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Jango and Boba, messed up characters?


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This has been bouncing around in my head more then a few times, but I find something rather odd about these two. Now G-canon, is the top end lore meaning that the writers and the like if they choose to use movie characters that they need to write them accordingly to what they do in the movies. But with Jango/Boba, these two seem to be the exception to that rule when they fight against jedi....so now lets take a look at some movie examples of these two and with jedi.


Sorry about the quality.


Ya...sorry Jango, but you got your *** whooped. He got in one rocket shot, that knocked Obi-Wan off, and one good headshot in. The rest of the fight, he got a beat down and actually had his son help him by using Slave 1's blasters.


Now I know someone is gonna bring up Jango killing 6 jedi with his bare hands, to that I answer


PIS= Plot Induced Stupidity


So lets try and figure this out, the writer of that comic is suppose to tell us. That jedi, who have been trained in the ways of the force, who had been taught CQC pretty much since...ever....gets beat by a bounty hunter? Ya ya mandolorian blah blah, I know he is but last I checked mandolorians don't really have that huge chance to kill a jedi then some other guy. They have a silm chance sure, but not a huge one...but its like hes fighting jedi so why wouldn't they just use the force to help them? What did they have the force turned off or something?



Ok here, we see Jango take out a jedi master. Ok...well, that might have been impressive if said jedi master Coleman, was actually a fighter but he wasn't. He was more a diplomat then anything else....I find it rather strange though that of all jedi he went to go to pick a fight with Dooku.


Moving on, we see Jango(rather stupidly I might add) jump right into the arena and square off against Mace Windu. ......Really? Like REALLY? Now some might say, "well if his jetpack hadn't been busted he would have lived" to which I answer. Ok sure, but then how long would he have lasted anyway? It wouldn't really matter.


Moving onto Boba...




Once again...stupid, he flies right in front of the guy with a blade that can practically cut through anything...nevermind that he has extraordinary powers at his command. Ok then we see him get up slowly, take a few shots at Luke and then go off flying into the sarlacc.



Then we delve into the EU of Star Wars! Yay!...No wait, what?! The writers, do a complete 360 of these two characters turning them from bounty hunters who couldn't tango with jedi. To jedi killers and those that can hold their own against a sith lord.....




Once again, the comic that involved Jango killing 6 jedi with his hands I am calling that complete PIS.


But...whats even bigger PIS is for Boba, forget that he survived being eaten 3 times, forgot that he was cured with a magic needle for a moment. Biggest PIS moment? Fighting and SURVIVING against Darth Vader...NO! NO NO! That comic/book/whatever it was, should never have existed at all...it is pure PIS though for Boba and CIS for Vader, because it takes place before ESB/ROTJ so Boba had to survive.


So lets get this straight folks....Boba couldn't even take on a jedi knight, but for some reason he could hold his own against a Sith Lord? Explain authors to me, how that makes any sense whatsoever. I know some will say "oh that had respect for one another." ********, why would a sith lord care to respect someone that is picking a fight with them and won't give said sith lord what they want? Vader should have just crushed Boba, in fact he could have done so a few times when he had Boba on the ground but took his sweet time....when has Vader ever taken his sweet time? Never.


But an even bigger question is, why wouldn't Vader just pull the box to him and then just crush Boba's body? Could have easily done so, but again we established that it was PIS because there is no way Vader would give 2 flying Bantha's about Boba.


Whoever wrote that comic, better have realized how stupid it was. I am actually baffled, that it isn't considered N-canon.



Anyway, am done. Now I don't hate these two characters, but the EU authors have turned them into something that by the movies, by G-canon they shouldn't have ever been.


Edit: Wanted to added one more thing, killing jedi doesn't make you a great bounty hunter or the best. What would make a great bounty hunter is surviving, getting bounties(non-force sensitives) that no one else could get. Jango and Boba, didn't need to take on jedi to prove that they are good.

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The EU ignores the Movies and G-Canon allot when they include movie characters in their writings.



