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Sith sorceror


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Just have to say the changes to sith sorceror have nerfed it to the point of unplayability. I might as well walk around warzones with a cow bell around my neck and a big X on my back. What they need to do is give sith sorceror the same amount of armor as a tank to even balance warzones now
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Its just lowbie PvP so take it for what its worth, but the stun changes(most other classes lost their 30m stun too) and instant heal are very nice. I still go down like a wet noodle when heavily focused, but at least so far I am finding survival a bit better. I cant wait to get high enough to spec hybrid.
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Just have to say the changes to sith sorceror have nerfed it to the point of unplayability. I might as well walk around warzones with a cow bell around my neck and a big X on my back. What they need to do is give sith sorceror the same amount of armor as a tank to even balance warzones now


Nerfs??? What... O.o, amazing, simply amazing...sigh

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We weren't nerfed, in fact we got a new skill and a buff to some spec options.


If you're having issues with a pure spec, try a hybrid one (example).


Key points to remember:


1) Keep moving. Don't be a statue, or you're basically a free training dummy for enemy players.

2) CC ONLY when needed. Don't hard stun at the start of a fight, and don't fill up their resolve unless you really need to.

3) Use your mobility. You have Force Speed (with an excellect Fadeout upgrade for it in the Healing tree).

4) Use your heals. You have 2 instant heals at your disposal. In the above spec, you even have Innervate for 3-7k healing over a few seconds as well. Not to mention your Static Barrier. Use them.

5) Position yourself correctly. You aren't the tanky one, so don't dive into the middle of a fight. Stay at a range, and use your abilities to keep your targets away from you. Overload is great for this. Whirlwind keeps an enemy out of a fight as well. This is great for everyone.

6) Keep moving. This one is doubly important, so I've said it again.

7) Experiment with builds. You aren't going to go for the perfect build/spec straight away. It'll take time and effort to figure out which ones work for you best, and how.

8) Remember that PvP is a team-oriented feature. Just because you're not winning doesn't make it your fault. Try and stick with team mates in a large group; in most cases numbers are everything (assuming you all co-ordinate assaults on the same targets).

Edited by Harsisus
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What are you talking about? As a healer I honestly feel OP now. I am having TONS of fun playing my Sorc which is the first time I've felt this way since pre-50 PVP. I'm a hybrid healer - specced into lightning tree for the bubble blind and the overload root. I'm also using a rakata medpac which increases my health to 21k for a short period.


I had 3 people focusing me last night in a WZ and was close to death. I popped the rakata medpac (no global CD), then hit my unnatural preservation which critted for 5.5k. Combined with my rakata medpac which hit for 3.5k, I healed for 9k in 1 second, then immediately innervated to top my 21k health off. Essentially, in a matter of 5 seconds, i went from almost death to a full 21k HP. Amazing.

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