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Charged Burst sound change 1.4


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...Shameless bump.

Seriously, I remember when i first made a smuggler, i absolutely LOVED the charged burst sound. It was awesome, and i just really liked the 'POW POW POW' sound to it. Now its all 'pew pew pew' and its harder to entertain myself on my GS :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

I made my gunslinger a few weeks ago for Double XP. I honestly did not mind my Gunslinger's sound effect for charged burst....

...until I equipped a new gun, and it sounded frigging awful.


Has anyone else had this experience, that the sound changes based on the gun?

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I made my gunslinger a few weeks ago for Double XP. I honestly did not mind my Gunslinger's sound effect for charged burst....

...until I equipped a new gun, and it sounded frigging awful.


Has anyone else had this experience, that the sound changes based on the gun?


Yeah, it seems almost all the sounds (except maby aimed shot?) are based on the weapons sound now... Sucks major butt since some of the best pistols sound extremely wimpy...

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...the sound changes based on the gun?


The important and most relevant information in this thread.


Hadn't looked in this thread before as it wasn't something that bothered me. I hadn't noticed any terrible change, probably because I hadn't changed my gun (used an Elegant Modified Blaster Pistol, swapping mods).


It's possible that all these posts complaining about a change to the sound of abilities at a game update are due to people upgrading to a new pistol that had a different sound. Certain abilities (the ranged ones it seems, that depend on main weapon for damage: Flurry of Bolts, Quick Shot, etc) will sound different depending on the gun, because you use your gun for them.


I was only spurred into opening the thread because I just spent a half hour last night on the fleet trainng dummies, trying out my various pistols to find the best combination of look/sound before 2.0.


Incidentally, I decided on the Taung Blaster because it looked like something out of Flash Gordon, cool 50s retro sci-fi, but the X11 Huntsman Pistol was a close second, mainly because it sounded like it would tear someone's head off. The good old A300 Heavy Sonic Needler also had a subtle bass "whump" that I appreciated, but the EWH was a wimpy pew-pew, worse than my old Elegant Modified Blaster Pistol, that's basically the same model with different-coloured lights on it.


If you have a collection of guns and some spare time, go try them out on the dummies too. I enjoyed it. I might even strip the mods back out and switch over to the X11 Huntsman because it sounds so good.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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It's possible that all these posts complaining about a change to the sound of abilities at a game update are due to people upgrading to a new pistol that had a different sound. Certain abilities (the ranged ones it seems, that depend on main weapon for damage: Flurry of Bolts, Quick Shot, etc) will sound different depending on the gun, because you use your gun for them.

I've been using the A-300 HSN since I got it at the end of act 1, which must've been within a few days of release, and it definitely didn't always sound like it does now. I'm always on the lookout for cool looking gear, and this is still my favourite model weapon by a long way; if I have to choose between it and sounding better then that still sucks, it's just pulling the rug out from under me after months of having my cake and eating it. That said, I don't think any weapons have to old sound set, so I won't be looking to change anyway.


I'm not a fan of what happened to emergency medpac either. If these changes were intentional I really don't see the point of them, all that's changed is that now my favourite character is that much less fun to play.

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Incidentally, I decided on the Taung Blaster because it looked like something out of Flash Gordon, cool 50s retro sci-fi, but the X11 Huntsman Pistol was a close second, mainly because it sounded like it would tear someone's head off.


Apologies for quoting myself, but I changed my mind - the X11 Huntsman sounds so good I had to switch to that.


Not too worried if some abilities sound similar - they're all shooting the same gun, so similar sounds don't bother me. Though I might find myself using Flurry of Bolts too often just so I can hear it.

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I thought we got an official response on this way back when it first happened, confirming that it was an unintended change and that they would look into it. I am dismayed that our sounds still haven't been fixed and now yet another is off with the release of 2.0. I don't have the names of my skills all memorized, but it's the one where you stand up and cross your arms and shoot both blasters...the original sound is gone. I have not changed blasters. It was there the last time I played, then I logged in to play Makeb with the early access and it had been replaced by something very bland and uninspiring.