Because 70% of the EU are at faults for all types of issue's and they continue to blow my mind in a very negative way.


Oh right, forgot some don't like to read long posts. Sorry, guess I got carried away. I don't mind if they change the characters, from their movie counterparts, I just mind it when they are able to do things(and have it be canon even if a lower tier) that they shouldn't be able to do. When clearly, on screen its proven that they can't....again it baffles me that those two things Jango/Boba done are actually C-canon.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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EU authors ignore the movies alot, imo. We've seen it with many characters. Characters like General Grievous, Jango and Boba Fett. These characters each did something in the movies that gets practically ignored in EU. Jango and Boba have trouble killing Jedi, in the Eu Jedi are Bantha Fodder. For Grievous, he was a coward that fled fights he couldn't win. In EU, he's the greatest Jedi killer ever.


But we must except these things as canon, because they are. There are somethings that shouldn't be canon of which I can name a few and provide reasons as to why.

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Oh right, forgot some don't like to read long posts. Sorry, guess I got carried away. I don't mind if they change the characters, from their movie counterparts, I just mind it when they are able to do things(and have it be canon even if a lower tier) that they shouldn't be able to do. When clearly, on screen its proven that they can't....again it baffles me that those two things Jango/Boba done are actually C-canon.


Trust me, they aren't the only one's.


Aurbere already listed a few.

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Ya I know, but they seem to be the biggest two out of them all.


They are pretty big, but I think the biggest one is Darth Sidious. Now we all know he is the most powerful Sith out there, but in the movies he never really did anything. Then in the EU, he is doing all of this crazy awesome (but evil) stuff. I don't think Jango or Boba top that.


Anyway, these two bounty hunters are pretty messed up in the continuity. There are actually a ton of Bounty Hunters that do a ton of crazy, nearly impossible things.

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They are pretty big, but I think the biggest one is Darth Sidious. Now we all know he is the most powerful Sith out there, but in the movies he never really did anything. Then in the EU, he is doing all of this crazy awesome (but evil) stuff. I don't think Jango or Boba top that.


Anyway, these two bounty hunters are pretty messed up in the continuity. There are actually a ton of Bounty Hunters that do a ton of crazy, nearly impossible things.


Defeating Yoda is a pretty big feat...


If your looking at the movies from a perspective not affected by the EU and he seems to be the most powerful.


If your looking at it with knowledge of the EU then you also have to take in Sid's abilities from the EU and he is the most powerful.

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Defeating Yoda is a pretty big feat...


If your looking at the movies from a perspective not affected by the EU and he seems to be the most powerful.


If your looking at it with knowledge of the EU then you also have to take in Sid's abilities from the EU and he is the most powerful.


I was looking it from the perspective of someone who has only seen the movies. Meaning a member of my family. Sidious didn't really do anything remarkable, power-wise, except beat Yoda. You wouldn't know he was so powerful unless you read the EU.


My point? You can't really understand certain facets of Star Wars unless you read the EU. Like Mace Windu. I would have never known about Shatterpoint if I hadn't read the book Shatterpoint. Things like that. :)

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I was looking it from the perspective of someone who has only seen the movies. Meaning a member of my family. Sidious didn't really do anything remarkable, power-wise, except beat Yoda. You wouldn't know he was so powerful unless you read the EU.


My point? You can't really understand certain facets of Star Wars unless you read the EU. Like Mace Windu. I would have never known about Shatterpoint if I hadn't read the book Shatterpoint. Things like that. :)


that's kinda true... I mean Lucas himself stated Sidious was the most powerful sith ever which is why the EU gets away with having him do what he does... but in the movies he seems to get beat down by Mace then barely beat Yoda back by luck... then in the EU he's body jumping between clones so he's practically immortal and creating force storms that ravage entire planets


as far as Jango and Boba go ya they got their *** kicked fighting fighting Jedi in the movies but kill them in the EU but that's simply because in the EU they kill "redshirt" jedi while in the movies they fight big name hero major character Jedi... they were victims of plot... not to mention at the time Boba's scene was filmed he wasn't a major character he was just a minor plot extra... hell look at Vader... we only see him really fight 2 jedi in the films... Obi-wan kicks his *** the first time and holds him off then gives up the second, and then he gets his *** beat by Luke who has the training of a padawan and yet we all accept the EU that says he slaughters jedi by the dozen...

