exagerration and hyperbole.


If you actually want stuns removed from the game then expect sorc to have significant increases in both damage and survivability, a complete and utter disaster of a pvp experience which requires no skil at all to play, no timing, no awareness just a complete burst dps race. You cannot simply expect stuns/roots to be removed and anyone honestly thinking this is going to happen is just delusional, the entire pvp system is not built around a handful of classes and you need to accept this. Last time I checked sorc/sages were not the dominant classes in this game, and they are still along way from it.


I mean where do you stop with this? If you ban stuns then lets stop maras being able to interupt so frequently because its not fair to range classes like mine? Lets lengthen the cooldowns on their leaps. Let's basically stop making other classes having tools to actually play the game, and just make it a dps race instead.

Edited by PloGreen
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In order to correctly address this problem includes Removing stuns to only specific classes. Like the resolve system or not every class has at least 2 stuns and/or mezzes on short Cds, this is actually the real problem.


Stuns and mezzes should be class specific abilities, that is what dumbs down the resolve system, people spam them cause they have multiple stuns on short CD so why not?


If this was implemented lets say 3 of the 8 classes could stun, then a stun would actually mean something and classes that had stuns would be more important for instance operative/scoundrel.


I think initially a lot of classes would say, "*** I need my stuns to survive or interrupt", however what I think they would find with 70% less stunning in the game it would improve game play across the board and give the classes that have the stuns a utility that brings "food to the table".


Classes need to be unique, the more they are, the more important each class becomes.


1. And then class stacking for those with stuns wins.

2. people who spam them without knowing how to use them will fail and accomplish nothing.

3. yes because no one uses operatives or scoundrels in PVP. :rolleyes: thats exactly what healing op's need, more incentive to screw sorcs / mercs out of rateds more than they do already. :D

4.An interrupt is game changing, sadly 99% of the population does not use them, or know how to use them unless its PVE shoulder drooling experience.

5. The food is there. You can't ask a slobb to know how to eat with a fork and knife.

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There is no easy way to fix the issue. The main problem is the 4 second stuns. These are responsible for all the stun lock deaths which are so frustrating. If they are removed or altered in any way then it will have flow on effects. An example is that it would make killing a healer that much harder. They would need to compensate by lowering interrupt times. etc etc.
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There is no easy way to fix the issue. The main problem is the 4 second stuns. These are responsible for all the stun lock deaths which are so frustrating. If they are removed or altered in any way then it will have flow on effects. An example is that it would make killing a healer that much harder. They would need to compensate by lowering interrupt times. etc etc.


As long as some classes have abiilties such as 4 second immunity from damage, 4 seconds stuns logically need to be in the game Classes have hard defensive cooldowns - typically classes that do significant burst, escape tools, cc immunity, leaps, pushes. Do we really want all those removing from the game? Because if you start removing tools from some classes you need to start removing tools from all the classes complaining about stuns.


Then what have you got? Fisher-price pvp. No ty.

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As long as some classes have abiilties such as 4 second immunity from damage, 4 seconds stuns logically need to be in the game Classes have hard defensive cooldowns - typically classes that do significant burst, escape tools, cc immunity, leaps, pushes. Do we really want all those removing from the game? Because if you start removing tools from some classes you need to start removing tools from all the classes complaining about stuns.


Then what have you got? Fisher-price pvp. No ty.


All the stun crying comes from people who are 4v1ing.

got focussed.

Wasted their break free on a blind.

etc.. etc...


All they want is a hack n slash game similar to runescape because they can't think ahead to counter a foe.


I did get a chuckle from Fisher-Price PVP... it seems thats what all the new MMO generation can tolerate.

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Post how many times in a war zone your stunned. Any kinda of stun, force choke, kncokback whatever. i got hit with over 30 stuns in half a war zone this moring before I stopped to chat with a old friend that was in the game. I will check the numbers over a few wz and update.




