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The Great Bounty Hunt (PvP kill list)


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So, does this only count in open world PVP or would you be fine just seeing a couple pics of their corpses in warzones too?


It's a "hunt" yeah!? Not much of a hunt if you can walk right up to the person and smack em in a 10x10ft area. :)


Not that it is hard to find a couple of folks since they have been trolling Outlaw's Den. How would I know?... well like USHANEV HERE FOR INSTANCE.. tried to gank me last night as I was driving around minding my own biz and had me slivers away from dead before I ran like the pansy healer I am and took the queue pop. Nice try Ush :) *evils*


P.S. Fluxs was witness to this... HINT HINT!

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It's a "hunt" yeah!? Not much of a hunt if you can walk right up to the person and smack em in a 10x10ft area. :)


Not that it is hard to find a couple of folks since they have been trolling Outlaw's Den. How would I know?... well like USHANEV HERE FOR INSTANCE.. tried to gank me last night as I was driving around minding my own biz and had me slivers away from dead before I ran like the pansy healer I am and took the queue pop. Nice try Ush :) *evils*


P.S. Fluxs was witness to this... HINT HINT!


That damn ganker.


And Fluxs just let this happen? Doesn't sound very tanky to me - I thought you called him the best tank on the server! :p

Edited by stringcat
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That damn ganker.


And Fluxs just let this happen? Doesn't sound very tanky to me - I thought you called him the best tank on the server!


He is :) But I was a bad healer and ran away before he could catch up, and Ush was smart and fast enough to take advantage of the situation. WTH do the imps think they are doing hiring a good operative like that?! Those jerks! *winks winks*

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You do realize that guardian/juggernaut tanks are the worst of the three right? Sorry that you're offended by that. Flux is alright, but I wouldn't go saying he's the best tank. But then again, there goes ascension fluffing their reputation and claiming to be the best at everything. :rolleyes: One of my regrets about leaving is that I can no longer crush your cute delusional fantasies anymore. Edited by PoliteAssasin
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check out 0:20 into the vid @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCYngHec4WI
NOOO! You smushed my Ush in a Huttball match!! How could you!! */mourns with a broken heart and then winks with a giggle* How absolutely evilish of you! RAWRSSSS.



This is how real tanks do it.:D Notice right hand side. ERRMAHHHGAWDDDD:eek:



OMG! WOOT I have only been lucky enough to witness epic gaming moments like that maybe a handful of times. Always awesome and vent usually explodes in crazy excitement! May there be many more of those for you to enjoy! *two thumbs up*


You do realize that guardian/juggernaut tanks are the worst of the three right? Sorry that you're offended by that. Flux is alright, but I wouldn't go saying he's the best tank. But then again, there goes ascension fluffing their reputation and claiming to be the best at everything. :rolleyes: One of my regrets about leaving is that I can no longer crush your cute delusional fantasies anymore.


Oh Neo, Neo, Neo. *sighs* In this case Ascension didn't claim anything, But DESI did. I don't think I am the best at anything, but i abso-freaken-lutely DO claim to HAVE the best of everything! RAWR! Fluxs is the best tank in my book cause not only does he rock it in PvP but he's a strong raid tank for our progression group. Every healer is totally biased about their tanks, DUH, just goes with the class. Ryd TOTALLY hands down rocks my healing world, more cuddle puddles is so hawt!!! The big gun/lightsaber wielding DPS can't be beat and I utterly love my raid leader. Don't get me started with Melyn, Threid, Yun, ... oh man I better stop here or you'll have to read way too many names.


But more importantly I don't think these things because of some big fat numbers on a screen. I think that because over time these people have become my gaming friends! We laugh together, moan together, get damn freaken cranky together.... even have screamed and yelled at each other, and died over and over together. But, in the end there are always imaginary hugs to be had and more laughs to share. Lucky for me they are all extremely talented players, but it is these memories that MAKES THEM THE BEST in my book.


And to make it even better... it's not only my guildies, there are so many folks on the server I just love and adore! So many awesome memories have been made. I have become so biased! They are all #1 in my book each for their own reasons. I mean just look at this thread and the Cookie Party introduction thread! That's some fun stuff! Sorry this bugs you but I really don't care. IT IS my own little fantasy, and I'm loving it! We are playing in an imaginary pixel fantasy star wars universe after all! :) You won't be crushing that any time soon! LOL


.... now that I'm done with my luvy duvy rant.. can't we get back to the point of this thread? I BELIEVE I AM PAYING FOR PEOPLE TO BE KILLED!!! :D

Edited by Desiirea
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Sorry love, but my comment wasn't solely addressed to you but to melyn and ushanev who are curious as to who's on my "better than flux list". But I guess they're just biased due to raids and cookies as well. :)


Well I won't even pretend to answer for them. But as I was the one making the claim in the first place, and they were just responding to your response to me, I took it rather personally so answered. :)

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Sorry Desi, the greatest tank to date is the M1A2 Abrams Tank. It has a 120 mm type M-256 smooth bore cannon capable of firing two basic rounds: Kenetic Energy Penetrator rounds of depleted uranium and Hi-Explosive rounds. It has a captains gun and a loaders gun, it has slat armour and armour tiles on top of its advanced steel encased depleted uranium armour. I could go on but that alone is better I think ^_^
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Sorry love, but my comment wasn't solely addressed to you but to melyn and ushanev who are curious as to who's on my "better than flux list". But I guess they're just biased due to raids and cookies as well. :)


Add me to the list of those wondering who you think is a better tank (at least in respect to PVP -- I don't know how anyone would possibly have a reasonable basis for assessing tanks from different raid groups on a comparative basis).

