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Consolidated Post: APAC/Oceanic Server Concerns


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The only long queues i've had was for group finder, but I play with my wife..so we're always a group of 2 and can complete most things. PVP queues on Dalbora, I think the longest I had to wait was 5 minutes for a lvl 50 WZ. Edited by Jinsali
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210 ms latency.. i'm guessing this is best case scenario... looks like raids will be cancelled again as raid members get trapped in a spiralling latency nightmare...


You say Aussie server merge would deny players their choice of RP PVP or PVE play style.. hmm... from my understanding you can pvp on any server, you can choose to role play on any server.. so what exactly are they losing..?

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Sending the APAC community to 3 separate NA servers DOES NOT SOLVE ANYTHING. The simple fact is the peak time at which the APAC community plays is what constitutes the quietest time of the day for the NA servers. So all you'll end up with is continuing complaints about long ques... ...


I really wish people would try the other server out before posting opinion paraded as fact like this. I understand people are upset, in some respects they have more than a right to be. But statements like this simply aren't true.


I play from Melbourne, and even at 11pm Melb time on weekdays, i still get GF que pops, although it does get quieter around then. But pops still happen. GF pops all the time anytime during the weekend. WZ's pops are never ending, anytime, day or night, any day of the week. That is better than any aussie server just there, not even mentioning it has a thriving RWZ community compared to the APAC servers too.


No complaints about ques at all, maybe you should try it out yourself.


Edit: P.S.: <The Elite> are recruiting on the Bastion repub side, come join us for double xp weekends and see for yourself guys!!

Edited by GHoppa
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210 ms latency.. i'm guessing this is best case scenario... looks like raids will be cancelled again as raid members get trapped in a spiralling latency nightmare...


You say Aussie server merge would deny players their choice of RP PVP or PVE play style.. hmm... from my understanding you can pvp on any server, you can choose to role play on any server.. so what exactly are they losing..?


Sales of the expansion if they had of announced and done this 6 months ago.

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Just checked the fleet populations on The Bastion (96 characters) and Dalborra (95 characters). I know it's not the greatest metric, but it seems that merging Master Dar'Nala to the US server is not really any more beneficial population wise. AND we lose out awesome ping. Edited by hamsel
clarifying post
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If this is not listed on your favourite gaming news websites, tell them in their "contacts" section, spread the word EA is making poor excuses for what is simply a screw you to their paying customers of Australia/Oceanic. Edited by Dirtyshadow
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Quote: Originally Posted by EricMusco

to put it simply, even merging all of APAC together into one server would not solve the population problems. Even with that solution you would still see long queue times for things like Warzones and Group Finder. It was because of this that we decided that moving APAC into the NA servers was the best option.


Sorry Eric this is not true I play on Dalborra and we have no ques no lag and a good community 50 WZ pop in 2 or 3 min sub 50 1 to 2 min. If you was told this you was lied too!

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This will be the end of my sub. Bad choice since we get 2 standard server loads an even high on the weekends. The high ping works against you badly and our play time is dead state side. But BW haven't shown any interest in there player base, more interested in telling us how we should play there game. Not making it more player friendly. Will I get a refund on the expansion that I payed for thinking I would be enjoying 105 ms ping not 350+ms? Considering we didn't get access to the collectors edition to by at anytime in Oceania it's just more proof that we are the treated as the rednecks of the planet. Piss Poor decision.
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Hey everyone,


  • Mastar Dar’Nala (PvP) will transfer to The Bastion (PvP)
  • Gav Daragon (RP-PvE) will transfer to Begeren Colony (RP-PvE)
  • Dalborra (PvE) will transfer to The Harbinger (PvE)




Harbringer is already full enoph, cant we get them to move to some where else and/or make harbringer "bigger" w/o screwing up the server like before

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This was an extremely poor decision. What they should have done is merged all three servers into one. Players on the pvp and rp-pve servers have stated that they would prefer to come to Dalborra than move to a US server with high ping. The play style reason is an excuse and lie! Players would rather play with 20-30ms ping than 200+ on a US server. Play style is hurt more by the high ping than merging into a pve server.


I beg Bioware to reconsider this and merge all the APAC servers into Dalborra.

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Bioware. Reconsider this and I'll reconsider pursuing a refund.


agreed, only this decision will make me reconsider buying any of their products in the future. After all if this is anything to go on, their games will only get maybe a year or two of play time before they **** it up somehow.

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Just checked the fleet populations on The Bastion (96 characters) and Dalborra (95 characters). I know it's not the greatest metric, but it seems that merging Master Dar'Nala to the US server is not really any more beneficial population wise. AND we lose out awesome ping.


