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@ BioWare: Is the population wrong or did Marauders Need Buffs & Mercs Nerfs?


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Might work against a marauder that can't be bothered to use cooldowns, like predation, camo, cc breaker, choke, fear and so on.


And that runs in a perfectly straight line like some kind of automaton, in an infinitely long, flat, obstacle free warzone. With no other enemies.

Edited by Jherad
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You are going to eat them anyway, giving them something more to counter surely is not helpful for them. If you don't rely on this new root, your answers to a leap are concussive charge and...?


I guess rooting then running and using instants to keep ranged isn't an option huh?


Jump kite or strafe kite isn't possible?


Knockback after he leaps?


Cleanse his snare?


I didn't know I couldn't choose between any of those on merc.

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I guess rooting then running and using instants to keep ranged isn't an option huh?


Jump kite or strafe kite isn't possible?


Knockback after he leaps?


Cleanse his snare?


I didn't know I couldn't choose between any of those on merc.


if its so easy why don't u stream? we will all watch.

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I dont get why the range nerf to Assault skills had to affect Commandos aswell as Vanguards.


Which range nerf? The only range nerf was to both ACs was cryo grenade. The nerf to VGs ranged assault attacks did not get passed on to Commandos.


In fact, being able to use sticky grenade and assault plastique has made a fairly dramatic improvement to assault commandos. I'd like to see some way of Commandos being able to 100% apply the plasma cell snare (especially now with the snare nerf) like their VG brothers and then I'd be pretty happy with that tree.

Edited by Mercury_Down
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You are going to eat them anyway, giving them something more to counter surely is not helpful for them. If you don't rely on this new root, your answers to a leap are concussive charge and...?


Others addressed the cell issue, which is really too bad because otherwise you'd probably have been on to something. The root is on a 9s cooldown so there's no real reason NOT to use it. From the otherside of the fence I'll admit that it will piss them off IF you can stay out of range. It's the snare I worry about since after that root they're going to catch up with you decently quick though if you can get far enough away and FA maybe? Our lack of baseline snare or root just never ceases to annoy me.


I'm thinking of using the root to counter UR now if your cryo is down or if their resolve bar is full. Still getting used to having the damn thing. Root them and let them stand there. When they move again you can kill them (Cryo their healer while you're at it so they can't get healed back to full which is BS).


Also sorry if I vented a tad on you earlier. Playing commando is often a very frustrating proposition in PVP. The lack of real tools is killer, and trying to cobble the few tools we have (like the melee range root or the self rooting snare) into something resembling survivability is just....bleh. Like I said, frustrating.

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Don't worry i understood your situation and as i said i really appreciated that post.


My tone was getting worse, since i was getting frustrated too.

My real issue with all this is with a community that receives a change to an ability and it instantly considers it a nerf cause it can no longer do what it did. There was zero discussion on the new possible uses of this, while in fact it does have some applications. I went a bit over optimistic with this since i considered a snare in too, but at least now we are actively trying to give this ability an home. Now back to the main question of this topic: how useful do you think this root is going to be? How useful was for you the knockback?

Considering that it does not add to resolve now, do you consider it a nerf, a buff or about equivalent?

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Don't worry i understood your situation and as i said i really appreciated that post.


My tone was getting worse, since i was getting frustrated too.

My real issue with all this is with a community that receives a change to an ability and it instantly considers it a nerf cause it can no longer do what it did. There was zero discussion on the new possible uses of this, while in fact it does have some applications. I went a bit over optimistic with this since i considered a snare in too, but at least now we are actively trying to give this ability an home. Now back to the main question of this topic: how useful do you think this root is going to be? How useful was for you the knockback?

Considering that it does not add to resolve now, do you consider it a nerf, a buff or about equivalent?


In alot of maps i found the knock back a lot more useful, eg Hutball on the catwalk, CW on the high ground center flag.

The root is ok, but its not as effective, What Bioware should of done is made it a Knock back with a 2 second root that ADDS some resolve. And i tried telling BW this but they dont listen to the Merc/commando forums nor the Public test forum, they are never open to discuss anything they just change things with out hearing feedback.


And not listening to the community has cost them 1000's of subs.

Edited by Henu
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My tone was getting worse, since i was getting frustrated too.

My real issue with all this is with a community that receives a change to an ability and it instantly considers it a nerf cause it can no longer do what it did. There was zero discussion on the new possible uses of this, while in fact it does have some applications.


It may have appeared that way as someone who does not play the class, but I can assure you - Gunnery commandos who PvP a lot have been mulling over uses of the root from the *moment* it was announced. Calling it a nerf was not a kneejerk reaction, it was a considered response given our experiences against melee, use of knockbacks, and yes, even analysing the theory.


Of *course* the root has applications. It's a root, how could it not? That was never in question. The question has always been 'does this change, as the loss of one effect and addition of another, in total, help or hinder the commando?'. My *considered* opinion is that it hinders, to quite a large extent. We couldn't really test on the PTS given the complete lack of WZ pops, but now, my *experience* is also that it hinders. MORE than that though, the class is seriously suffering in high end PvP, and the notion that we needed nerfs, whilst classes that were arguably amongst the strongest needed buffs is insulting, and makes me question the reliability of the designers.


So when people come here, having not played a LICK of the class, telling us that on paper we work just fine? Yeah, you're gonna get bitten. Frankly you should have seen it coming.

Edited by Jherad
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Fair enough, i'm glad we got this clear then.

As i said i stated that it had to work cause you were in the same situation scoundrels are kiting wise, but i had put a snare too much into my analysis. Now i really feel your pain.

I'm used to crunching a lot of theory and in depth mechanics, i wrote lots of guides for this and other games, but at times i grow overconfident with my results. In my defense i could say that i really wanted it to be possible since commando is one of my favorite classes (probably my next alt).

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Marauders/Sentinel have insane burst. They kill you too quick. I don't know if their total damage is fine but their burst must drop. This is one more unbalanced class. If we want to play an unbalanced game we could stay at wow. If you want us to pay for this game you must balanced it soon....


So yes, marauders need nerf


Nerfing players classes has a big negative effect on subscription numbers for that class (see operatives/sorcs/mercs). The best solution is to just add more tools to the underpowered classes. Win-Win

Edited by DkSharktooth
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For me, the bounty hunter changes were neither buff nor nerf, all it meant to me, is i have to change my skill rotations a bit. It made it kinda fun, as i now play my class entirely differently, with the same skill points i had before.
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