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EU love to exaggerate. Granted there is some good stories in it when the authors stick to the source and their powers and flaws. Not make them superhuman like the mandos turned out to be...Karen.


Least the films and official canon keep it grounded and not full of batmen.

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EU love to exaggerate. Granted there is some good stories in it when the authors stick to the source and their powers and flaws. Not make them superhuman like the mandos turned out to be...Karen.


Least the films and official canon keep it grounded and not full of batmen.


that's funny since even Karen's mando's are less superhero like and overpowered than what the EU turned Luke into... he's damn near Superman strength now

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This has been bouncing around in my head more then a few times, but I find something rather odd about these two. Now G-canon, is the top end lore meaning that the writers and the like if they choose to use movie characters that they need to write them accordingly to what they do in the movies. But with Jango/Boba, these two seem to be the exception to that rule when they fight against jedi....so now lets take a look at some movie examples of these two and with jedi.


Sorry about the quality.


Ya...sorry Jango, but you got your *** whooped. He got in one rocket shot, that knocked Obi-Wan off, and one good headshot in. The rest of the fight, he got a beat down and actually had his son help him by using Slave 1's blasters.


Now I know someone is gonna bring up Jango killing 6 jedi with his bare hands, to that I answer


PIS= Plot Induced Stupidity


So lets try and figure this out, the writer of that comic is suppose to tell us. That jedi, who have been trained in the ways of the force, who had been taught CQC pretty much since...ever....gets beat by a bounty hunter? Ya ya mandolorian blah blah, I know he is but last I checked mandolorians don't really have that huge chance to kill a jedi then some other guy. They have a silm chance sure, but not a huge one...but its like hes fighting jedi so why wouldn't they just use the force to help them? What did they have the force turned off or something?



Ok here, we see Jango take out a jedi master. Ok...well, that might have been impressive if said jedi master Coleman, was actually a fighter but he wasn't. He was more a diplomat then anything else....I find it rather strange though that of all jedi he went to go to pick a fight with Dooku.


Moving on, we see Jango(rather stupidly I might add) jump right into the arena and square off against Mace Windu. ......Really? Like REALLY? Now some might say, "well if his jetpack hadn't been busted he would have lived" to which I answer. Ok sure, but then how long would he have lasted anyway? It wouldn't really matter.


Moving onto Boba...




Once again...stupid, he flies right in front of the guy with a blade that can practically cut through anything...nevermind that he has extraordinary powers at his command. Ok then we see him get up slowly, take a few shots at Luke and then go off flying into the sarlacc.



Then we delve into the EU of Star Wars! Yay!...No wait, what?! The writers, do a complete 360 of these two characters turning them from bounty hunters who couldn't tango with jedi. To jedi killers and those that can hold their own against a sith lord.....




Once again, the comic that involved Jango killing 6 jedi with his hands I am calling that complete PIS.


But...whats even bigger PIS is for Boba, forget that he survived being eaten 3 times, forgot that he was cured with a magic needle for a moment. Biggest PIS moment? Fighting and SURVIVING against Darth Vader...NO! NO NO! That comic/book/whatever it was, should never have existed at all...it is pure PIS though for Boba and CIS for Vader, because it takes place before ESB/ROTJ so Boba had to survive.


So lets get this straight folks....Boba couldn't even take on a jedi knight, but for some reason he could hold his own against a Sith Lord? Explain authors to me, how that makes any sense whatsoever. I know some will say "oh that had respect for one another." ********, why would a sith lord care to respect someone that is picking a fight with them and won't give said sith lord what they want? Vader should have just crushed Boba, in fact he could have done so a few times when he had Boba on the ground but took his sweet time....when has Vader ever taken his sweet time? Never.