For me, part of the fun of the gunslinger was the sounds. Charged burst was great, there was another one that used to have a really loud, sharp bang bang! to it, and then the one I just described. That's at least 3 sounds gone.


The gunslinger is my favorite class. This disappoints me a great deal and has taken some of the fun away from playing her. When are these sounds going to be fixed?? Is it even acknowledged that they are broken anymore?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone know if there is a resource of blaster pistol sounds out there? I found one for some of the assault cannons, but not for pistols. This difference is definitely depending on the model. Flashy and one of the other early pistols you get (large barrel, can't recall the name) basically sound like a tie fighter shooting for Charged Burst. I switched the large barrel out for the A-300 Sonic you get at the end of Chapter 1, and then I heard the sound so many are complaining about in this thread.


It's a real pity it's like this, to be honest... A-300 looks great but sounds terrible, so I'll probably go back to what I had before. But a sound repository somewhere would be helpful.




TOR fashion apparently has videos as well... a few of the pistols can be heard on there.

Edited by Pilgrim_Grey
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Ive been running dual Balmorran Hand Cannon Grek's and i wish they would bring back the old booming noise of CB. I know it was a PvP based change but still. I want the old CB Back! or atleast make some blaster's have that sound effect. Mabie the Balmorran Hand Cannons? (they should have some sort of cool booming noise cause they are hand CANNONS?)
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  • 5 months later...
Bumped for justice! I've been away from the game for awhile and I STILL miss the charged burst sound. It's so noticeable I might have to scrap my smuggler. The charged burst thump-thump-thump bass was neutered! Too much mew mew not enough pew pew.
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Bumped for justice! I've been away from the game for awhile and I STILL miss the charged burst sound. It's so noticeable I might have to scrap my smuggler. The charged burst thump-thump-thump bass was neutered! Too much mew mew not enough pew pew.


I submitted a ticket last month, and said it was a bug meant to be fixed in a future patch. So far, no acknowledgment, or any word.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have been trying to find guns with nice looks and cool sound for my blaster toons, and i must admit i am failing badly when it comes to sound.

99% of the blasters sounds like a fart in the void!!!

You have big *** guns that just make an embarresing pff pff pff sound. Waddap with that?? Take the Balmorran hand CANNONS. pfff pfff pfff pfff. They are bigger then my thigh on a body type 3 male!!!

I wanna be awsome with my big guns, shoot some **** with a real pow pow sound!!!!

Im not paying 8mill credits for a Black Nebula Blaster! Wich actually have (in my ears/eyes) really cool sound AND look.


There is a ton of cool looking blasters in this game, so PRETTY PLEASE WITH SPRINKLES on GIVE ME SOMETHING OTHER THAN PFFF PFFF PFFF PFFF PFFF!!!



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The AD-11 is a nice meaty sound, but I miss the raw power in the sound my Heavy Repeating Interceptor and it's offhand twin made before 1.4.


Plus the HRI looks so much better than the AD-11.


Yes...it is still not the same. It is far better than what we have dealt with for so long now, but it still does not match the solid thump of the original sound.


I am simply relieved to have an alternative to the absolutely pathetic little sounds we have been saddled with for so long. I wish we could get a sound preview for blasters:)

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I'd rather that every gunslinger not sound the same when using one of their main damage attacks, thanks.


I hope they do the same change to wounding shots as well. Thank god nobody uses that skill tree or the sound would grind my ears from hearing it so much.

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  • 4 months later...
I've been using the A-300 HSN since I got it at the end of act 1, which must've been within a few days of release, and it definitely didn't always sound like it does now. I'm always on the lookout for cool looking gear, and this is still my favourite model weapon by a long way; if I have to choose between it and sounding better then that still sucks, it's just pulling the rug out from under me after months of having my cake and eating it. That said, I don't think any weapons have to old sound set, so I won't be looking to change anyway.


I'm not a fan of what happened to emergency medpac either. If these changes were intentional I really don't see the point of them, all that's changed is that now my favourite character is that much less fun to play.


This. One day it was booming, the next it sounded like the squirrels in my back yard.....and no one has found a weapon to emulate the original sound. I actually changed to a snipe because of it, and glad i did as I had a feeling it would never be fixed.

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