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Abilities ... 1.4 .... DPS?


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By all means, be astonished. There was no intent to affront anyone. I simply encountered an issue with increased heat the first three days after the patch and sought to communicate with my peers to establish whether or not they were experiencing similar issues. You may posit that "nothing was touched" and attempt to discredit my reported issue; however, the use of a single special ability which results in an immediate 50% gain in heat is not the product of "variables and probabilities." Similar issues have been reported since 1.2 and a quick fix appears to be re-equipping all armor and weapons. Nowhere in my posts have I suggested "OH MY GODZ! STEALTH NERF! AHHHH! RAGE AND CONSPIRACY!" I simply noticed what appeared to be a noticeable decrease in dps. While I respect that some consumers are so dedicated as to parse dps,create videos, etc., I do not enjoy an abundance of time to engage in such activities. I "play" this game rather than "live" it or create another job/obligation out of it. I have enough of those as it is. This does not make me a fanatic, conspiracy theorist driven weirdo dispatched by entities unknown to cause you dismay on the internet by falsely reporting potential problems. Out of curiosity, if you happen to notice blood in your stools, do you have a readily available sample from weeks past for the purposes of comparison?


I noticed a few issues and created constructive posts in an advanced class forum to bring them to the attention of others who might be able to indulge in your suggestions. Similar concerns were voiced by fellow consumers in equally constructive posts. Please have the decency to refrain from demeaning those who post such threads.


You didn't just encounter an 'issue' with increased heat. You claimed your defenses were lower, you were critting for less, and when you did crit it was for half as much as you usually crit for. Should I go back and quote your post that added to the OPs complaint and completely agreed with everything he said? With nobody else able to replicate these results into sanity or even provide anything beyond vague impressions of nerfing it's not hard for me to call nonsense on a thread which certainly wouldn't be called a 'constructive post by fellow consumers'. The thread is about 1.4s affect on DPS you realize right? You made a post in it. Go back and read it.


You say immediate 50% gain in heat (which I was unable to substantiate in a search and I've never seen anything even remotely like that with my merc or heard of anything even remotely similar). Point me to these similar issues of immediate heat gain. If they have been happening since 1.2 someone should have a screenshot, log, video or at least a thread title that is more than nonsense. Personally I'd like to know and justifying a complete falsehood by claiming you just play the game and don't suppose the truth of anything more then stool proven evidence of three weeks ago is frankly absurd. It also makes you sound silly.

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Again, similar issues were reported by other consumers. There is also a thread in the cs forum. Both bh and troopers are reporting lower defenses, decreased dps, increased heat, and issues with ammo. Only a small percentage of the player base appears to have been affected. Finally, one subject who posted stated that he encountered the same issue post 1.2 and that re-equipping gear corrected the issue and another indicated that they observed these bugs on the test server and reported them. Can I provide logs of these events? No. I can only report that gameplay varied significantly post patch in comparison to pre-patch. In addition to these issues, my Taris class mission , despite my having completed it the day before the patch, was reset to the second phase. In general chat, several other players reported the same issue. I did not observe any reports in the forums. A lack of reporting by most affected players does not render the posts of those who do report as nonsense.
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It astonishes me that a bunch of people think there's a major issue with their class after every single patch and then decide in a day that the problem was fixed without any maintenance. And I just watch people flock to the banner of completely unsupported evidence. Because you know how everyone of these threads starts? "I wish I had some logs from prepatch (aka evidence), but it seems like..." There's never any actual attempt to validate these things.


On the other hand, yes, there are some serious animation problems right now. Mercenary dps was not touched, and no guy, neither was sorc dps, and no your operative is not doing less damage. Most class threads already have one of these 'my dps was secret nerfed in 1.4!' What you are seeing is called variables and probability at work.



Say what?

That's exactly what these posts are.

An attempt to validate these things.



For the record, I don't think these issues are so much 'class specific' but may rather have more of an impact on some classes then others.

It's hard to nail down because the issues I've been having seem to come and go at random.

In fact the issues seem to be rather random.

As though the engine is randomly missing steps in it's calculations.

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EA/BW needs to at least acknowledge these issues, they seem to be more concerned with moving/deleting posts out of the general players sight.


This. They have been going rampant deleting posts. I asked a simple question, why 50's did not have their own version of Red Reaper, because 50's were hurting that mission for people who were in the correct level range, 43-48. That thread was deleted...completely.


They have moved my threads concerning any bugs I have found or any issues with the mercs I had. They have been going crazy hiding these issues from General.

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I actually came to the forums to see if anyone else are having dps issues. I haven't taken any more or any less damage than normal, but my dps is garbage. Usually I can crit with heat seeker upwards of about 4.7k and now i am lucky if it crits for 3.5. its the same with rail shot, unload and tracer missile itself. I spec'd to pyro to see if it was any better and thermal detonator was only hitting for about 3.2k crits.


I can try and take some screenshots later. I hope this is just a bug and they will fix it on the 9th. If not, i guess i will go back to my sniper since his dps seems normal.

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I pray this is the case. The heat build-up and dps reduction made pve nearly unplayable. I felt as squishy as a sorc with less damage output and less effective heals. I'll run a repair when I get home and try again tonight, but it would be nice to see a BW response on this. Between the "mouse fart" sound effects bh abilities now produce, dps reduction, heat increase....well...let's just say I'm not really enjoying the gameplay (HUGE fan of this class prior to the latest patch. My lvl 50 sent is getting zero playtime since I discovered arsenal merc).


The heat increase is the most noticeable for me. I'm maxing out in the middle of what would have been only 1/2 of my rotation previously. Plus, removing the knock-back from rocket punch is killing me. It should have been buffed to add the root to the knock-back. Now I'm just rooting a marauder in my face so he can pull of a melee ability plus force scream and saber throw as I try to scurry my *** away. Oh yea!!! I'm rooted from force leap. Never mind, I meant I'm just dying lots.


I was doing well in WZ before 1.4. Now it's close to unplayable. I was also a fan of tis class, now, not so much. It makes me a little pissed I spent time collecting a full War Hero set, all with augments. LAME!


Oh yea, I can only play on "VERY LOW" graphics settings now. Compared to "LOW or "MEDIUM" before. But that's another thread.

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