But an even bigger question is, why wouldn't Vader just pull the box to him and then just crush Boba's body? Could have easily done so, but again we established that it was PIS because there is no way Vader would give 2 flying Bantha's about Boba.


Whoever wrote that comic, better have realized how stupid it was. I am actually baffled, that it isn't considered N-canon.



Anyway, am done. Now I don't hate these two characters, but the EU authors have turned them into something that by the movies, by G-canon they shouldn't have ever been.


Edit: Wanted to added one more thing, killing jedi doesn't make you a great bounty hunter or the best. What would make a great bounty hunter is surviving, getting bounties(non-force sensitives) that no one else could get. Jango and Boba, didn't need to take on jedi to prove that they are good.


First off you are not taking into account the Jedi's Boba/Jango took on vs the Movies. Obi, Anakin and so forth were among the best. Its like a skilled level 50 Bounty Hunter Player with out BM gear on going up against elite War Hero geared out Jedi's....


Example: EP 2 Jango took out a Jedi with quickness when defending Lord Tyranus in the arena with only a few shots but when he went up against Mace it was a different story.

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that's kinda true... I mean Lucas himself stated Sidious was the most powerful sith ever which is why the EU gets away with having him do what he does... but in the movies he seems to get beat down by Mace then barely beat Yoda back by luck... then in the EU he's body jumping between clones so he's practically immortal and creating force storms that ravage entire planets


as far as Jango and Boba go ya they got their *** kicked fighting fighting Jedi in the movies but kill them in the EU but that's simply because in the EU they kill "redshirt" jedi while in the movies they fight big name hero major character Jedi... they were victims of plot... not to mention at the time Boba's scene was filmed he wasn't a major character he was just a minor plot extra... hell look at Vader... we only see him really fight 2 jedi in the films... Obi-wan kicks his *** the first time and holds him off then gives up the second, and then he gets his *** beat by Luke who has the training of a padawan and yet we all accept the EU that says he slaughters jedi by the dozen...


According to the book and old GL himself while Mace is a better swordmen the sheer power of Sidious would over whelm Mace. It was a fake outcome to get Anakin to join the Dark Side and make it look like the Jedi were the aggressor.


The only person that was ever on Sidious level was Yoda and even Yoda struggled against him.

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...hell look at Vader... we only see him really fight 2 jedi in the films... Obi-wan kicks his *** the first time and holds him off then gives up the second, and then he gets his *** beat by Luke who has the training of a padawan and yet we all accept the EU that says he slaughters jedi by the dozen...


Well hang on, here. He also whoops Dooku's butt (after getting owned by him in Attack of the Clones, fair) and kills dozens of jedi at the temple. Yeah, there're kids and students, but the video feed that Obi-Wan and Yoda watch shows him taking down two grown Jedi at once, one of whom is a master. Already Anakin has racked up the highest number of force-user kills by far! (Sidious taking down four masters at once takes the cake still)


Then in his fight with Obi-Wan, Anakin gets whooped at the end, but throughout the fight it's a fairly even match. I would hardly say that Anakin's loss is a result of his being inferior.


And while Luke beats him down solidly in Return of the Jedi, Vader hardly breaks a sweat while beating Luke six ways from Sunday in Empire Strikes Back.


So given just the movies, I'd say that Vader is still the biggest bad*** this side of Sidious.

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this raises some interesting questions about Canon and what we know.


For example we know that for something to be considered canon it has to obey G-canon which is what we see in the movies.


If a character in the EU doesn't act anything like he does in the movies or is more powerful then is it canon? As it would contradict what we see in the movies.


George has said that there is no story after RotJ, that the Emperor doesn't get cloned, Vader doesn't come back, and Luke doesn't get married.

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this raises some interesting questions about Canon and what we know.


For example we know that for something to be considered canon it has to obey G-canon which is what we see in the movies.


If a character in the EU doesn't act anything like he does in the movies or is more powerful then is it canon? As it would contradict what we see in the movies.