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Add me to the list of those wondering who you think is a better tank (at least in respect to PVP -- I don't know how anyone would possibly have a reasonable basis for assessing tanks from different raid groups on a comparative basis).


I wasn't referring to pve or pvp exclusively, but just tanks in general. If you didn't realize that vanguard/PT tanks are the best of the three, followed by shadow/assassins then you clearly didnt get the memo from Bioware. Even they admitted it, but that aside it is far easier to kill flux than say for example Lowebrutus, who was without a doubt the best tank this server has seen period. Mostly due to his class I might add. But he's no longer here, so I'd say the PT tank Deedee would have to be the best I've encountered since then. Again heavily due to the class which was designed and admitted by bioware to be the best tank of all three choices. It takes a lot longer to kill those two than it does to kill a jugg/guardian or shadow/assassin tank. If you'd like to know more, shoot me a pm. I'd rather not derail the thread any further over what started out as a simple statement. People are so sensitive these days. :p

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Since Megan is so cheap and only having 250k on his head will upset Scyns fragile epeen, I will add 250k to Scyns bounty. Im also putting a bounty on Consular because he is the bestest pvper on the server, 500k. Edited by Boch
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Well I take it that we Tank Guardians/Juggs have a harder time in PvE than Vanguards and even Shadows because of aggro. But in PvP I kind of thought we would be the hardest to kill. Vanguards are heavily based on shield and absorption, which are doing VERY bad in PvP. Unless they can really tweak their gear, they shouldn't have higher defense rating than guardians, which right now is the only thing that counts a bit (and not very well, pvp tanking sucks).


Shadows/Assassins have very good buffs and passives, yeah, but with Light Armor can they really compete with us?


So maybe you are talking about specific things tanks can do, like CC's, running away or stealthing, but when it comes to mitigating damaging I really thought Guardians would be best in current scenario. Of course I'm not considering bases stats alone, but one have to consider Saber Ward - 50% melee and ranged defense for 12 seconds and Warding Call - 40% damage reduction for 10 seconds, among many other tanking abilities (Unremitting force, 20% defense everytime I force leap).

Edited by BigGoatBR
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Since Megan is so cheap and only having 250k on his head will upset Scyns fragile epeen, I will add 250k to Scyns bounty. Im also putting a bounty on Consular because he is the bestest pvper on the server, 500k.




Man I have been look for these people on tatooine and haven't seen any one for a couple of days now


Indeed, with the new Raid zone out a few of us have been working progression! I'll see what I can do to nudge a few of these folks to maybe make an appearance tonight since it's FRIDAY!! RAWR! Lets get some pvp action on in Outlaws den and see if we can't get some of these names on the list. Spread the word!

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Well I take it that we Tank Guardians/Juggs have a harder time in PvE than Vanguards and even Shadows because of aggro. But in PvP I kind of thought we would be the hardest to kill. Vanguards are heavily based on shield and absorption, which are doing VERY bad in PvP. Unless they can really tweak their gear, they shouldn't have higher defense rating than guardians, which right now is the only thing that counts a bit (and not very well, pvp tanking sucks).


Shadows/Assassins have very good buffs and passives, yeah, but with Light Armor can they really compete with us?


So maybe you are talking about specific things tanks can do, like CC's, running away or stealthing, but when it comes to mitigating damaging I really thought Guardians would be best in current scenario. Of course I'm not considering bases stats alone, but one have to consider Saber Ward - 50% melee and ranged defense for 12 seconds and Warding Call - 40% damage reduction for 10 seconds, among many other tanking abilities (Unremitting force, 20% defense everytime I force leap).


Sorry but you couldn't be farther from the truth. Guardian tanks are the easiest to kill. Slightly more difficult are shadows, then vanguards top list. This is not simply based on experience, but based on biowares own admission. As far as light armor goes, that doesn't mean they're less tankier. Their tank stance boosts their armor to the required amount.



Here is a quote of bioware admitting it:


Can you expound on the design philosophy of the three tank Advanced Classes. Specifically, what is unique about each class, what makes them the tank that they are?


Austin: Philosophically, I want each tank to be competitive with the others but have a different feel. Overall, I’m fairly pleased with how close we are to that goal.


Vanguards and Powertechs are the sturdiest and toughest, passively, of the tanks. We want these tanks to feel like super soldiers, soaking up damage and using the latest shielding technology to survive.


Shadows and Assassins are the most evasive of the tanks, but they aren’t full-blown “evasion tanks,” at least not in the sense that they “dodge or die.” While a lot of their survivability comes from avoidance, they also use self-healing and high shield rates to stay competitive.


Guardians and Juggernauts fall somewhere in between the other tanks. They strike a balance of mitigation and avoidance, with a complement of maintained active defenses. I want Guardians and Juggernauts to feel tough, but they’re not super soldiers like Troopers and Bounty Hunters, and it just wouldn’t be right if they weren’t deflecting and parrying a lot of incoming attacks with their lightsabers.




Edited by PoliteAssasin
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