Gotta compare Bastion to Master D and Harbinger to Dalborra.

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Lol at us being twerps for actually having the foresight to see this coming and wanting to play this game on a populated server.


Seriously, I'm sad to see certain players leave the game, but truth be told, I have seen 99% of my friends in the game already quit months ago so I'm used to it by now.


As for the lag, I was playing with around 200 ping my entire time on APAC and still did better than most so I just don't get this argument that the game is "unplayable." Harder, definitely. But unplayable? Dunno about that. It does truly does suck for the guys who get the really hing ping (300+), there's nothing that can be done for you.



I wasn't calling you twerps for trying to recruit. I was calling you twerps for the mind blowing stupidity behind laughing at people who are venting their very justified anger at the incompetence and deliberate negligence from EA/Bioware, and then also asking for people from that demographic to join your guild -____-


You may as well have your recruitment message read - "Hi, I'm a smug ********, with no consideration for anyone else, and I enjoy antagonising other people simply for the sake of being a dick, want to join my guild?"

Edited by Paelo
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I wasn't calling you twerps for trying to recruit, I was calling you twerps for the mind blowing stupidity behind laughing at people who are venting their very justified anger at the incompetence and deliberate negligence from EA/Bioware, and then also asking for people from that demographic to join your guild -____-


You may as well have your recruitment message read - "Hi, I'm a smug ********, with no consideration for anyone else and I enjoy antagonising other people simply for the sake of being a dick, want to join my guild?"


This, read this all you annoying as **** recruiters.

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I hate you BioWare. You've pushed me too far. I've been willing to forgive a lot of your blunders over the past few years. DA2 was okay. ME3's ending sucked, and still does, but the rest of the game was good and you tried to turn the ending around. TOR's delay in Australia sucked, but you gave us our own servers. TOR itself had a lot of missteps, a lot of stupid design choices, and the whole thing with SGRA is a huge failure on your part, but it's still an okay game and I was willing to stick by you in hopes it would get better. But now you're shutting down our servers, and I just can't take it anymore.


All these little things over the years, they've all added up, and I now hate you BioWare. I hate you with a deep passion and I want your company to crumble to dust. I don't hold any specific hate to the people who work there, but as a corporation you are evil and need to go away.

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Gotta compare Bastion to Master D and Harbinger to Dalborra.


What I mean is the difference between merging Master D between The Bastion (US) and Dalborra (AUS, which is what everyone seems to want but Bioware) is ONE player. So Bioware saying we will have better population with a US merge is just wrong. It'll be exactly the same.


I kinda feel bad for those on Dalborra, if we players from Master D hadn't asked Bioware to do something about the APAC Server populations, they may have kept there Aus server. :(

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Can someone who has a 10th lvl toon on Bastion log on during our peak time and see how many are there?


Checked at about 8.30 AEST Tuesday 23/03/2013 and there was...


Wait for it....



68 on Republic Fleet on the Bastion.


At the same time there was 120 on Republic Fleet on Dalborra and 47 on Rep fleet on Master D.


So this idea moving us to the Bastion (or other US server) is to improve our in game population experience more so than a Merger in APAC is...



Wait for it...







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So the asked the forums...how many players actually read the forums.


They got 92 response...that just goes to show you.


If they were serious about polling the APAC player base, they should have at least sent an email out to everyone who has characters on those servers. Not really hard to do. Run a cross-level query against your player base on the 3 servers against billing information to provide a mailing list. Remove any duplicates, then attach a link to the poll and Jacks your Aunty.


Actually that poll was something set up by a person in this forum, using a free online site. It limited the survey responses to 100 people. The number of 92 came from discounting a couple of invalid responses and a few that were multiple times from the same IP. The questions written up for the survey were pretty poorly done as well. I don't remember the posters name, it was a nice attempt but didn't really help clarify anything.


As for responses from players in the forums, well this thread is pretty well the largest on the forums. Just reading through this forum, the response from subscribers is pretty well overwhelmingly in favour of merging the APAC servers. And if you just check this thread since Eric's post... well the response is overwhelmingly negative.


Personally, I'm on Gav Daragon and I only started to run into the population issues after F2P started. I'm aware that Dalborra has lacked the problems GD has and would've rerolled their if I hadn't spent Cartel Coins on GD. Thats money spent on things I would simply lose by rerolling. Hence I've been waiting for EAWare to offer the chance to transfer my characters across to Dalborra. The reason my friends and I rolled on GD was because the server was more accessible than Dalborra at launch. We could play on GD, or sit and wait in a queue for Dalborra. As for keeping play types, that might be an issue for the 10 or so people that I've seen actually roleplaying on GD.

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