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What have you done to Force Sweep?


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So I'm in almost totally augmented WH gear. I'm not the greatest PvP'er but I'm competitive and usually finish in the top half of the standings.

I'm a squishy Sage but I can hold me own. So Imagine my surprise when in a couple of Rep Vs Rep WZ's I'm getting hit by Force Sweep for 6.8k, 5.9k, 5.7k damage. I have never seen this kind of damage against me before period. Even in those early days of being in full recruit I haven't seen that kind of damage.

So what has changed that I don't know about?

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It may be the product of the new main hand wep

And modable offhand


either way focus guardians Were performing extremely well in pvp

Making sweeps More frequent and easier to get off in the name of pve viabilty has made the spec

So easy in pvp that a brainless monkey could top the charts using this spec

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I'm beginning to think that BW screwed up expertise or the damage reduction for sorcs/sages somehow (again?) because the hits I've taken today have just been siilly. And I'm not just talking about sweeps, these are hits from all classes. I dropped 14K in health while dropping from a ledge in huttball for God sake, yes I died in the air. On VS I was burned down in secs too, I didnt even have time to catch where it was coming from. Had another incident in Huttball, I was focused on something when someone attacked me so I figured that I could simply ignore and run away from the attacker. I didnt get 10 yards before I was dead, in 1250'ish expertise and 19,7K HP.


And this is where BW wants us to stop, turn around and overload on the opponent or stop, turn around and run toward them for electrocute. Let's see how far we get.

Edited by MidichIorian
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So I'm in almost totally augmented WH gear. I'm not the greatest PvP'er but I'm competitive and usually finish in the top half of the standings.

I'm a squishy Sage but I can hold me own. So Imagine my surprise when in a couple of Rep Vs Rep WZ's I'm getting hit by Force Sweep for 6.8k, 5.9k, 5.7k damage. I have never seen this kind of damage against me before period. Even in those early days of being in full recruit I haven't seen that kind of damage.

So what has changed that I don't know about?


The Rage/Focus spec has been buffed to be easier to use (not necessarily more powerful). Before, Rage/Focus specs weren't all that common but still hit very hard; now its becoming super popular due to the changes to it. It was always a great healer killer spec that could quickly take huge chunks of health away.


Youre just seeing more of the Smash/Sweep spec than before, thats all.

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It seems that no matter what I type here I'm probably just going to get the same "You noob" and "Learn to play better" replies. However there is definitely something "not quite right" here.

Listen I'm no "noob". I know how to play my class and I also know that up until yesterday when I logged off I was both competitive in PvP and I could also survive.

More than once I've had 2+ people chopping away at me as I've tabbed past them and hit the one capping or the healer etc.


I'm playing a 50 Sage and a 47 Sorcerer and the same thing is happening - I'm dying at an alarming rate.

Yer I know, Sage/Sorcerer squishy, but I was "just as squishy" before 1.4. There were no listed changes that should have me taking regular 5k+ damage and dropping within seconds.

If you don't think I know what I'm doing etc then please refrain - I'm playing the same style I always have done, it's just since 1.4 I'm extremely non-competitive in zones.

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The Sweep animation/sync was fixed. There was a visible "stutter" in the animation prior to 1.4. They didn't hit as hard because the attack would miss (due to sync issues) most of the time.



Plus, they also upped the armor-penetration + smash rate.

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The Rage/Focus spec has been buffed to be easier to use (not necessarily more powerful). Before, Rage/Focus specs weren't all that common but still hit very hard; now its becoming super popular due to the changes to it. It was always a great healer killer spec that could quickly take huge chunks of health away.


Youre just seeing more of the Smash/Sweep spec than before, thats all.


I don't know what game you have been playing but rage/focus has always been a top performer in pvp

most guardians you see in pvp are focus/ rage

Edited by denpic
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So I'm in almost totally augmented WH gear. I'm not the greatest PvP'er but I'm competitive and usually finish in the top half of the standings.

I'm a squishy Sage but I can hold me own. So Imagine my surprise when in a couple of Rep Vs Rep WZ's I'm getting hit by Force Sweep for 6.8k, 5.9k, 5.7k damage. I have never seen this kind of damage against me before period. Even in those early days of being in full recruit I haven't seen that kind of damage.

So what has changed that I don't know about?


I was just hit for a 7.8k smash.. Completely ridiculous balancing. This reminds me of when I was level 15 vs the doped out 50s with all the WZ buffs, relics and adrenals, when the game first launched.


*** is wrong with you Bioware.


I am sincerely not spending another dime on this game.

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I was just hit for a 7.8k smash.. Completely ridiculous balancing. This reminds me of when I was level 15 vs the doped out 50s with all the WZ buffs, relics and adrenals, when the game first launched.


