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Gtn isnt working


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I'm pretty sure that they didn't break the GTN- I was one of several players who have been writing tickets about not receiving credits from many of my successful auctions. On the forums, unless it was happening to them, people figured I and other people were stupid and just didn't understand the mail system, were getting duplicate mails that we didn't notice/etc. I spoke with a gamemaster again last night on livechat and they are currently looking into this issue. Not having the GTN for a while sucks, but having it and getting ripped off on half of your auctions is way worse. It's game-breaking for a crafter. This is why I believe that the GTN is down, and I am amazed that they are getting on top of the issue so soon, as I figured those of us having problems were few and we would have to wait for long into the future to have this fixed. I have an alt with a bank tab completely filled with purple gear of all types ready to sell it all at massively discounted prices on the Harbinger server once this gets resolved. I've been running underworld trading metal missions for hours every day on multiple characters so I will be in no short supply of mats. This issue sucks if it effects you, and I really appreciate the developers for making this issue a priority.
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I'm pretty sure that they didn't break the GTN- I was one of several players who have been writing tickets about not receiving credits from many of my successful auctions. On the forums, unless it was happening to them, people figured I and other people were stupid and just didn't understand the mail system, were getting duplicate mails that we didn't notice/etc. I spoke with a gamemaster again last night on livechat and they are currently looking into this issue. Not having the GTN for a while sucks, but having it and getting ripped off on half of your auctions is way worse. It's game-breaking for a crafter. This is why I believe that the GTN is down, and I am amazed that they are getting on top of the issue so soon, as I figured those of us having problems were few and we would have to wait for long into the future to have this fixed. I have an alt with a bank tab completely filled with purple gear of all types ready to sell it all at massively discounted prices on the Harbinger server once this gets resolved. I've been running underworld trading metal missions for hours every day on multiple characters so I will be in no short supply of mats. This issue sucks if it effects you, and I really appreciate the developers for making this issue a priority.


I had GTN sales on several alts, but not one did I not receive credits, only duplicate sale mails that didn't expire when the second mail with the credits arrived. I double checked every sale too. Normally you get the first notification mail of the sale, then an hour later, you get a confirmation mail with the credits, at which point, the original notification mail disappears. The only thing that I noticed was that the original notification mail wasn't disappearing when the confirmation mail with the credits arrived. And trust me, I would know if I wasn't getting credits, i.e., I put up 1 crystal for 200k, get notification mail of the sale...hour later, get confirmation mail with the 200k + deposit, original notification mail still there, but irrelevant, as I just got my 200k from the sale. Even then though, I noticed the notification mails still expired within a day. I find it hard to believe that anybody was getting NO credits at all. From what you said,


Not having the GTN for a while sucks, but having it and getting ripped off on half of your auctions is way worse. It's game-breaking for a crafter.


I'm guessing you experienced the same thing as me, because I can tell you that if I put up 2 crystals for 200k each, both sold, and I only received 200k, I would be more than a little upset, I would be flagrantly pissed and would be demanding credit refunds from Customer Service. Nevertheless, since you did receive credits from "half" of your sales, it was likely just the original notification mails sitting there adding to the confusion, like it did for me on like 5 alts, it would be a bit odd if some people were were flat out getting nothing at all while others just got the duplicate emails.


In any case, having no GTN at all is really inconvenient, I would have preferred that they just kept the servers offline an entire day instead of keeping them up without a pretty major feature, not even just for crafters/sellers, but let's say you're about to run the new op, but forgot to grab a stim, it's not like you can jump onto an alt and ask the raid group to wait 20mins while you craft one on an alt and mail it over. The GTN is pretty crucial to playing the game and the servers shouldn't be up without it.

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In any case, having no GTN at all is really inconvenient, I would have preferred that they just kept the servers offline an entire day instead of keeping them up without a pretty major feature, not even just for crafters/sellers, but let's say you're about to run the new op, but forgot to grab a stim, it's not like you can jump onto an alt and ask the raid group to wait 20mins while you craft one on an alt and mail it over. The GTN is pretty crucial to playing the game and the servers shouldn't be up without it.