George has said that there is no story after RotJ, that the Emperor doesn't get cloned, Vader doesn't come back, and Luke doesn't get married.


actually no... it raises no questions anymore, well not since the 90s when Lucas appointed someone to officialy rule on it... our opinion on what seems correct and what seems ridiculous or wrong doesn't matter so long as LL (specifically Leland Chee) rules it as canon... not to mention a character gaining/losing power or changing how they act in works that take place after or well before the movies isn't disproved by the films as people/things do change.. the Star Wars IP has been an ever evolving and changing one


and Lucas never said nothing after RotJ happened and he did appoint someone to rule on official canon that right there shows his stance on it... he said the story HE was telling ended there because it was the story of Anakin's fall and redemption... not that it matters as Lucas has changed his opinion of the EU more than once, he's gone from ignoring it, to considering it separate, to accepting it and now to even using parts of it in his own works... all that matters is his last stance which is that what LL says is canon is canon and the EU is very much part of star wars... he's even gone as far as in an interview, when asked about Anikin's scar in RotS to say that he never made up a backstory for it and that things like that are for the EU authors to do



So given just the movies, I'd say that Vader is still the biggest bad*** this side of Sidious.


that's not saying much since Sidious couldn't stop a wounded one armed man from chucking him down a giant shaft...lol


trying to apply real world logic to fictional characters where the relative power and actions of things are ruled by the plot and can be changed by the whim of an author instead never works out well

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Not all Jedi are Mace Windus and Luke Skywalkers, but I tend to agree. The EU has elevated Jango and Boba to higher levels than they are portrayed in the films. By a lot. Turns out Boba is such a great Jedi killer he taught Jaina Solo how to take on a Jedi. A man who jumped in front of an ignited lightsabre doesn't seem like someone who is all that smart at killing Jedi.


The EU has some good things to say about them, but it also has the most nonsensical view on them too. The films pitted them against the very, very best. The EU pits them against many.

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actually no... it raises no questions anymore, well not since the 90s when Lucas appointed someone to officialy rule on it... our opinion on what seems correct and what seems ridiculous or wrong doesn't matter so long as LL (specifically Leland Chee) rules it as canon... not to mention a character gaining/losing power or changing how they act in works that take place after or well before the movies isn't disproved by the films as people/things do change.. the Star Wars IP has been an ever evolving and changing one


and Lucas never said nothing after RotJ happened and he did appoint someone to rule on official canon that right there shows his stance on it... he said the story HE was telling ended there because it was the story of Anakin's fall and redemption... not that it matters as Lucas has changed his opinion of the EU more than once, he's gone from ignoring it, to considering it separate, to accepting it and now to even using parts of it in his own works... all that matters is his last stance which is that what LL says is canon is canon and the EU is very much part of star wars... he's even gone as far as in an interview, when asked about Anikin's scar in RotS to say that he never made up a backstory for it and that things like that are for the EU authors to do





They have flipped flopped quite a bit on what is and what isn't canon. But the rules as they currently are


G-canon is absolute canon; the movies (their most recent release), the scripts, the novelizations of the movies, the radio plays, and any statements by George Lucas himself. G-canon overrides the lower levels of canon when there is a contradiction. Within G-canon, many fans follow an unofficial progression of canonicity where the movies are the highest canon, followed by the scripts, the novelizations, and then the radio plays.

T-canon[4] refers to the canon level comprising only the two television shows: Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the Star Wars live-action TV series. Its precedence over C-Level canon was confirmed by Chee.[5]

C-canon is primarily composed of elements from the Expanded Universe including books, comics, and games bearing the label of Star Wars. Games and RPG sourcebooks are a special case; the stories and general background information are themselves fully C-canon, but the other elements such as character/item statistics and gameplay are, with few exceptions, N-canon.

S-canon is secondary canon; the story itself is considered non-continuity, but the non-contradicting elements are still a canon part of the Star Wars universe. This includes things like the online roleplaying game Star Wars: Galaxies and certain elements of a few N-canon stories.