*** is wrong with you Bioware.


I am sincerely not spending another dime on this game.




Working as intended :rolleyes:. I saw a 8.9k smash today :mad:.

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I am sincerely not spending another dime on this game.

Remember how like 50 % of all players rolled sorcs/sages without even knowing that it was a good class back in December? People like the class and want to play it but re-rolled because they had their subs. Well, I doubt that the F2P'ers, who don't have anything holding them back from simply leaving, are going to simply re-roll when they find out that the archetype that is a glass cannon in every other MMO on the market is a joke in this game. This game will never be successful as long as sorcs/sages are where they're currently at.

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Remember how like 50 % of all players rolled sorcs/sages without even knowing that it was a good class back in December? People like the class and want to play it but re-rolled because they had their subs. Well, I doubt that the F2P'ers, who don't have anything holding them back from simply leaving, are going to simply re-roll when they find out that the archetype that is a glass cannon in every other MMO on the market is a joke in this game. This game will never be successful as long as sorcs/sages are where they're currently at.


I agree. But I am also the idiot who rolled a Sage and a Sorc, and play them as my main characters. Shame on me I guess. But regardless, I am done - and not because our class is *still* gimped in comparison to every other AC, but because Bioware clearly doesn't even play what they design - certainly not in PvP anyway. A tanking class being able to hit with a 6-8k hit with (now) little set-up and resource is just the beginning of this mess.


Looking back, I actually cannot think of a single thing that these developers have done right for PvPers since launch. Seriously, all the way back to allowing stackable WZ expertise buffs, with relics, adrenals; having no bracketed WZs; the Ilum disaster with 1.1.2; the enormous gap between the geared and un-geared; the failed RWZ system, etc. I just can't think of a single thing - including class balance - that they have done right yet.

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I don't want to play my sent near as much as before. I loved timing my sweeps and getting the most number of people as much as possible while making other wars miss me with theirs. Now it is instant and easymode. You don't have to watch for knockbacks or anything. So boring. The skill cap on this game is already lower than most mmos, they allow 50% premades with no premade matching in place, and now they are even dumbing it down more lol /cry.


Sigh, why do I love star wars and will undoubtedly continue playing this game over others for a very long time. :)

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I agree. But I am also the idiot who rolled a Sage and a Sorc, and play them as my main characters. Shame on me I guess. But regardless, I am done - and not because our class is *still* gimped in comparison to every other AC, but because Bioware clearly doesn't even play what they design - certainly not in PvP anyway. A tanking class being able to hit with a 6-8k hit with (now) little set-up and resource is just the beginning of this mess.


Looking back, I actually cannot think of a single thing that these developers have done right for PvPers since launch. Seriously, all the way back to allowing stackable WZ expertise buffs, with relics, adrenals; having no bracketed WZs; the Ilum disaster with 1.1.2; the enormous gap between the geared and un-geared; the failed RWZ system, etc. I just can't think of a single thing - including class balance - that they have done right yet.


Might want to hold off on that. This is only based on about 5 warzones, but with the changes to resolve, backlash being a stun now seems to be a gamechanger. Specced this http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201GzrRMdMZrsbMdRb0z.2 and had a lot of success with it, but I was seeing a lot more hybrids (madness lightning and corruption lightning) than usual and they all seemed to be far more effective on average than they were yesterday.


My sense based on the wzs I was in is that 20 point lightning/anything hybrids might have gotten the biggest buff of anyone. While they lost overload as a defensive skill (I never used it that way nor did I see anyone else do so), they don't need it with backlash being a stun.


Gonna try this tomorrow



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I see vid's all the time pre 1.4 hitting for 4-6k regularly...

However I did notice that some smash's are hitting but HP doesn't go down which is weird but also my every one seems to be dying in 2-4 shots O___o I was having a crazy time trying to heal today lol.


Though this may be due to the new Elite War Hero weps, but no new Elite Warhero Armor which leads to very fast paced fights...not really fun fast fights either as your stunned for the duration most the time x__X


Any way that's what I noticed...

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I agree with the OP. The PVP after 1.4 with the new force sweep/smash changes has made it much easier to play an already powerful spec. Before 1.4 you could sometimes avoid the AoE by moving away. A fair trade-off due to the ridiculous damage it makes. Now its just truckloads of unavoidable pain coming your way. And they have made it easier to set up the combos as well, making resource management less of an issue.


Do we really need more powerful marauders/juggernauts? They were already awesome classes before the patch. I would really like to know why these changes were made. Its not like those classes were lacking or underperforming.