I disagree. While it is an inconvenience having the GTN off line, taking the entire server farm off line while they address a problem is not the right thing to do. People can still play and do things with GTN down. If the servers are off line, nobody can do anything at all.

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I disagree. While it is an inconvenience having the GTN off line, taking the entire server farm off line while they address a problem is not the right thing to do. People can still play and do things with GTN down. If the servers are off line, nobody can do anything at all.


By that logic, if warzones were disabled, it would be good to keep the servers up too. Unfortunate for pvp players, but if you're a pve player, at least *you* have something to do. :rolleyes:

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I'm pretty sure that they didn't break the GTN- I was one of several players who have been writing tickets about not receiving credits from many of my successful auctions. On the forums, unless it was happening to them, people figured I and other people were stupid and just didn't understand the mail system, were getting duplicate mails that we didn't notice/etc. I spoke with a gamemaster again last night on livechat and they are currently looking into this issue. Not having the GTN for a while sucks, but having it and getting ripped off on half of your auctions is way worse. It's game-breaking for a crafter. This is why I believe that the GTN is down, and I am amazed that they are getting on top of the issue so soon, as I figured those of us having problems were few and we would have to wait for long into the future to have this fixed. I have an alt with a bank tab completely filled with purple gear of all types ready to sell it all at massively discounted prices on the Harbinger server once this gets resolved. I've been running underworld trading metal missions for hours every day on multiple characters so I will be in no short supply of mats. This issue sucks if it effects you, and I really appreciate the developers for making this issue a priority.


i put a ticket in too about this, got a sarcastic email back as they closed my 1st ticket automatically. on my second they told me my original ticket had been closed as i didn't provide enough info. at no point was i asked for any also rather unfortunately i am not psychic.


Biowares customer service is truly awful at the moment, i appreciate they will be getting lots of tickets but being rude to customers isn't on.

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This is why I believe that the GTN is down, and I am amazed that they are getting on top of the issue so soon, as I figured those of us having problems were few and we would have to wait for long into the future to have this fixed. I have an alt with a bank tab completely filled with purple gear of all types ready to sell it all at massively discounted prices on the Harbinger server once this gets resolved. I've been running underworld trading metal missions for hours every day on multiple characters so I will be in no short supply of mats. This issue sucks if it effects you, and I really appreciate the developers for making this issue a priority.


I don't think that the GTN in down on purpose to hande that bug, otherwise they had told us before going live instead of receiving hundreds of tickets, the warning is not in patch notes either, and they call this GTN lack an issue and an inconvenience. Sorry, but while i hope that the bug is corrected asap, i don't think that is the reason of the GTN closure.

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By that logic, if warzones were disabled, it would be good to keep the servers up too. Unfortunate for pvp players, but if you're a pve player, at least *you* have something to do. :rolleyes:




Taking an entire MMO server farm off line because something does not work is hyper-silliness.

Edited by Andryah
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They were not rude to me about it; they informed me that it is down with no ETA, but that it is a highest priority issue at this time. (I was attempting to log in right around when the announcement was going up here on the forum) Edited by Journeyer
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Was it up before the patch?


Has it been up since the patch?


Answer to first is yes and answer to second is no. Easy to figure it out.


Please just stop. You clearly don't understand how computer systems and code upgrades work. Things break unpredictably sometimes. It wasn't necessarily the patch that broke it, but something during the upgrade process may have affected something.


No amount of testing on the PTR would have helped this. It was something with the internal patch PROCESS, not the patch itself.

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Please just stop. You clearly don't understand how computer systems and code upgrades work. Things break unpredictably sometimes. It wasn't necessarily the patch that broke it, but something during the upgrade process may have affected something.


No amount of testing on the PTR would have helped this. It was something with the internal patch PROCESS, not the patch itself.


Doesn't change the fact that it got broke during the process or the patch itself. Still points to 1.4 either itself or being applied broke the GTN. Or are you denying it's broken during the time they took the servers down to put 1.4 on?

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