N-canon is non-canon. "What-if" stories (such as stories published under the Star Wars: Infinities label), crossover appearances (such as the Star Wars character appearances in Soulcalibur IV), game statistics, and anything else directly contradicted by higher canon ends up here. N-canon is the only level that is not considered official canon by Lucasfilm. A significant amount of material that was previously C-canon was rendered N-canon by the release of Episodes I–III.


What's really interesting is they never answer specific questions about what is and what isn't canon.


For example let's take Boba Fett and his famous death (or resurrection)


Now George Lucas on many occasions (including the Blu Ray DVD commentary) has said Boba Fett is dead.


Leeland Chee has been asked many times if Boba Fett is alive or not and he has never answered the question.


You will not find a single quote from Chee or Lucas that says Boba Fett is alive or that he escaped the Sarlac Pitt.


You would think that if those books where all Canon then they would just come out and say "yup he's alive" But they don't they activly avoid the question.


There was a 600 page thread on the old Starwars.com about what is and what is not canon. Leeland Chee if contributed to it but he never gave clear answers.


Steve Sansweet of Lucas Film said this about Star Wars canon

"Ask the Jedi Council" post on the subject at starwars.com: "Like the great Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi said, 'many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view'."


Leeland Chee said this in 2006

Film+EU continuity. Anything not in the current version of the films is irrelevant to Film only continuity


As for Lucas and post ROTJ he said this

LUCAS: "I've left pretty explicit instructions for there not to be any more features. There will definitely be no Episodes VII–IX. That's because there isn't any story. I mean, I never thought of anything. And now there have been novels about the events after Episode VI, which isn't at all what I would have done with it. The Star Wars story is really the tragedy of Darth Vader. That is the story. Once Vader dies, he doesn't come back to life, the Emperor doesn't get cloned and Luke doesn't get married..."


According to the Canon system that makes everything post ROTJ non canon.




EDIT: I almost forgot this great quote from Sansweet also from the Ask the jedi council event


"As many fans know, when it comes to Star Wars knowledge, there are degrees of ”canon.” The only true canon are the films themselves. For years, Lucas Books has stayed clear of characters, events, or the timeframe that George might want to deal with in the Star Wars prequels. While such things as the Clone Wars, the fall of the Jedi, and Palpatine's rise to power were on that list, Boba Fett wasn't considered to be of major concern.
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Not all Jedi are Mace Windus and Luke Skywalkers, but I tend to agree. The EU has elevated Jango and Boba to higher levels than they are portrayed in the films. By a lot. Turns out Boba is such a great Jedi killer he taught Jaina Solo how to take on a Jedi. A man who jumped in front of an ignited lightsabre doesn't seem like someone who is all that smart at killing Jedi.


The EU has some good things to say about them, but it also has the most nonsensical view on them too. The films pitted them against the very, very best. The EU pits them against many.


that's true... also remember Boba was originally just a back ground character filling a plot spot... he was a nobody facing the heros of the film... now, after becoming a fan favorite, in order to give him relevance as a larger character he had to be "buffed" up to be a worthy and able to fill the much larger role... it's hard to actually say he is very different in the EU also because the movies give next to no information about him... we see a little of him as a child then in the OT he has all of what 10 minutes of screen time... not really a lot to go on

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They have flipped flopped quite a bit on what is and what isn't canon. But the rules as they currently are


G-canon is absolute canon; the movies (their most recent release), the scripts, the novelizations of the movies, the radio plays, and any statements by George Lucas himself. G-canon overrides the lower levels of canon when there is a contradiction. Within G-canon, many fans follow an unofficial progression of canonicity where the movies are the highest canon, followed by the scripts, the novelizations, and then the radio plays.

T-canon[4] refers to the canon level comprising only the two television shows: Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the Star Wars live-action TV series. Its precedence over C-Level canon was confirmed by Chee.[5]

C-canon is primarily composed of elements from the Expanded Universe including books, comics, and games bearing the label of Star Wars. Games and RPG sourcebooks are a special case; the stories and general background information are themselves fully C-canon, but the other elements such as character/item statistics and gameplay are, with few exceptions, N-canon.