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Remember how like 50 % of all players rolled sorcs/sages without even knowing that it was a good class back in December? People like the class and want to play it but re-rolled because they had their subs. Well, I doubt that the F2P'ers, who don't have anything holding them back from simply leaving, are going to simply re-roll when they find out that the archetype that is a glass cannon in every other MMO on the market is a joke in this game. This game will never be successful as long as sorcs/sages are where they're currently at.


Yes yes we need more stupid incentives for another hundred of thousands new sorcs. No thank you, we dont need this plague.

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I was just hit for a 7.8k smash.. Completely ridiculous balancing. This reminds me of when I was level 15 vs the doped out 50s with all the WZ buffs, relics and adrenals, when the game first launched.


*** is wrong with you Bioware.


I am sincerely not spending another dime on this game.



Adapt and survive son, one of the best parts about anything is the challenge of what comes next. If it's harder then hell to the yea, get more competitive. Not saying that tweaks don't need to be made, i'm just callin' you a quitter sh**ter I suppose :p You know you love this game ;)

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I agree. But I am also the idiot who rolled a Sage and a Sorc, and play them as my main characters. Shame on me I guess. But regardless, I am done - and not because our class is *still* gimped in comparison to every other AC, but because Bioware clearly doesn't even play what they design - certainly not in PvP anyway. **** A tanking class being able to hit with a 6-8k hit with (now) little set-up and resource is just the beginning of this mess.

Gnarly- That part doesn't make much sense. Can't be having that... More to consider when revamping with the next update


Looking back, I actually cannot think of a single thing that these developers have done right for PvPers since launch. Seriously, all the way back to allowing stackable WZ expertise buffs, with relics, adrenals; having no bracketed WZs; the Ilum disaster with 1.1.2; the enormous gap between the geared and un-geared; the failed RWZ system, etc. I just can't think of a single thing - including class balance - that they have done right yet.






***=Two cents :p

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Thank you, that's it. This does increase damage done by sweep, alough on squishy characters difference should be minimal.


i play juggy and sorc... i love both classes and also like 1.4 changes ...


juggy - 2 days before patch 1.4 i did 8215 hit - my record, so after patch smash dmg wasn't increased.


armor penetration is on heavy armor opponet 3.5%, medium 2%, light 1.2% only...


when u have on u 5 stacks of sunder or some other debuff u will get everytime hits more than 6k, so nothing changed...


juggy now has better rage generation ... so we can do more dmg at all, juggy is on pair now with mara and pyro, thats point ...


sorcerer has good dps and get heal, 20secs force speed and new better kick - overload, i play madness and i usually top dmg charts


so everything is ok, what is problem in pvp, ppl have problem cuz they dont know how to move, they stay on one place forever and get focused and killed ... so game is good balanced and i have fun everyday here ... if u have no fun just learn to play or start play gw2, its much easier play pvp there, i play it also and u need only 5-6 buttons there ...


so gl :)))

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I was just hit for a 7.8k smash.. Completely ridiculous balancing. This reminds me of when I was level 15 vs the doped out 50s with all the WZ buffs, relics and adrenals, when the game first launched.


*** is wrong with you Bioware.


I am sincerely not spending another dime on this game.


If you got hit for that much your gear is bad and your opponent is maxed in gear

Its funny that ppl are starting to complain about dmg now when its the same as before


But i must say i laugh alot everytime i meet a keyboard turning sorc who fails miserably with knocking me back, and they are many lol

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If you got hit for that much your gear is bad and your opponent is maxed in gear

Its funny that ppl are starting to complain about dmg now when its the same as before


But i must say i laugh alot everytime i meet a keyboard turning sorc who fails miserably with knocking me back, and they are many lol


I'm in fully augmented WH gear (with the exception of 2 relics, which are BM). So the best my "opponenet" could be in (this is just an hour after server back up) would be full augmented WH with the new Elite WH items. Not a major amount of difference here.


If damage is the SAME as it was before, can you explain how:


Since I first started playing this game (5 days before official launch) I have been hit only once in a WZ for more than 6k damage in one shot. This includes those days when I was in recruit fighting fully augmented WH.

However in the past 1 day I have been hit for 6k+ damage no less than 5 times.

Are you honestly telling me that I have been "lucky" for the past 9 months to only be hit for that amount once and all I'm now seeing is the amount of damage I should have been seeing for the past 9 months?


Because if that is the case, and that amount of damage is normal and as expected, do you want to know the odds of my never seeing that in the many, many, many WZ's I've played in for 9 months and then add in the odds of me then seeing that amount of damage 5+ times in an hour.

I think you'd have better odds of picking 6 correct numbers in the lottery.

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