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Jango and Boba, messed up characters?


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well... we have the Canon rules and statements by George Lucas.


yes yes, contradictions, but as we know bobo being alive wouldn't contradict the movies in anyway, as we didn't see a body or a burial or a sarlac living on into old age. every1 knows bobo fett is the batman of the star wars world, and him living on would be in keeping with the character he is

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yes yes, contradictions, but as we know bobo being alive wouldn't contradict the movies in anyway, as we didn't see a body or a burial or a sarlac living on into old age. every1 knows bobo fett is the batman of the star wars world, and him living on would be in keeping with the character he is


but what it contradicts is that George Lucas has clearified for us what happens in that scene. He has told us if you haven't read the script that Boba Fett dies there.


I mean we don't see Porkins body but we know he is dead.


We see Boba fett get his butt kicked by a jedi and a blind smugler and fall into a giant monster that we are explained is a giant pit of death. Don't they also say that no one has escaped the sarlac pit? The idea being that falling into it means certain death which is why there is such tension in the scene where Lando has almost fallen in.


As for Boba being the "batman" of the SW universe well that's all based on EU stuff. What we see of him in Empire, RotJ and the Clone Wars make him look like a bit of an idiot. In Empire he doesn't capture anyone he just follows Han Solo and calls Vader to actually capture him. In RotJ he gets his butt kicked by luke, he misses 2 shots at luke while Luke is standing still with his back turned then a blind solo knocks him off the skiff head first into a barge which he then falls into a sarlac.


In the Clone Wars we consistnely see him made into a fool and not being able to get anything right. Hell young Boba Fett couldnt even get out of a locked chest so what chance does he have of getting out of a Sarlac.


George has even said he is just a minion and he considered having Boba fett fly around in ROTJ when he gets hit like a balloon that has a hole in it.


So we are presented with 2 VERY different Boba Fetts. The ones from the Movies and the Clone Wars and the one from the EU.


The question is which one is the real one?

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lucas changes his mind on what happened in the moves more than i change my underwear, and i'm quite a clean person,


for me bobo being alive has little to do with bobo himself. i refuse to believe all the new books i read are non-canon before they have even been printed, this is too much of a kick in the teeth. i believe these story's are part of the C-canon Eu star wars universe.


i'm sure i will never change your mind on the subject, but at the same time you will never change mine. unless i see a statement from LC on the canon of I.E. FOTJ. i am going to carry on believing i'm am reading the official star wars story

Edited by grandmthethird
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lucas changes his mind on what happened in the moves more than i change my underwear, and i'm quite a clean person,


for me bobo being alive has little to do with bobo himself. i refuse to believe all the new books i read are non-canon before they have even been printed, this is too much of a kick in the teeth. i believe these story's are part of the C-canon Eu star wars universe.


i'm sure i will never change your mind on the subject, but at the same time you will never change mine. unless i see a statement from LC on the canon of I.E. FOTJ. i am going to carry on believing i'm am reading the official star wars story

oh i agree completely Lucas changes his mind too much especially when in one version he will make a change then the next version he changes it back like Luke screaming at the end of Empire


But oddly enough Boba fett is one thing he hasn't change his mind on.


and your reaction to finding out that most of the EU stuff isn't canon is the exact reason why they haven't just come out and directly said it and why they haven't said what is canon. They know that would piss fans off more then the prequels.


I've said it a million times they need to just relaunch the entire EU much like they do in comics. Just say everything before is not canon. Then say ok this is the official EU story of what happens in the Star Wars unvierse.


It also doesn't help that the CLone Wars changes things as well.


I say just read what you like and enjoy it. Really it doesn't matter if your favorite story is canon or not.

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Little hint that Mr Lucas may perhaps ,(note I said perhaps, not claiming anything), given in to the fans voices. Or maybe just had a change of heart. Jump to 2.58 of this video and judge for yourself


I couldn't hear what he said.

what did he say?

Edited by jarjarloves
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I couldn't hear what he said. I just saw him looking at the helmet


I didn't watch it yet, but are you sure you didn't have headphones plugged in without realizing it or you had your volume muted. That's happened to me before lol.

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I didn't watch it yet, but are you sure you didn't have headphones plugged in without realizing it or you had your volume muted. That's happened to me before lol.


yeah you can hear other people talking but he has his back turned and he doens't have a microphone.


OH i watched it again it says in the scrolling text that George lucas says it should be called the survivor

Yeah you can't hear a word he says.

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yeah you can hear other people talking but he has his back turned and he doens't have a microphone.


OH i watched it again it says in the scrolling text that George lucas says it should be called boba fett survives.


Yeah you can't hear a word he says.


Alright then. Guess I don't need to watch it then :D

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