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Are BW blinkered?


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The issue here is that I am relating facts while you are guessing.......The facts I stated are just that, fact. BW will slap ANYTHING on the store it can to milk the cash out of its players, even subbers in STOL have to buy the keys to open boxes, I suggest you go check it out.

The owner of EA has spoken!!


Seriously mate you may be right, you may not be, but to claim tthis as fact is, well hurting your credibility.

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The owner of EA has spoken!!


Seriously mate you may be right, you may not be, but to claim tthis as fact is, well hurting your credibility.


He was right about the keys in STO to unlock the boxes. However, GW2 has boxes too but keys can also drop randomly. I got 5 or 6 keys for their boxes in random drops and more keys inside of the boxes I opened in GW2. I would hope TOR follows GW2's example of keys and not STO's.

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The owner of EA has spoken!!


Seriously mate you may be right, you may not be, but to claim tthis as fact is, well hurting your credibility.


Sorry if you misread my post, the facts I referred to are the STO comments, the comments about SWTOR are just that deja vue............I have been here before, heard the same talk about game stores etc.

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He was right about the keys in STO to unlock the boxes. However, GW2 has boxes too but keys can also drop randomly. I got 5 or 6 keys for their boxes in random drops and more keys inside of the boxes I opened in GW2. I would hope TOR follows GW2's example of keys and not STO's.


Keys in sto are also available on the exchange. There's no need to pay real money for them. But it would be better if they had a slight chance to drop as loot, true.

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Keys in sto are also available on the exchange. There's no need to pay real money for them. But it would be better if they had a slight chance to drop as loot, true.


True but I was meaning in the sense that it never cost someone real world money like in GW2. They are very rare drops but still can be drops then the boxes even can contain another key. Sort of like opening the box for free.


STO's way of no real money is as you said either the exchange or doing the dilithium exchange to get the zen to pay for the keys. But both required someone to pay for the keys or zen (stipend or purchased) to begin with.

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Yeah, I know. I was just saying that there are always keys available on exchange. True that someone somewhere used rl money to purchase, but there's always someone out there that does it. I know I do lol.

I'm really interested in what bioware do with their store, and what they'll offer players as ways to get income.

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More and more I come to these boards hoping that the tide will turn and BW will finally wake up, but no luck yet. Having sat waiting for the livestream event, watched it, and I sat there.........../blink...........I have deja vue..............way way back in 2010 STO launched to much fanfare and promptly fell on its collective *** due to Cryptic not being able to deliver as promised, and when they did deliver it was a pale shadow of what they advertised, with badly thought out mechanics and to boot they used yet another engine that really wasnt up to the job........seem familiar? Now that MMo really bled subs, with only one fully fleshed out faction, and the Klingon faction PvP only (with this little nugget they didnt tell the players until 2 weeks before launch, you can imagine how it went) SWTOR is going the same route, new gear and items from random boxes, which you will have to pay for WITH REAL MONEY in some way, even if u sub. Mark my words, its downhill from here.


What bioware?


Whos left from the original company?


Seems like Daniel and James are all thats left...and Im sure they are looking at new options for employment as we speak.


This game was a failed experiment by EA to raise the value of their stocks.


Lucas arts knew that sony wouldn't make enough money from galaxies to renew the licence when it was up, so they turned to bioware.


Bioware was excited to try its hand in the mmo market.


EA saw this as a way to try and overtake the activision market.


EA destroys the games design document and makes a zombie hybrid between the original vision and world of warcraft, then proceeds to give a huge cash injection, so huge that the investors demanded a return on the product and released it too early.





Bioware is dead, EA killed them, just like origin, bullfrog,and many others.



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Is there a replay of the Livestream somewhere so I can watch for myself?


It's quite sad to watch. If you're enjoying the game as is, I recommend not doing so.


A fan of TOR, I want the game to turn around somehow. But, after watching the livestream, I can't help but conclude this game is heading towards something a little above maintenance mode, where players with deep pockets or compulsive disorders will spend cash on digital clothing items and the like to keep TOR going a while longer. The professionalism, vision, and ambition that was apparent before and even after launch is now gone.


What's left is there to see.


I still plan to level a couple alts, enjoying TOR as a sort of extended KOTOR with WZs, but the really great material is already made. When even potentially adding additional species is based on how many purchases Cather gets, and that is "content," a different looking head on a humanoid body, there isn't much left to look forward to. EA has bailed on this game.

Edited by arunav
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