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Sith Emperor is a bad character


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His first major feat: Mind Control, this feat rocks, but compare to turning people to the darkside with schemes, it won't make good story.


2nd feat: Planet Devourer, we already got Nihilus, sure the Emperor got idea after he devours everything but there is no difference in most of the beings' eyes.



Palpatine is also ambitious and ruthless, but he's a much more realistic political leader. The Sith Emperor rarely shows himself, his goal was also crazy even in Sith' eyes and it's against the whole Empire. That's ok for an ops boss, but the leader of the player faction? Hell no.


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His first major feat: Mind Control, this feat rocks, but compare to turning people to the darkside with schemes, it won't make good story.


2nd feat: Planet Devourer, we already got Nihilus, sure the Emperor got idea after he devours everything but there is no difference in most of the beings' eyes.



Palpatine is also ambitious and ruthless, but he's a much more realistic political leader. The Sith Emperor rarely shows himself, his goal was also crazy even in Sith' eyes and it's against the whole Empire. That's ok for an ops boss, but the leader of the player faction? Hell no.


Ok you are right. Boys, scrap this game

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I think he is an awesome character. Now granted, consuming everyone is a little extreme, and some of the related concepts dont make sense (He should have been able to do this at any time, there was no need to start the war or anything else, he could have went to any random planet, consumed it, and so on.


But, outside of that, my real complaint is the fact that while Jedi Order PC's get to "kill the Sith Emperor" the Jedi Grand Master is enjoying herself and drinking tea. Being a Dark Lord of the Sith is all very well and good, but I want to kill Shan.

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The Emperor isn't a "bad" character, but he isn't a good one either. He's pretty much an absent character except in the Knight story. He has plans that's bad for everyone. I would prefer him as a flashpoint boss. It would most likely be the final flashpoint of the game where the four rep classes corner and finally defeat the Emperor. Mostly due to the Consular destroying his spirit while the Knight destroys the body. Then we have the Smuggler and Trooper who defeat the Emperor's goons.
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So you would weaken the Empire with a Dark Council with members that rotate quite often, and is too scared to act against the Republic? Darth Malgus is quite correct in his reasonings for replacing the Dark Council, however, the Emperor is active, through his Hands and Voice. What the Empire truly needs is for the Emperor to go on the offensive, release the Dread Masters, dominate and release the Sith spirits within the Dark Temple on the galaxy, and unleash his Wrath on the Jedi Council.
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So you would weaken the Empire with a Dark Council with members that rotate quite often, and is too scared to act against the Republic? Darth Malgus is quite correct in his reasonings for replacing the Dark Council, however, the Emperor is active, through his Hands and Voice. What the Empire truly needs is for the Emperor to go on the offensive, release the Dread Masters, dominate and release the Sith spirits within the Dark Temple on the galaxy, and unleash his Wrath on the Jedi Council.


Absolutely. If the Emperor has his way there will be no galaxy left to speak of.

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He's just not original. Darth Sideous, Nihilus, Revan, and even Malak were great characters becasue they were (for the most part) original characters with well developed back stories.

The Emperor has no back story and the story we are given is just a Frankenstein's Monster of a story reusing old peices of other great stories.

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He's just not original. Darth Sideous, Nihilus, Revan, and even Malak were great characters becasue they were (for the most part) original characters with well developed back stories.

The Emperor has no back story and the story we are given is just a Frankenstein's Monster of a story reusing old peices of other great stories.


Lol,, you think Malak, Revan, Nihilus, and Sidious are original? Maybe to Star Wars (that is pushing it for everyone except Sidious) but definitely not to other fiction and media. In fact, a Sidious, Malak, or Nihilus is a dime a dozen, with Revan maybe being slightly less common.

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Lol,, you think Malak, Revan, Nihilus, and Sidious are original? Maybe to Star Wars (that is pushing it for everyone except Sidious) but definitely not to other fiction and media. In fact, a Sidious, Malak, or Nihilus is a dime a dozen, with Revan maybe being slightly less common.


I meant original (for the most part) in the Star Wars univerese when they were created, Malak not really by himself but with Revan sort of.

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Lol,, you think Malak, Revan, Nihilus, and Sidious are original? Maybe to Star Wars (that is pushing it for everyone except Sidious) but definitely not to other fiction and media. In fact, a Sidious, Malak, or Nihilus is a dime a dozen, with Revan maybe being slightly less common.


The Emperor is way too similar to Nihilus, and his "destroy everything then create" idea was heard from many WOW antagonists.

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Imo Viviate is a great char,

He was born of the Dark Side...

It was said in the book that the air around him crackled with dark power,


I'll agree that he and Nihlius are a little too similar

But the Emperor absorbed a planet and was immortal long before Traya found and trained Nihlius,


And seeing as how TOR predates the Star Wars Films by 3000 Years...

Sidious is the 2.0 of Vitiate

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I think the only thing that actively annoys me about the Emperor - largely nonpresent as he may be - is his whole mind control/instant dark side corruption thing. I've seen mind control attempted repeatedly in fiction and hardly anyone ever really pulls it off, because it's generally an easy means of having Character X instantly become a Bad Guy without any specific motivation or emotional conflicts. The Knight story does this exact thing four times, and it's incredibly weak as a plot twist.



Kind of makes it hard for me to take him seriously as a character as a result. Not that he's anything more than just some guy people talk about for pretty much everyone.

Edited by Bleeters
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Imo Viviate is a great char,

He was born of the Dark Side...

It was said in the book that the air around him crackled with dark power,


I'll agree that he and Nihlius are a little too similar

But the Emperor absorbed a planet and was immortal long before Traya found and trained Nihlius,


And seeing as how TOR predates the Star Wars Films by 3000 Years...

Sidious is the 2.0 of Vitiate


Yeh sorry but it doesn't work that way, you don't go by where and when they appeared in-universe but by when they were written, Vitiate is a shallow boring rip-off of Sidious with Nihilus' 'unique' power.

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he's Sidious 2.0 with not nearly as much depth and a lot of mary suage.


That's a TOR thing. One thing you notice about TOR is how hard they try to emulate the spirit of the Movies.


In other media, Vitiate wasn't Sidious 2.0. He was a Nyarlathotep-esque cosmic horror. TOR just dumbed him down.

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I love Vitiate in the book, he comes across as a force to be reckoned with and greatly feared but in the game, he comes across pretty weak. Maybe it's partly because of the seeds Revan was planting in his mind for 300yrs, I don't know, but the book Emperor and the game Emperor seem so very different to me.
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Yeh sorry but it doesn't work that way, you don't go by where and when they appeared in-universe but by when they were written, Vitiate is a shallow boring rip-off of Sidious with Nihilus' 'unique' power.


Wasn't he using rituals to do most of his feats? I know he was planning on using rituals to

destroy the galaxy


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The Emperor is way too similar to Nihilus, and his "destroy everything then create" idea was heard from many WOW antagonists.


He's not going to create anything after destroying the galaxy. He's just going to move on to a new galaxy and live an infinite number of lives before deciding to wait for that new galaxy to end before moving on to the next one in order to repeat.

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