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My CE Arrived from Amazon on Friday.. DAMAGED!


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Got home Friday and what do you know, my CE box was sitting in front of my garage (Good place to put that, UPS.. why not my porch?!)


Anyway, I run out to get it and the shipping box is all ripped open from the top. Not only that, but the CE box is also all ripped open. No items are missing but I did notice TIRE MARKS on the box as if it were ran over.


I cannot confirm whether anything is working (since I did not install via CD and did a download and have yet to set up security key). I do know my Malgnus Statue, Map, Book and Music CD are "OK" and all in working order.


Anyway, just wanted to share the story.. thinking of calling amazon and demanding some sort of refund or product replacement for the damaged shipping but also not wanting to go through the hassle lol

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if everything works, who gives a crap? the box is meant to keep the items from being damaged. Just because the box itself is damaged doesn't mean you can call the entire product damaged.


if you're looking to be compensated, then fine. Do it. But if you're looking to have the item replaced, I wouldn't go to the trouble.

Edited by VicSkimmr
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The lightsaber is wrapped in tissue paper in with the figure...you sure you didn't throw it away?


In tissue paper the same color as the styrofoam opaque enough to hide the red color in the upper left corner of the "back" half of the styrofoam shell if I remember right.

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