S-canon is secondary canon; the story itself is considered non-continuity, but the non-contradicting elements are still a canon part of the Star Wars universe. This includes things like the online roleplaying game Star Wars: Galaxies and certain elements of a few N-canon stories.

N-canon is non-canon. "What-if" stories (such as stories published under the Star Wars: Infinities label), crossover appearances (such as the Star Wars character appearances in Soulcalibur IV), game statistics, and anything else directly contradicted by higher canon ends up here. N-canon is the only level that is not considered official canon by Lucasfilm. A significant amount of material that was previously C-canon was rendered N-canon by the release of Episodes I–III.


What's really interesting is they never answer specific questions about what is and what isn't canon.


For example let's take Boba Fett and his famous death (or resurrection)


Now George Lucas on many occasions (including the Blu Ray DVD commentary) has said Boba Fett is dead.


Leeland Chee has been asked many times if Boba Fett is alive or not and he has never answered the question.


You will not find a single quote from Chee or Lucas that says Boba Fett is alive or that he escaped the Sarlac Pitt.


You would think that if those books where all Canon then they would just come out and say "yup he's alive" But they don't they activly avoid the question.


There was a 600 page thread on the old Starwars.com about what is and what is not canon. Leeland Chee if contributed to it but he never gave clear answers.


Steve Sansweet of Lucas Film said this about Star Wars canon



Leeland Chee said this in 2006



As for Lucas and post ROTJ he said this



According to the Canon system that makes everything post ROTJ non canon.


again Lucas has changed his opinion after that so it voids that statement... and Leeland Chee DOES make specific anouncments on what is or isn't canon and on retcons (like with the Ruusan reformation deal)... those canon rules are what THEY at LL use to tell authors what they can and can't write... they are not meant or designed for fans to try and apply..


also the HAVE given the official answer as to Boba Fett being alive... they have stated that all the new novels published ARE canon until the day THEY say otherwise and he is alive in even the most recent ones... thus canon

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again Lucas has changed his opinion after that so it voids that statement... and Leeland Chee DOES make specific anouncments on what is or isn't canon and on retcons (like with the Ruusan reformation deal)... those canon rules are what THEY at LL use to tell authors what they can and can't write... they are not meant or designed for fans to try and apply..


also the HAVE given the official answer as to Boba Fett being alive... they have stated that all the new novels published ARE canon until the day THEY say otherwise and he is alive in even the most recent ones... thus canon


really? Show me where he has changed his mind about that


also there is this also from Sansweet


"As many fans know, when it comes to Star Wars knowledge, there are degrees of ”canon.” The only true canon are the films themselves. For years, Lucas Books has stayed clear of characters, events, or the timeframe that George might want to deal with in the Star Wars prequels. While such things as the Clone Wars, the fall of the Jedi, and Palpatine's rise to power were on that list, Boba Fett wasn't considered to be of major concern.


Show me one quote from Leeland Chee or George Lucas saying he is alive. Just one


Also like I said Blu Ray DVD Commentary George Lucas says Boba Fett is dead.

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really? Show me where he has changed his mind about that


also there is this also from Sansweet




Show me one quote from Leeland Chee or George Lucas saying he is alive. Just one


Also like I said Blu Ray DVD Commentary George Lucas says Boba Fett is dead.


again the fact they stated all the new novels, which all include Boba Fett being very much alive, are canon and must conform to canon proves the point...


On August 4, 2004, when asked if the G and C-levels formed separate and independent canon, Leland Chee responded by stating that both were part of a single canon:


"There is one overall continuity."


so again as Boba is still alive and kicking even in canon novels published this year he is still alive in that ONE continuity... it's not a hard concept to follow


How SW canon works is very simple and the only ones who argue are simply those who do not agree with what is canon and want their version of it instead

Edited by Liquidacid
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