I miss my stuns. I can no longer protect my self from those with Force Lightening or from long distance attackers.

I am a Survivor Shadow and I try to stay alive to help the team. Now I'm a Force Lightening magnet.


As far as stuns with the 1.4 update they changed the distance too. I see stun's happening a lot less since 1.4 so you should be happy. I don't think I have seen one person get stunned over the fire in Huttball, and I have played....30 matches last week. This is because of the new distance limitations.


As far as "stun lock" that is an extended stun that has a lot more limitations that a regular stun. And it shouldn't be happening very often. If it is you just got very unlucky. It's possible to get bombarded with this, but they are really trying hard. I can only do mine while stealthed, and to only 1 person at a time. Damage will break it.


Lastly, and most importantly. Don't confuse "stuns" or "stun lock" with a "roll". There were many times this week where I performed a couple of attacks and nothing happened...Why? Well it was a little bit of lag mixed with 6 other players who hit their buttons before me...it seemed like I was stunned and couldn't do anything but honestly they just needed to finish executing their moves...which resulted in my death...we were all waiting for lag to finish up and kill me.


Try another class, stun has never annoyed me. I have ways to prevent it.

Edited by NoaFlux
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The resolve system doesn't work. The balance is all wrong. Either reduce incoming damage, or reduce stun time.

As it stands, my resolve bar fills at about the same time as I die. Every time.

The only time resolve does anything is if I'm carrying the huttball, and I have mad heals coming in. Otherwise, time to kill is shorter than time to fill resolve.

If I actually manage to fill my resolve, it disappears again before I can say "stunlock".


After the 1.4 patch it has been especially bad. Having 1 stun breaker every couple of lives just isn't enough to deal with the stunning.


Maybe this isn't a big deal for ranged classes, but a melee DPS has to break roots and slows on top of all the stuns, otherwise they do nothing.

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People can and will argue and talk down to one another about this regardless....And frankly its pretty sad how rude people can be when they have anonimity...I would bet a large percentage of them are very passive aggressive until they hit the interweb!


But to the topic. The change to resolve is not as bad as said in some scenarios...If you roll with a team during any PvP encounters...Probably not bothered as much, especially since the resolve system is a bit more forgiving for coordinated control...Helpful for all when they are the dominate side.


Here's where trouble comes in...PuG team comes in and starts button mashing stuns on random targets, and dropping AoE mezzes etc....To greater effect? Really? You actually took away the only real penalty to button mashing..indirectly turning PuG WZ's into a stun fest? I dont see the logic in "Stunlock for Dummies". If you cant coordinate CC the person should be resolve capped as prior to 1.4...It worked and it hand slapped drooling button mashers....Now its a Mash on brother world....Bad move.

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30 stuns you say.


hmm... Dramatic queen is dramatic.


30 stuns at 1min CD on each stun = 30 mins.


Please tell me all about how your huttball mach lasted 30 mins. The only possible match would be novare coast. Even with a single turret in civil war the match ends in 21mins or less. -So yes. Rework your numbers because if this was true and assuming u spawned infront of an enemy whilling to stun you everytime clearly your crying.


I think people have more then 1 stun lol

the shadow has spinning kick which stuns for 2 sec and is on a 20 sec cool down, force wave and stun

Edited by afupia
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ROFL!!!!! I love this guy. If it wasnt for him i would have no reason to look at these forums. <3


I swear you need to clone yourself several thousand times and maybe then we would see posts worth something on these forums.


LOL.. appreciate it. :D

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ROFL!!!!! I love this guy. If it wasnt for him i would have no reason to look at these forums. <3


I swear you need to clone yourself several thousand times and maybe then we would see posts worth something on these forums.


Your so L33T..talking down to the entire community, Except for the chosen few that fit into your mold of Coolness. Do you also have a T-Shirt collection? I hear Elitest have some kind of social coolness rank that evolves around T-Shirts.....

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